Professional Guilds

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Revision as of 14:46, 8 May 2007 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs)
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Pre-Design Discussion

I propose the guild system within which all of these discussions will add up to a result.

A page per possible guild; each discussion member a part of the guild because of interest.

I'm using the model I work in the RL: film union where we work in the guild structure. The standards are self regulating and decided through department meetings. The structure is fluid enough to work with us creative types and has a proven track record.

So you have a Script Guild that meets (has website); decides its own standards; decides its own educational qualifications, etc. If they do a good job, people join, if it becomes an elite fest, people don't join. Eventually the guilds evolve in a very healthy way. People apply to join within the context of the requirements.

There is an elected chairperson for each dept. and co chairs. Monthly meetings etc. Working rules in that how is work to be done and paid; rates etc. Job descriptions..what do the different levels do. Usually you would have Apprentice, Intern, Journeyman and Master..something like that with the credentials determined at meetings where the application is discussed and voted on.

Is it misused? You bet. Does it work in the long run. Yes indeed.

The good thing is that all the discussion going on now would lead to the working rules in the guild. It would be summarized and voted on and set up as the first beta version. Instead of just people staring at trees.

This is the forest I think we should be wandering in first...the guild system. -- Dnali Anabuki

So far there hasn't been much community pressure to form guilds, there are in world scripting groups but not guilds as of such. For a guild to be successful it is important that the creation and design be a collaborative effort, which is what a wiki like this one can provide. I would say it would be a good idea to hold off on it getting it's own website, I think it would be better to integrate the guild with the wiki and have it be officially recognized by LL; doing so would strengthen it's position. -- Strife Onizuka 12:59, 8 May 2007 (PDT)

Hey Strife, did this get removed from the certification group? I'm a member of that and my suggestion is directly related to that. I don't want to be moved out of that area.

I totally agree about the wiki. I was actually thinking that the wiki could be divided by guild headings so that the discussions would be part of the formation of guild policies. Sorry I didn't make that clear. There are so many good ideas being brought up and that would put them in a framework that is proven to work. Each guild is responsible for its own certification and reaching out to educational institutions re: its course requirements. Everyone participating becomes a guild member by dint of their interest and then the designations are worked out later. -- Dnali Anabuki

I grabbed it from Hectic Linden's talk page. (please sign you comments with -- ~~~~) -- Strife Onizuka 14:46, 8 May 2007 (PDT)