Release Notes/Second Life Server/11
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Revision as of 12:58, 30 June 2011 by Oskar Linden (talk | contribs)
- Fix for "Homesteads experiencing poor performance and high script time"
- Kelly's "mono2performance" project. deployed 2011-06-28
- Script performance and robustness
- This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
- New Script Profiling LSL Functions
- llScriptProfiler can enable or disable memory profiling with PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY and PROFILE_SCRIPT_NONE. While profiling the scripts performance will be severely impacted.
- llGetSPMaxMemory will report the highest level of used memory during the most recent, or current, profiling run.
- llGetUsedMemory will report the current used memory of the script and does not require profiling to be enabled.
- Bug Fixes
- SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
- Improved 'Top Scripts' report
- Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
- It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
- (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
- Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
- Improved simulator performance when removing objects with scripts from a region.
- Fixed a bug that could cause scripts to crash with NullReferenceException errors.
- Fix for "Periods of very low (or nonexistent) script performance"
- Fix for SCR-55 "script reset"
- Fix for SCR-76 "llRegionSayTo() silently fails in LSL2 scripts"
- Fix for SCR-66 "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
- Fix for SCR-61 "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
- Fix for SVC-6573 "Execution of script is not blocked on parcel for single user if scripts are not blocked for groups on parcel"
- Fix for regions that would fail to start.
- Fixed an issue that would create long pauses when avatars logged out or TP'd to other regions.
- Script performance and robustness
- History:
- The "Group Chat" project. deployed 2011-06-21
- These are the simulator side fixes for group chat.
- Enable addressing chat message to more than one agent in a region
- A protocol was implemented on the sim and in the multiagent chat backbone service to enable addressing of a chat message to multiple agents. When more than one recipient agent is present in the same region a single request is made to the sim addressed to all recipients. Previously a request was made for each agent needlessly duplicating requests.
- History:
- The "friendship" project. deployed 2011-06-07
- This code has changes for the People API.
- We've modified the capabilities of the People API to handle adding/removing friendships.
- Included are other infrastructural changes that are generic in nature.
- Fix to allow services to start properly after deployment of new code.
- History:
- Kelly's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-31
- This project failed during the promotion to main channel this week. There were deploy issues that made it difficult for regions to start up. This version contains a fix for that, but is otherwise the same.
- Bug Fixes
- SCR-61: "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
- SVC-6573: Block execution of ungrouped scripts on ungrouped land that blocks scripts.
- SVC-2810: IM to Email sending out messages that can't be replied to.
- SVC-4632: Getting past estate land bans
- SCR-66: "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
- Added logging to help in investigating a "'TIMEWARP" issue that is causing some residents to be kicked off simulators
- A simulator crash mode.
- A dataserver crash in SMTP connection sending mail
- Fix to allow services to start properly after deployment of new code.
- Bug Fixes
- History:
- Because of deploy related issues with the new code this version was put back on to the main channel.
- Andrew's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-11
- Fixed SVC-6951 "Random sim crashes in latest branches"
- Fixed 2 simulator crashing bugs.
- Made changes to message logging to be less impactful on simulator performance
- Removed the physics changes tied to SVC-5880.
- The fix for this bug was determined to have unintended and adverse reactions.
- History:
- This project had deploy related issues that we noticed during the deploy. We cancelled the deploy and put the regions back to the previous version.
- Kelly's "maint-server" project. partially deployed 2011-05-17
- Bug Fixes
- SCR-61: "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
- SVC-6573: Block execution of ungrouped scripts on ungrouped land that blocks scripts.
- SVC-2810: IM to Email sending out messages that can't be replied to.
- SVC-4632: Getting past estate land bans
- SCR-66: "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
- Added logging to help in investigating a "'TIMEWARP" issue that is causing some residents to be kicked off simulators
- A simulator crash mode.
- A dataserver crash in SMTP connection sending mail
- Bug Fixes
- History:
- Andrew's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-11
- Fixed SVC-6951 "Random sim crashes in latest branches"
- Fixed 2 simulator crashing bugs.
- Made changes to message logging to be less impactful on simulator performance
- Removed the physics changes tied to SVC-5880.
- The fix for this bug was determined to have unintended and adverse reactions.
- History:
- Andrew's "maint-server" project, deployed 2011-05-03
- Bug Fixes
- SVC-6055 Avatar position reverts to original sittarget in simcrossing
- SVC-6808 Muting a new-style 'Resident' avatar is ineffective when you're offline
- SVC-6859 llTeleportAgentHome on an agent not over your land shouldn't result in the target getting the message
- SVC-6882 Mini-map shows multiple dots for one avatar, but avatar is not ghosted
- SVC-5880 Vehicles "Jumping" when crossing prims
- This is caused by the physics engine reporting collision info for "hidden" faces (the vertical faces where the road objects butt up against each other). It has existed since the very beginning of SL and affects all objects (not just vehicles) however it became particularly bad for vehicles after the physics engine upgrade to Havok4 in 2008.04.
- To repair broken vehicles a "workaround" was introduced to reduce the effect: vehicle collision events get special scrutiny and some collision events are removed. It helps, but is not 100% effective and also has some side effects such as causing vehicles to sometimes partially penetrate curbs, walls, and other obstacles, or even tunnel through walls for small vehicles.
- To solve this problem correctly in Havok7 a config parameter was tweaked in the physics engine. Also, the aforementioned workaround for vehicles has been removed, so some vehicle behavior may change. Besides a reduction of vehicles penetrating obstacles they may also "jump" more when crossing seams that are not quite lined up right -- short obstacles may cause vehicles to jump where they used to roll smoothly.
- SVC-6900 Group-owned objects located in private estates cannot send IMs to offline avatars
- SVC-6403 llGiveInventory is not working!
- New Feature
- Add llRegionSayTo LSL function.
- History:
- Monty's "Fast Assets" project, scheduled 2011-04-26
- Higher asset request concurrency for downloads issued by the simulator.
- Allows concurrent simulator asset downloads from the asset backend.
- Greatest improvement where regions have long download queue sizes
- Lower request latency for non-texture requests particularly
- Textures (HTTP and UDP) mostly unchanged
- More fair queuing behavior for non-texture assets
- Non-texture requests are serviced in order of receipt rather than last-in-first-out.
- Security Fixes.
- History:
- "Inventory Capabilities" deployed 2011-04-19
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- FetchInventory2
- FetchInventoryDescendents2
- FetchLib2
- FetchLibDescendents2
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- Removed some dead/unused code inventory HTTP code.
- History:
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- Andrew's "maint-server" project, deployed 2011-04-12
- Bug Fixes
- Threaded Rez fixes.
- Config file changes.
- Security fixes.
- History:
- "Estate Transfer Limits" project, deployed 2011-04-05
- This project implements adjusted behaviour limiting L$, IM, and object transfer for accounts who are limited to estates.
- From Magnum:
- "Content Management" deployed 2011-03-29
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with even more "less crashes".
- A particular crashing bug has been plaguing us for a few weeks now. We have it fixed and it will be in this release.
- Now with even more "less crashes".
- Historyl:
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Deployed 2011-03-22
- Bug fixes and maintenance updates.
- Fix for an issue introduced in "mono2-aware" where scripts could use more than 64kb of memory.
- The fix might create stack heap collision errors in some scripts made since the release of "mono2-aware"
- Security fix to prevent copying 'no copy' objects.
- Fix for an issue introduced in "mono2-aware" where scripts could use more than 64kb of memory.
- Emergency release deployed late 2011-03-16
- Security patch to prevent content theft.
- Andrew's "maint-server" project, scheduled 2011-03-15
- Bug Fixes
- SVC-1144: replies to offline emails can't contain unicode
- SVC-5959: Groups notices sent to email do not identify sender
- SVC-6713: Region "0 0 2" not allowing TP access (even as god)
- SVC-6709: Delete objects on owned land stopped working since recent server-updates
- SVC-412: Include proper character encoding header in the messages forwarded from second life
- some simulator crash modes
- security fixes
- enhanced config settings options
- performance enhancements
- other fixes
- History:
- "server-maint" project, scheduled 2011-03-08
- Bugs Fixed
- SVC-6781: Duplicating old attachments does not copy attachment point/position/rotation info
- Some people may notice a slight improvement in regions with heavy object creation/deletion. (Maestro claims he saw his object-creation benchmark speed up from 14 obj/sec to 17 obj/sec. Nothing was changed in object creation, however we did clean up object deletion, and Maestro's benchmark deletes objects as fast as they are created.)
- History:
- Kelly's "mono2-aware" project, scheduled 2011-03-01
- Preparation for Mono2
- This branch paves the way for upgrading the Mono virtual machine that runs scripts in Second Life. This branch ensures that scripts continue to work as we upgrade.
- "Andrew's maint-server", scheduled 2011-02-22
- Fixed a security issue related to deleting other people's objects.
- Fixed two simulator crash modes.
- Removed some unnecessary server logs.
- Fixed SVC-6678: Changing Regions Very fast Causes " No Valid Agent ID "
- Fixed SVC-6723: Scripted and linked objects not behaving properly when crossing parcel boundaries
- Updates to Parcel API for supporting large land owners
- NEW Feature added in
- "Threaded Rez": Object rezzing is moved to a separate thread. This should minimize lag instances when complex objects are rezzed in a region.
- Display Names project scheduled 2011-02-15
- Features
- Display Names Improvements
- Modify simulator top scripts report to include agent IDs instead of usernames.
- Messages sent to estate by user with last name resident are seen as forged by simulator
- llGetDisplayName failed intermittently
- Offline group invite email contains Username only and contains Resident last name in body of message
- llGetDisplayName returns nothing if the resident has not chosen a new name (shouldn't it return at least the legacy name, like the viewer is showing for their name?)
- Last name resident shown in title of IM Conference Window with no Display name
- metadata embedded in postcards: shows username="Firstname Lastname" instead of "firstname.lastname"
- Confirm LSL functions tool tips have current valid descriptions
- Display Names Improvements
- Interest List project scheduled 2011-02-08
- Features
- Interest List Improvements
- The Interest List is part of the simulator that controls how updates are sent to viewers. It is a core part of the simulator responsible for timely updates.
- This version should change the way updates for static (non-moving) objects are detected and sent to the viewer. This should be noticeable in form of:
- Faster region load times. It should take less time to see what is around you after a teleport or log in.
- Faster updates when moving in a region. While flying, for example, objects should appear sooner than before.
- Interest List Improvements
- "Viewer Metrics" project, scheduled 2010-02-01
- Features:
- Improved viewer-side metrics collection to help Linden Lab analyze performance of various features.
- "Encroachment" project, scheduled 2011-01-25
- Bug Fix / Feature
- Ability to return objects that overlap ("encroach") on a parcel.
- Depends on future viewer modifications. More details on how this works (here).
- Ability to return objects that overlap ("encroach") on a parcel.
- "Simulator Shutdown" project deployed: 2011-01-18
- Features
- Addresses back-end issues to make simulator/region restarts faster and more reliable.
- Also includes a bundle of 3 updates to our "central servers." The Centrals, as we call them, are all the various machines that do things besides simulating regions. The three updates are:
- Mapserver: a minor update to the machine that generates the region images that you see on the World Map
- Inventory API: you may remember that this service was deployed a few weeks ago. We've since had to disable it due to conflicts with older viewers. This deploy is to add a version number to the API capability that the sims hand out, thereby making it only accessible to newer viewers that can properly interact with it. Older viewers will use the legacy inventory protocol that has been on the grid since the dawn of time.
- Region Conductor: this is the service that decides which simulator to put regions on. When your region is down, either from a restart, crash, or whatever, the region conductor finds an empty sim to start it up on. The changes here are to improve the efficiency of how regions are placed on sims.
- Deployed 2011-01-11
- Features
- TP / region crossing compression enabled grid wide.
- Security fixes.