Blake Sea
Blake Sea
Connecting the Mainland to the United Sailing Sims is the Blake Sea, venue for exciting boat races and other nautical activity!
The Blake Sea has a code of conduct. Please be considerate during races and events.
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Half Hitch
A picturesque fishing village, with seaplane and ferry access, lots to explore here, boat races daily !
The local pub "The Sailor's Knot Inn", will be pleased to welcome you for a pint of Sweaty Old Mole or some other delicious ale.
Tropical resort.
Other islands in the Blake Sea harbor smugglers, castaways, and sea creatures galore!
Blake Sea in August 2013
Blake Sea is composed by a lot of sea sims, with tropical islands or compleatly covered with water. Since waterways have no ban lines, Blake Sea is a paradise for sailing. The Second Norway community has developed several transportation ways: an airport that covers a whole sim, a railway and a network of surface and underwater roads.
Blake Sea is composed of a big number of islands, owned by different estates. Majority of these islands are located inside a single sim, while some of them are placed on multiple sims. There are not two identical islands, each one is different. Ground texture is different from a group of islands to another. In many situations, each estate designed its own textures. There are many sandy islands, but also many of them are covered with grass. Vegetation is also different. And it is logical to be that way. Majority of the islands are tropical-themed, so they have palm trees and many other tropical plants on them. In other places, like Second Norway, vegetation is different.
The largest island is in Honah Lee sims. It also hosts a central mountain range.
There are many submerged sims. They form a long navigable channel oriented East-West. They are the most important navigation route and are continued in Nautilus. Near the transcontinental channel (see Transcontinental Channels, there are many submerged sims.
Blake Sea is composed of a large number of islands, with low altitudes. The highest points (above 40 meters) are in Second Norwey sims and in Honah Lee sims.
The altitude map found that altitudes are usually low, below 40 meters. There are also many low islands, only a few meters above sea level, but still below 20 meters.
Note: Thanks to an entity orb teleporter in Nautilus, our drone was teleported 2 sims away. That caused an error and Blake Sea was pushed 2 sims to East on map. The map is correct for the entire Blake Sea, except that the border sims of Nautilus appeared 3 times.
Coordinates are shown in sims, like those from Gridsurvey [1]. First numbers indicate longitude (min and max), while the last numbers indicate latitude (min and max). Note: The names are not official.
Common coordinates:1134-1153/1041-1060
Blake Sea sims: 1134-1147/1048-1053
Balboa sims: 1137-1147/1051-1056
North Blake Sea: 1143-1148/1152/1160
Second Norway: 1148-1153/1052-1058
South Blake Sea: 1143-1148/1152-1160
Galaxy sims: 1141-1141/1041-1047
Honah Lee sims: 1136-1140/1041-1047
Grid Sector: K10
Number of sims: 121 (wide:20/19)
Size in km: 9.90 square km (wide:5.12/4.68)
Complete flooded sims: 28
Complete dryland sims: 1 (Airport SNO)
Coast sims (water access): 92
Ground transportation: about 20 sims with roads and 7 with railway (Second Norway)
Sims wothout direct access (water, road): 0
Population density: med-high