Zigzag Sequence

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While scripting my checkers board, it came around the point where rezzing the pieces was required. As many of you know (or should) a checkers board is somewhat like quadrant 1 of a coordinate plane, that being said the coordinates must alternate in a sequence (i.e. (0,0), (1,1), (2,0), (3,1)...). Instead of using a static list and inputting 0s and 1s (like you would do with an array or something) I just incorporated a bit of Trig.

The Script

This is just a simple for loop with text so you get the idea.

<lsl> Loop(integer max) {

   list sequence;
   integer x;
   for(x = 0;x <= max; ++x) {
       integer y = llCeil(llSin((x+1) * PI));
       sequence += llList2CSV([x,y]);
       sequence += "\n";
   llSetText((string) sequence, <1,1,1>, 1);

} default {

   state_entry() {

} </lsl>