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== Some Scripts ==
--[[User:Ezian Ecksol|Ezian Ecksol]] 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
// CamJumper
// (c) Ezian Ecksol. Use, modify, steal or sale as you like. Keep credits.
// usage: attach anywhere. Say /1 jc
// to jump to cam position. works also to neighbour sims.
// doesnt work most of the time if flying.
integer jump_max=63;
integer chan = 1;
key owner;
integer wouldGoOffWorld(vector here, vector there) {
    if (there.x < 0. || there.x >= 256. || there.y < 0. || there.y >= 256.)
        return llEdgeOfWorld(here, there - here);
        return FALSE;
jumpto(vector to, float time) {
    vector e; vector from; vector s; float d; integer i; integer j;
    vector from0;
    vector region0; vector region;
    from = llGetPos();
    if (!wouldGoOffWorld(from, to)) {
        region0 = llGetRegionCorner()/256.;
        do {
            region = llGetRegionCorner()/256.;
            if (region != region0) {
                if (region.x > region0.x)
                    to.x -= 256.;
                else if (region.x < region0.x)
                    to.x += 256.;
                if (region.y > region0.y)
                    to.y -= 256.;
                else if (region.y < region0.y)
                    to.y += 256.;
            from0 = from;
            region0 = region;
            d = llVecDist(from, to);
            j = (integer)(d / jump_max)+1;
            e = from + (to - from) / (float)j;
            llOwnerSay("j="+(string)j+", d="+(string)d+", to="+(string)to);
            llMoveToTarget(e, time);
            from = llGetPos();
        } while ((llVecDist(from, to) > 3.) && (llVecDist(from0, from) > 6.));
    } else
        llOwnerSay("Destination is - or would cross - off-world.");
default {
  state_entry() {
      owner = llGetOwner();
      llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);
  run_time_permissions(integer perm) {
        llListen(chan, "", owner, "jc");
        llOwnerSay("Did not get permissions, failed.");
  on_rez(integer start_param) {
  listen(integer ch, string name, key id, string msg) {
      jumpto(llGetCameraPos() + 3.5 * llRot2Fwd(llGetCameraRot()), .05);
--[[User:Ezian Ecksol|Ezian Ecksol]] 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
// Visitor-Detector 0.66
// (c) Ezian Ecksol. Use, modify, steal or sale as you like. Keep credits.
// modify these values: /////
float ignore_time = 20.; // avatars visiting the parcel less than this time in seconds will be ignored
integer print_method = 1; // 0=llSay, 1=llOwnerSay, 2=llInstantMessage
float loop_time = 2.; // scanner checks every <loop_time> seconds
vector parcel0; vector parcel1;
vector parcel_center; vector parcel_size;
float detect_range = 96.;
key owner;
string parcel;
list visitors_long;
list visitors_short;
integer active;
string getparcelname(vector p) {
    return llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(p, [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]),0);
getparcelbounds() {
    vector pos = llGetPos();
    vector rpos;
    pos = <llRound(pos.x), llRound(pos.y), 0.>;
    string name = getparcelname(pos);
    rpos = pos;
    do { rpos.x -= 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.x>=0.)); 
    parcel0.x = rpos.x + 1.;
    rpos = pos;
    do { rpos.y -= 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.y>=0.)); 
    parcel0.y = rpos.y + 1.;
    rpos = pos;
    do { rpos.x += 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.x<256.)); 
    parcel1.x = rpos.x;
    rpos = pos;
    do { rpos.y += 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.y<256.)); 
    parcel1.y = rpos.y;
    parcel_center = (parcel1 + parcel0) / 2.;
    parcel_size = parcel1 - parcel0;
    float c = llPow(parcel_size.x/2.,2.)+llPow(parcel_size.y/2.,2.);
    float d = detect_range*detect_range;
    if (c > d)
        llOwnerSay("Your parcel is to large to be covered by a 96-m-scanner. Place the detector in the middle of the parcel at ground, but the corners are not covered.");
    else {
        vector dest = <parcel_center.x, parcel_center.y, llGround(parcel_center-llGetPos())+llSqrt(d-c)>;
        llOwnerSay("For optimal scanning range at ground, set position of object to: "+Vector2String(dest));
string format_2dig(integer i) {
    if (i<10)
        return "0"+(string)i;
        return (string)i; 
string format_timestamp(string ts) {
    return parcel+", "+llGetSubString(ts, 0, 9)+", "+llGetSubString(ts, 11,18)+" GMT";
string format_seconds(integer s) { 
    integer m = s / 60;
    s %= 60;
    integer h = m / 60;
    m %= 60;
    return format_2dig(h)+":"+format_2dig(m)+":"+format_2dig(s);
console(string txt) {
    if (print_method == 0)
        llSay(0, txt);
    else if (print_method == 1)
        llInstantMessage(owner, txt);
visitors_left(list v) {
    integer j = llGetListLength(v);
    if (j) {
        integer i;
        integer tu = llGetUnixTime();
        for (i=0; i<j; i+=3)
            console("<< "+llList2String(v, i)+" left "+parcel+" after "+format_seconds(tu-llList2Integer(v, i+1)));
string Float2String(float num) {
    list s = llParseString2List((string)(llRound(num*10.)/10.), ["."], []);
    return llList2String(s, 0)+"."+llGetSubString(llList2String(s, 1), 0, 0);
string Vector2String(vector v) {
    return "<"+Float2String(v.x)+", "+Float2String(v.y)+", "+Float2String(v.z)+">";
activate(integer a) {
    active = a;
    if (a) {
        llOwnerSay("Scans every "+Float2String(loop_time)+"s. Ignores visitors staying less than "+Float2String(ignore_time)+"s.");
        llOwnerSay("Activated: "+format_timestamp(llGetTimestamp()));
        llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, detect_range, PI, loop_time);
    } else {
default {
    state_entry() {
        owner = llGetOwner();
        parcel = "\""+llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]),0)+"\""; // +" in "+llGetRegionName();
        llOwnerSay("Touch to stop or start.");
    touch_start(integer n) {
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == owner)
    on_rez(integer p) {
    changed(integer c) {
        if (c & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript(); 
    sensor(integer n) {
        integer i; integer j;
        integer tu = llGetUnixTime();
        string ts = llGetTimestamp();
        string dname;
        list temp;
        list temp_short = visitors_short;
        list temp_long = visitors_long;
        visitors_short = [];
        visitors_long = [];
        for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i))) {
            //vector dpos = llDetectedPos(i);
            //if ((dpos.x >= parcel0.x) && (dpos.x < parcel1.x) && (dpos.y >= parcel0.y) && (dpos.y < parcel1.y)) {
                dname = llDetectedName(i);
                j = llListFindList(temp_long, [dname]);   
                if (j != -1) {
                    visitors_long += llList2List(temp_long, j, j+2);
                    temp_long = llDeleteSubList(temp_long, j, j+2);
                } else {
                    j = llListFindList(temp_short, [dname]);
                    if (j != -1) {
                        temp = llList2List(temp_short, j, j+2);
                        if ((tu-llList2Integer(temp, 1)) >= ignore_time) {
                            visitors_long += temp;
                            console(">> "+llList2String(temp, 0)+" entered "+format_timestamp(llList2String(temp, 2)));
                        } else {
                            visitors_short += temp;
                    } else {
                        visitors_short += [dname, tu, ts];
    no_sensor() {
        visitors_short = [];
        visitors_long = []; 

== Some Scripts ==

--[[User:Ezian Ecksol|Ezian Ecksol]] 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
'''1-Prim Digiclock'''
'''1-Prim Digiclock'''

Line 108: Line 412:

--[[User:Ezian Ecksol|Ezian Ecksol]] 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT)
'''Cam Lock/Follow'''
'''Cam Lock/Follow'''

Revision as of 16:20, 23 September 2008

Some Scripts

--Ezian Ecksol 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT) CamJumper <lsl> // CamJumper // (c) Ezian Ecksol. Use, modify, steal or sale as you like. Keep credits. // // usage: attach anywhere. Say /1 jc // to jump to cam position. works also to neighbour sims. // doesnt work most of the time if flying.

integer jump_max=63; integer chan = 1; key owner;

integer wouldGoOffWorld(vector here, vector there) {

   if (there.x < 0. || there.x >= 256. || there.y < 0. || there.y >= 256.)
       return llEdgeOfWorld(here, there - here);
       return FALSE;


jumpto(vector to, float time) {

   vector e; vector from; vector s; float d; integer i; integer j;
   vector from0;
   vector region0; vector region;
   from = llGetPos();
   if (!wouldGoOffWorld(from, to)) {
       region0 = llGetRegionCorner()/256.;
       do {
           region = llGetRegionCorner()/256.;
           if (region != region0) {
               if (region.x > region0.x)
                   to.x -= 256.;
               else if (region.x < region0.x)
                   to.x += 256.;
               if (region.y > region0.y)
                   to.y -= 256.;
               else if (region.y < region0.y)
                   to.y += 256.;
           from0 = from;
           region0 = region;
           d = llVecDist(from, to);
           j = (integer)(d / jump_max)+1;
           e = from + (to - from) / (float)j;
           llOwnerSay("j="+(string)j+", d="+(string)d+", to="+(string)to);
           llMoveToTarget(e, time);
           from = llGetPos();
       } while ((llVecDist(from, to) > 3.) && (llVecDist(from0, from) > 6.));
   } else
       llOwnerSay("Destination is - or would cross - off-world.");


default {

  state_entry() {
     owner = llGetOwner();
     llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);
  run_time_permissions(integer perm) {
        llListen(chan, "", owner, "jc");
        llOwnerSay("Did not get permissions, failed.");
  on_rez(integer start_param) {
  listen(integer ch, string name, key id, string msg) {
     jumpto(llGetCameraPos() + 3.5 * llRot2Fwd(llGetCameraRot()), .05);

} </lsl>

--Ezian Ecksol 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT) Visitor-Detector

<lsl> // Visitor-Detector 0.66 // (c) Ezian Ecksol. Use, modify, steal or sale as you like. Keep credits.

// modify these values: ///// float ignore_time = 20.; // avatars visiting the parcel less than this time in seconds will be ignored integer print_method = 1; // 0=llSay, 1=llOwnerSay, 2=llInstantMessage float loop_time = 2.; // scanner checks every <loop_time> seconds //////////////////////////////////

vector parcel0; vector parcel1; vector parcel_center; vector parcel_size; float detect_range = 96.; key owner; string parcel; list visitors_long; list visitors_short; integer active;

string getparcelname(vector p) {

   return llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(p, [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]),0);


getparcelbounds() {

   vector pos = llGetPos();
   vector rpos;
   pos = <llRound(pos.x), llRound(pos.y), 0.>;
   string name = getparcelname(pos);
   rpos = pos;
   do { rpos.x -= 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.x>=0.));   
   parcel0.x = rpos.x + 1.;
   rpos = pos;
   do { rpos.y -= 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.y>=0.));   
   parcel0.y = rpos.y + 1.;
   rpos = pos;
   do { rpos.x += 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.x<256.));   
   parcel1.x = rpos.x;
   rpos = pos;
   do { rpos.y += 1.; } while ((getparcelname(rpos) == name) && (rpos.y<256.));   
   parcel1.y = rpos.y;
   parcel_center = (parcel1 + parcel0) / 2.;
   parcel_size = parcel1 - parcel0;
   float c = llPow(parcel_size.x/2.,2.)+llPow(parcel_size.y/2.,2.);
   float d = detect_range*detect_range;
   if (c > d)
       llOwnerSay("Your parcel is to large to be covered by a 96-m-scanner. Place the detector in the middle of the parcel at ground, but the corners are not covered."); 
   else {
       vector dest = <parcel_center.x, parcel_center.y, llGround(parcel_center-llGetPos())+llSqrt(d-c)>;
       llOwnerSay("For optimal scanning range at ground, set position of object to: "+Vector2String(dest));


string format_2dig(integer i) {

   if (i<10)
       return "0"+(string)i;
       return (string)i;   


string format_timestamp(string ts) {

   return parcel+", "+llGetSubString(ts, 0, 9)+", "+llGetSubString(ts, 11,18)+" GMT";


string format_seconds(integer s) {

   integer m = s / 60;
   s %= 60;
   integer h = m / 60;
   m %= 60;
   return format_2dig(h)+":"+format_2dig(m)+":"+format_2dig(s);


console(string txt) {

   if (print_method == 0)
       llSay(0, txt);
   else if (print_method == 1)
       llInstantMessage(owner, txt);


visitors_left(list v) {

   integer j = llGetListLength(v);
   if (j) {
       integer i;
       integer tu = llGetUnixTime();
       for (i=0; i<j; i+=3)
           console("<< "+llList2String(v, i)+" left "+parcel+" after "+format_seconds(tu-llList2Integer(v, i+1)));


string Float2String(float num) {

   list s = llParseString2List((string)(llRound(num*10.)/10.), ["."], []);
   return llList2String(s, 0)+"."+llGetSubString(llList2String(s, 1), 0, 0);


string Vector2String(vector v) {

   return "<"+Float2String(v.x)+", "+Float2String(v.y)+", "+Float2String(v.z)+">";


activate(integer a) {

   active = a;
   if (a) {
       llOwnerSay("Scans every "+Float2String(loop_time)+"s. Ignores visitors staying less than "+Float2String(ignore_time)+"s.");
       llOwnerSay("Activated: "+format_timestamp(llGetTimestamp()));
       llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, detect_range, PI, loop_time);
   } else {


default {

   state_entry() {
       owner = llGetOwner();
       parcel = "\""+llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]),0)+"\""; // +" in "+llGetRegionName();
       llOwnerSay("Touch to stop or start.");
   touch_start(integer n) {
       if (llDetectedKey(0) == owner)
   on_rez(integer p) {
   changed(integer c) {
       if (c & CHANGED_OWNER) llResetScript();   
   sensor(integer n) {
       integer i; integer j;
       integer tu = llGetUnixTime();
       string ts = llGetTimestamp();
       string dname;
       list temp;
       list temp_short = visitors_short;
       list temp_long = visitors_long;
       visitors_short = [];
       visitors_long = [];
       for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
           if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i))) {
           //vector dpos = llDetectedPos(i);
           //if ((dpos.x >= parcel0.x) && (dpos.x < parcel1.x) && (dpos.y >= parcel0.y) && (dpos.y < parcel1.y)) {
               dname = llDetectedName(i);
               j = llListFindList(temp_long, [dname]);     
               if (j != -1) {
                   visitors_long += llList2List(temp_long, j, j+2);
                   temp_long = llDeleteSubList(temp_long, j, j+2);
               } else {
                   j = llListFindList(temp_short, [dname]);
                   if (j != -1) {
                       temp = llList2List(temp_short, j, j+2);
                       if ((tu-llList2Integer(temp, 1)) >= ignore_time) {
                           visitors_long += temp;
                           console(">> "+llList2String(temp, 0)+" entered "+format_timestamp(llList2String(temp, 2)));
                       } else {
                           visitors_short += temp;
                   } else {
                       visitors_short += [dname, tu, ts];
   no_sensor() {
       visitors_short = [];
       visitors_long = [];   

} </lsl>

--Ezian Ecksol 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT) 1-Prim Digiclock

<lsl>// 1-Prim Digiclock // (c) Ezian Ecksol, open source, keep credits // // put to object description the GMT offset in hours, e.g 2.5 // touch to turn on/off

list faces = [3,2.05,.6, 7,.795,0., 4,-11.5,-0.73, 6,.795,0., 1,2.05,-0.6]; key tx = "2b43c7d6-c96a-b5d9-7210-8bc15451252f"; float tx_step = 0.0625; float tx_step_2; float tx_base; integer presence0; float gmt_offset; float clock_cycle; float clock_time; integer clock_mode = TRUE;

list construct_face(integer f, integer z) {

   integer i = f*3;
   return [PRIM_TEXTURE, llList2Integer(faces,i), tx, 
           <llList2Float(faces,i+1), tx_step, 0.0>, <llList2Float(faces,i+2), tx_base-(float)z*tx_step, 0.0>, 0.0]; 


setprim(integer z1, integer z2, integer z3, integer z4, integer z5) {



clock() {

   clock_time = llGetGMTclock() + gmt_offset*3600.0;
   integer s = (integer) clock_time;
   integer h = (s / 3600) % 24;
   integer m = s % 3600;
   m = m / 60; 
   integer w1 = (integer) (clock_time / clock_cycle);
   float w2 = clock_time - (float)w1 * clock_cycle;


default {

   state_entry() {
       integer f;
       integer i;
       list j;
       gmt_offset = (float)llGetObjectDesc();
       tx_step_2 = tx_step / 2.;
       tx_base = 0.5 - tx_step_2;
       clock_cycle = 60.0;
       for (i=0; i<15; i+=3) {
           f = llList2Integer(faces,i);
           j += [PRIM_GLOW,f,.01, PRIM_COLOR, f, <0., 0., 1.>, 1.];
           PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_PRISM, 1, <0.2, 0.8, 0.0>, 0.7, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>,
           PRIM_SIZE, <0.01, 1.777, 0.577>, PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, ALL_SIDES, TRUE, PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <0., 0., 1.>, 0.] + j); 
   on_rez(integer p) {
   touch_start(integer total_number) { 
       if (llGetOwner() == llDetectedKey(0)) {
           clock_mode = !clock_mode;
           if (clock_mode) {
           } else {
   timer() {


--Ezian Ecksol 17:20, 23 September 2008 (PDT) Cam Lock/Follow <lsl> // Camstyle, (c) Ezian Ecksol, feel free to copy, steal, modify

// Put script into prim, attach it. // usage: position your camera where you like. // enter in chan: // /1 camstyle follow <-- camera is fixed, but follows your av // /1 camstyle lock <-- camera is completly locked // /1 camstyle <-- releases cam again

integer chan = 1;

key owner; list keywords = ["lock", "follow"];

cam_style(integer cs) {

   if (!cs)
   vector cpos = llGetCameraPos();
                   CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.5, CAMERA_POSITION, cpos];
   if (cs == 1) 
       params += [
           CAMERA_DISTANCE, .5, // ( 0.5 to 10) meters
           CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.1, // (0 to 3) seconds
           CAMERA_PITCH, 10.0, // (-45 to 80) degrees
           CAMERA_FOCUS, cpos + llRot2Fwd(llGetCameraRot()), // region-relative position
           CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.1, // (0 to 3) seconds
           CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 1.0 // (0 to 3) seconds
   else if (cs == 2) 
       params += [
           CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds
           CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.5 // (0 to 3) seconds


default {

   state_entry() {
       owner = llGetOwner();
       llListen(chan, "", owner, "");
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) {
       msg = llToLower(msg);
       list m = llParseString2List(msg, [" "], []);
       if (llList2String(m, 0) == "camstyle") 
           cam_style(llListFindList(keywords, [llList2String(m, 1)]) + 1);
   changed(integer c) {
       if (c & CHANGED_OWNER)

} </lsl>