I'm an Australian and I've been in SL for more than four years. I came to look at the Libraries, and stayed to do lots of other things :-) hmm I must get back to the Libraries! The most surprising things I have found in SL are really great friends and wonderful music and art. I love meeting new people and learning more about the tremendous range of things happening in SL :-) I like to support new friends as they discover their own way to live their second life, and help out whenever and wherever I can.
Second Life
Changeable! I have a large collection of avatars and I love my tiny sheep :-)
As in my First Life, I dabble in lots of things in SL.. build a little and edit a lot, try to keep up with some of the great live music, visit galleries and collect art, and maintain a gallery of my own and contribute to other exhibitions with my RL photos, and I enjoy teaching and attending classes and discussions when time permits. If you've seen me you'll know I love clothes so I also shop quite a lot! I love rides in SL too, so my gallery is on a train line and I take my Night Train along the line every so often. I love to explore the things and places people share in the Art and Artist Network group inworld, and on Flickr.
You can see some of the things I've been doing in SL on my Flickr page Flickr photos
First Life
BA (Ling & Psy), Grad Dip Lib & Inf Sci, PG Cert Early Childhood
English and working on my French
Sydney, GMT +10 or Paris, GMT +1
I'm an educational faculty trainer and support officer and general geek, interested in software and interface design, web technologies and social networking.
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