User:Reno Parkin

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Revision as of 23:09, 14 September 2011 by Reno Parkin (talk | contribs)
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I am Reno Parkin, CEO of DuoTech and I am offering custom scripting services to SecondLife and Avination Residents since two years. I have employed 4 scripters in my RL office to work for my SL customers, and hence any project gets completed in less than half of the time it usually takes. OFFICE HOURS: 9 PM to 7 AM SLT. I am available at other times with prior appointment. We create custom scripts including external server interaction using php and mysql. Anything is possible! Contact me for quote. Our clients


and the list goes on ..Under progress:

     Anything is possible! Contact me and discuss your requirement.
   * Here is an landmark to my custom scripting office building on DuoTech sim link DuoTech
   * Coding Practice

Inspite DuoTech grants complete rights on the code (unless otherwise stated) for that project, DuoTech retains rights to reuse small snippets of generic code from your project(example: creating SLURL using region name and location, login function for website users, SL time to server time difference function etc) in other projects. This is a very standard coding practice and we probably will be using many such generic snippets from our library in your projects too, and this will save us time and hence your money. By hiring us as your custom scripters, you are agreeing to this practice.

   * Pricing

We charge hourly nominal rates of 18-20 USD for plain LSL scripts and 24 USD for LSL/PHP/MySql scripting. Billing time includes design, implementation, testing, maintenance and extended consultations. Rates are negotiable for projects involving 25+ hours of work. Paypal is prefered mode of payment else we accept L$ at selling rate of L$270 per USD. You may feel the prices are slightly more than industry standards, but DuoTech has succeeded in every project undertaken till date where other scripters have miserable failed to get it work. It is evident from few of the references below. DuoTech is known for providing quality, stable and reliable code with all the secuirty measure in place, and our coding LPH (Lines per hour) is almost one and half times the industry standard. So number of hours billing will be less than others.