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This article is ready for technical review.

Inventory - "Object Profile" should be "Item Profile" - EXT-5339 Object Profile shows properties of an inventory item. When it's used on objects (which are always composed of prims), it shows a limited subset, because many object properties can't be changed unless the object is rezzed inworld.


  Name of the item.

  Description of the item, which isn't searchable in inventory but can provide additional context.

  The creator of this object and a button you can click to view their Profile. Note that when an object has actually been made by multiple creators, Creator: only shows the creator of the root (last-linked, main) prim. To inspect creators of individual prims and contents, you need to rez the object inworld.

  If the item is currently in your inventory, the owner is you. WHY IS THIS EVEN NEEDED, THEN!?! SEE EXT-3716

  The date and time you received the item. If you rez an object inworld, take it, then view its Properties, you see the time you took it here.


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