Template:Case Study

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Revision as of 15:14, 4 November 2010 by Rand Linden (talk | contribs)
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Success Stories
Case Study
Second life case study (tagline)


Executive Summary



Download This Case

The case study PDF is available in the following languages:

English | Deutsch | Français | 日本語 | Español | Português

Copyright © Linden Research, Inc. 2009 All Rights Reserved
For more information, contact Linden Lab at business@lindenlab.com.


  • banner-graphic: File name of top banner graphic; default is BannerCigna.jpg
  • tagline: Tagline text displayed over the banner graphic, e.g. "Virtual training changes real life behavior."
  • head1: Large headline, e.g. "CIGNA–vielife in Second Life: Engaging and Interactive Health & Lifestyle Training for the Global Workforce"
  • text: Complete text of the case study. DO NOT include the heading "Executive Summary"
  • abbr: Abbreviation of company name, used in PDF file names, e.g. "CIGNA" (always all caps)