Top20 Help Articles
List of the top 20 Knowledge Base articles to be localized (in Lithium):
Defined by Noelle Linden, and Community Translators group, and based on the number of page views in the US Knowledge Base)
(Total wordcount = about 22000)
Account (7)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Maturity ratings (wordcount = 1400)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Age verification (wc = 600)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Accounts overview (wc = 1200)
- Account balance (wc = 2000]
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Usernames (wc = 600)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Login failure (wc = 1000)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Accessing Adult land and content [wc = 500)
Buying and Selling (6)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - How to get Linden dollars (wc = 250)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Shopping in the Marketplace (wc = 1150)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Selling in the Marketplace (wc = 1300)
- Buying land (wc = 2500)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Shopping safety tips (wc = 850)
- Marketplace overview (wc = 250)
Avatar (3)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Editing your appearance (wc = 500)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Display names (wc = 500)
- READY FOR TRANLSATION - Creating clothing and tattoos (wc = 1100)
Communication, Social (4)
- READY FOR TRANSLATION - Text chat (wc = 1500)
- Friends and partnering (wc = 1300)
- Voice chat FAQ (wc = 3300)
- Blocking (wc = 450)