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Revision as of 11:55, 31 January 2008

Example of what I mean

Something like this could allow users to easily see if their bug has already been found:

Wiki Number First line of debug message or dialog Title Description

SVC-1311 ~ Mono: Multiple RunTime errors when attempting to run the QA HUD
SVC-1312 ~ Mono: old scripts in attachments fail to run.
SVC-1313 ~ Mono: Mono & LSL2 scripts in one object exhibit misleading behavior No warning about unrecognized bytecode. One 'Hello Avatar', as excpected. Able to reset the scripts in the prim, one should fail but doesnt. A variation of this with a linked set also allows the Mono prims to 'reset' with the others in the linked set. The Mono scripts do not, in fact, reset. Also, the Mono prims can be set to running in an lsl2 region under these conditions, however they in fact do not get set to running.
SVC-1315 ~ Mono: Resetting a Mono script in a Second Life Server region throws the wrong exception Error popup has wrong text. It reads: "Not able to perform 'recompilation'. Select an object with a script."
SVC-1344 ~ MONO Beta Grid Crashes Running the attached script under mono crashes the sim 100% Have not isolated the offending function yet.
SVC-1342 ~ Mono: Boolean AND (&&) and Boolean OR (||) were incorrectly mapped to the bitwise operators. The && and || operators (Boolean AND and Boolean OR respectively) have been mapped to the bitwise operators. This can result in code that does not work properly when the operands are not pure booleans. What is the point in having separate operators if they do the same thing.
SVC-1327 UThread injection failed Mono: UThread Injection Failed: llHTTPRequest I can't compile following script in mono.

(shows 'UThread injection failed' dialog)

SVC-1356 ~ Mono Beta treats list assignments as references Assinging one list variable to another list variable copies only the list's reference instead of creating an identical copy of the list. As a result, changes to one list affects the other. The following script demonstrates the issue:

(shows 'UThread injection failed' dialog)

SVC-1317 UThread injection failed Mono: UThread Injection Failed: llTakeCamera It turns out this is a deprecated function and is not necessary in my script. There should be a better error message if deprecated functions will not be supported in mono.
SVC-1319 Assemble to CLI failed. Please try again later Mono: http_response event broken Compile of the below snippet fails with error: "Assemble to CLI failed. Please try again later." The same script works and runs fine in LSL.
SVC-1323 ~ Mono: llPlaySound / llTriggerSound fail Both llPlaySound and llTriggerSound fail when called with either a sound's key or name, both while its in or out of the object's contents.
SVC-1325 Object: Script run-time error Mono: negation of vector or rotation causes runtime error
SVC-1326 ~ Mono: llGetFreeMemory quirks. llGetFreeMemory seems to only report 16k free memory for mono scripts, even though they are supposed to have 64k free space. My test script seems to indeed be able to store 60K of data or so.
SVC-1330 ~ Mono: Typecasting to boolean inconsistent between Mono and LSL In LSL, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, NULL_KEY, "" (null string) and [] (null list) all evaluate to boolean FALSE; in Mono they all evaluate to TRUE.
SVC-1331 Object: Script run-time error Mono: Floating point fed to conditional causes error
SVC-1335 ~ Mono beta: integer *= float difference LSL permits integer *= float and evaluates it at run-time, rounding off the result before assigning it to the integer variable.
SVC-1340 ~ Mono: llXorBase64StringsCorrect() will not compile. llXorBase64Strings() does. Mono: llXorBase64StringsCorrect() will not compile. llXorBase64Strings() does.
SVC-1349 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Mono beta: System.NullReferenceException with certain constellation
SVC-1346 ~ Mono beta - string to integer casting provides different results on Mono and LSL if a string has non-numeric characters in it, MONO does not return integer value at start of string
SVC-1353 Object: Script run-time error Mono Beta: Broken Script Memory Constraints It's currently possible for a variable within an event to contain apparently unlimited data.
SVC-1357 ~ Mono Beta: Memory Leak Using the memory hack:
 some_string = (some_string = "") + some_string... 

seems to result in a memory leak within loops.

SVC-1359 ~ Failure to compile with redudant state_entry events on Mono Scripts with more then one state_entry events in same state fail to compile in Mono. [...]Under the LSL2 VM only the last state_entry event in any given state will run, and when compiled under mono it will return an error.
SVC-1361 ~ Mono Beta: Functions Missing Delay The following functions are missing their built-in delay, reproduction is pretty straightforward. Will add others to this list at some point, building from the reference list at: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=ScriptDelay
SVC-1365 ~ Mono beta: run_time_perms prevents listens If a run_time_perms event just exists in a script compiled in mono, it prevents a listener (I found this from my dialog not apparently doing anything, but setting it to channel 0 did show it was outputting while not being heard). Simply say something in chat and the object should repeat it back to you, but doesn't in Mono. If you save without checking Mono or comment out the run_time_perms, the listen works properly.
SVC-1320 ~ Mono Beta: Unable to test boat scripts, as the four Mono enabled sandboxes are waterless
SVC-1321 System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object Mono beta: "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" upon MONO compile. This happens just after the script starts reading the notecard. The problem seems related to animOverride(), or the permissions event or function, however I'm not too sure. I'm having difficulty pinpointing the exact point of error, as so much as commenting out instances of animOverride(); seems to crash sims rather consistently.
SVC-1324 Object: Script run-time error Mono Beta: Functions within a function that returns a vector crash the script
SVC-1328 UThread Injection Failed UThread Injection Failed: Returning from a function on an alternate logic branch with no return value, when one is expected
SVC-1329 Object: PSYS error: rule 14 error, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY needs key data Various particle bugs when converting an lsl2 particle script to mono errors (occurred separately on different scripts) when changing a standard lsl2 script with particle controls to mono, occurred on every particle based script I tried this with) In at least one case script began to work correctly then stopped giving the error in error console.
SVC-1334 ~ Mono beta: When using llSetObjectDesc or llSetObjectName, the "|" (pipe) symbol get converted to a "?" symbol. The "|" symbol gets converted into a "?" when you use llSetObjectDesc or llSetObjectName.
SVC-1336 ~ Mono Beta: Control inputs not acting properly In my vehicle script, I have the left mouse button mapped to a specific vehicle capability. When the mouse button is held down, the vehicle will rotate along the Z axis, when the mouse button is released, the vehicle is supposed to return back to it's default banking behavior...The system does not seem to be detecting the release of the mouse button. Unchecked the MONO box to compile on the older LSL VM and worked perfectly as it was intended.
SVC-1343 Script run-time error Mono Beta: Elaborated script run-time error message
SVC-1345 UThread injection failed Mono beta - UThread injection failed - llReleaseCamera llReleaseCamera causes UThread injection error
SVC-1347 ~ Mono Beta: Scripts stop running silently after sim border crossing I have seen that some mono compiled scripts in an attachment silently stop running after a sim border crossing.
SVC-1352 ~ Mono beta - scripts appear to not be limited to 64k data Following script allowed memory storage that appears to be way more than 64k of data. Touch was to verify data was actually there.
SVC-1350 ~ Mono: List length hack no longer works This is from a function written by Strife Onizuka; I don't know how widely it's used, and never worked out how it works under LSL, but it no longer does in Mono:
SVC-1360 ~ Mono: Lists do not retain Key type
SVC-1369 ~ Mono Beta - Depending on complexity a script may be rezzed running or not The attached script when put into an object will be rezzed either running or not running depending on if a single line is commented out. This appears to be an issue with complexity or something similar. There is plenty of memory available and it doesn't depend a lot on what line is commented out (although this has a suggested one).
SVC-1371 UThread injection failed Mono: llReleaseCamera() causes "UThread injection failed". Any script containing the llReleaseCamera() function fails at compile-time.
SVC-1372 Unable to upload" .. "due to the following reason: Assemble to CIL failed. Please try again later." Mono Beta - Duplicate events in Mono script cause compilation failure, while LSL only runs the last duplicate event
SVC-1341 ~ Mono beta: Surprising optimization - loop over call to empty function