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*[http://www.personalizemedia.com/index.php/2006/07/23/merged-media-entertainment-where-reality-ends-virtuality-begins/ Merged-Media Entertainment - where reality ends, virtuality begins]
*[http://www.personalizemedia.com/index.php/2006/07/23/merged-media-entertainment-where-reality-ends-virtuality-begins/ Merged-Media Entertainment - where reality ends, virtuality begins]
*[http://www.personalizemedia.com/index.php/2006/07/22/putting-the-space-in-virtual-second-life/ Putting the Space in Virtual - Second Life]
*[http://www.personalizemedia.com/index.php/2006/07/22/putting-the-space-in-virtual-second-life/ Putting the Space in Virtual - Second Life]

Latest revision as of 07:08, 21 March 2008

Gary Hazlitt (Hayes) is the Director of the Australian Laboratory for Advanced Media Production, LAMP and Head of Virtual World Development for the UK based Project Factory.

The Project Factory create virtual world presences and Gary is responsible for major brand deployments such as Telstra BigPond (The Pond - currently SL's top branded space), ABC, Tourism Victoria, Accenture, and educational spaces such as AFTRS and Thursday's Fictions. The Format Factory develop Mixed Reality Formats especially TV and Virtual Hybrid experiences.

LAMP is an initiative to invigorate the Australian media industry and nurture people and projects across social networks, virtual worlds, games, cross-media and mixed reality. It has a range of blogs and its own Wikipedia cited wiki.

Gary was previously Senior Development Producer then Manager at BBC New Media from 1995-04 creating many of the interactive and advanced TV firsts as well as specialising in personal and participatory TV. He authors and operates the following sites:

Gary's Web 2.0/3.0 and Social Networks

Selection of wikipedia and wiki cited blog based articles (up to April 07). E.g.: