User:Desdemona Enfield
Revision as of 20:14, 26 October 2008 by Desdemona Enfield (talk | contribs)
Scriptrix and builder.... her solo and collaborative projects include
- solar kinematic analysis
- ELVEN conference center at Cylibrary II
- FlowerBall at Princeton North and Burning Life 2007
- DynaFleur at Princeton South
- The Butterfly Hunt at Ode, Wittenmere
- Purgatorio at Rezzable's Garden of NPIRL Delights
- Pillflower World at NMC Campus 7
- The E8 polytope visualization (Lisi's TOE) at the Temple of Sacred Geometry
- Urban Spectre at Burning Life 2008
- The Taiko Drumming system used at BL08
- For entertainment purposes only.
- Copyright 2005-2008, Desdemona Enfield, Ohio US