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== Avatar Radar (NewAge) ==

Just copy and paste this script into an object that will be your hud!
Just copy and paste this script into an object that will be your hud!

Revision as of 13:40, 20 July 2010

Just copy and paste this script into an object that will be your hud!

<lsl> ///////////////////////////////// // New Age Radar Script // By Asia Snowfall // Version 1.0 /////////////////////////////////

float scan_range = 100; float speed = 2; integer channel = 1; integer show_total_agents_in_chat_range = TRUE; integer show_total_agents_in_region = TRUE; integer show_lag_status = TRUE;

integer handler;

string people; list people_in_sensor_range; list people_in_sensor_vectors; list chat_range;

integer max_people = 7;

string lag_status; vector text_color;

llLagStatus() {

   float time_dilation = llGetRegionTimeDilation();
   if(time_dilation <= 0.3)
       lag_status = "Laggy";
       text_color = <1.0,0.0,0.0>;
   else if(time_dilation > 0.3 && time_dilation <= 0.5)
       lag_status = "Not Bad";
       text_color = <1.0,1.0,0.0>;
   else if(time_dilation > 0.5 && time_dilation <= 0.8)
       lag_status = "Good";
       text_color = <0.0,1.0,0.0>;
   else if(time_dilation > 0.8 && time_dilation <= 1.0)
       lag_status = "Excellent";
       text_color = <0.0,1.0,1.0>;


default {

       llSensor("", "", AGENT, scan_range, PI);
   attach(key id)
       if(id == llGetOwner())
           handler = llListen(channel, "", "", "");
           llOwnerSay("Find location of avatar within sensor range by typing either their full or partial name on channel "+(string)channel + ", example; /"+(string)channel+" Mark");
       else if(id == NULL_KEY)
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string str)
       if(id == llGetOwner())
           str = llToLower(str);
           integer index = llListFindList(people_in_sensor_range, [str]);
           if(index != -1)
               llOwnerSay(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, index)+" is located at "+llList2String(people_in_sensor_vectors, index));
           else if(index == -1)
               integer i = 0;
               integer length = llGetListLength(people_in_sensor_range);
               integer ind;
                   if(llStringLength(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i)) > 0)
                       ind = llSubStringIndex(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i), str);
                       if(ind != -1)
                           llOwnerSay(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i) + " is located at "+llList2String(people_in_sensor_vectors, i));
               llOwnerSay("No Avatars Found by the name or partial name of "+str);
               llOwnerSay("No Avatars Found by the name or partial name of "+str);
   changed(integer h)
       if(h & CHANGED_OWNER)
   sensor(integer x)
       people_in_sensor_range = [];
       people_in_sensor_vectors = [];
       integer i = 0;
       integer index;
       if(x > max_people)
           x = max_people-1;
           index = llListFindList(chat_range, [llDetectedName(i)]);
           if(llStringLength(llDetectedName(i)) >! 0)
               if(llVecDist(llDetectedPos(i), llGetPos()) <= 20)
                   if(index == -1)
                       chat_range += llDetectedName(i);
                       llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(i) + " has entered chat range");
                   if(index != -1)
                       llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(i) + " has left chat range");
                       chat_range = llDeleteSubList(chat_range, index, index);
               people_in_sensor_range += llToLower(llDetectedName(i));
               people_in_sensor_vectors += llDetectedPos(i);
               people += llDetectedName(i) + " - " + llGetSubString((string)llVecDist(llDetectedPos(i), llGetPos()), 0, 4)+"m\n";
       if(show_total_agents_in_region == TRUE)
           people += "Region Agent Count = "+(string)llGetRegionAgentCount()+"\n";
       if(show_total_agents_in_chat_range == TRUE)
           people += "Agents in Range = "+(string)llGetListLength(chat_range)+"\n";
       if(show_lag_status == TRUE)
           people += "Lag Status = "+lag_status;
       llSetText(people, text_color, 1.0);
       people = "";
       if(llGetListLength(chat_range) < 0)
           chat_range = [];
       people += "Region Agent Count = "+(string)llGetRegionAgentCount()+"\nAgents in Range = "+(string)llGetListLength(chat_range)+"\n";
       people = "No People In Range";
       llSetText(people, text_color, 1.0);
       people = "";
       llSensor("", "", AGENT, scan_range, PI);
