Dialog Control

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This is example of usage and function library needed in each scripts to use this dialog module.

Functions List
  1. Standard dialog with buttons. There can be more than 12 buttons.
    • dialog(key id, string message, list buttons, list returns);
  1. Normal notification dialog, ie: dialog with require no response from user.
    • dialogNotify(key id, string message);
  1. To display current dialog again:
    • dialogReshow();
  1. To cancel current dialog; Currently displayed dialog will give no response when clicked.
    • dialogCancel();

If anyone use this module please IM Nargus Asturias, I'd love to hear what you think.

// Dialog constants
integer lnkDialog = 14001;
integer lnkDialogNotify = 14004;
integer lnkDialogResponse = 14002;
integer lnkDialogTimeOut = 14003;

integer lnkDialogReshow = 14011;
integer lnkDialogCancel = 14012;

string seperator = "||";
integer dialogTimeOut = 0;

// ********** DIALOG FUNCTIONS **********
dialogReshow(){llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogReshow, "", NULL_KEY);}
dialogCancel(){llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogCancel, "", NULL_KEY);}

dialog(key id, string message, list buttons, list returns){
   list rows;
   integer i;
   integer count = llGetListLength(buttons);
   for(i=0; i<count; i++) rows += [llList2String(buttons, i) + seperator + llList2String(returns, i)];

   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialog, 
       message + seperator + (string)dialogTimeOut + seperator + llDumpList2String(rows, seperator),

dialogNotify(key id, string message){
   list rows;
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialogNotify,
       message + seperator + (string)dialogTimeOut + seperator,
// ********** END DIALOG FUNCTIONS **********

       llSetText("Touch me to show dialog", <1,1,1>, 1);

   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
       if(num == lnkDialogTimeOut){
           dialogNotify(llGetOwner(), "Menu time-out. Please try again.");
           state default;
       }else if(num == lnkDialogResponse){
           llWhisper(0, str);
   touch(integer num_detected){
           // Dialog message here
           "Messages go here",
           // List of dialog buttons
           [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, "Close" ],

           // List of return value from the buttons, in same order
           // Note that this value do not need to be the same as button texts
           [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, "X" ]

Nargus Dialog Control v1.50 (by Nargus Asturias)

// ********** SIMPLE DIALOG MODULES ********** //
// By Nargus Asturias
// Version 1.00
// Support only one dialog at a time. DO NOT request multiple dialog at once!
// Use of provided functions are recommented. Instruction here are for hardcore programmers only!
// Request: Send MessageLinked to the script. There are 3 dialog modes:
//      lnkDialog               : Normal dialog with message and buttons
//      lnkDialogNumericAdjust  : A dialog with buttons can be used to adjust numeric value
//      lnkDialogNotify         : Just a simple notification dialog. No return value and no buttons.
// Send MessageLinked with code lnkDialogReshow to force active dialog to reappear.
// Send MessageLinked with code lnkDialogCancel to force cancel active dialog
// If a lnkDialog is requested with more than 12 buttons, multi-pages dialog is used to show the buttons.
// [ For lnkDialog ]
// MessageLinked Format:
//      String part: List dumped into string, each entry seperated by '||'
//          Field 1:    Dialog message (512 bytes maximum)
//          Field 2:    Time-out data (integer)
//          Field 3-4:  Button#1 and return value pair
//          Field 5-6:  Button#2 and return value pair
//          And go on...
//      Key part: Key of AV who attend this dialog
// Response: MessageLinked to the prim that requested dialog (but no where else)
//      num == lnkDialogResponse:   AV click on a button. The buttons value returned as a string
//      num == lnkDialogTimeOut:    Dialog timeout.
// [ For lnkDialogNumericAdjust ]
// MessageLinked Format:
//      String part: List dumped into string, each entry seperated by '||'
//          Field 1:    Dialog message (512 bytes maximum)
//                          Put {VALUE} where you want the current value to be displayed)
//          Field 2:    Time-out data (integer)
//          Field 3:    Most significant value (ie. 100, for +/-100)
//          Field 4:    String-casted numeric value to be adjusted
//          Field 5:    2nd most significant value (ie. 10, for +/-10)
//          Field 6:    Use '1' to enable "+/-" button, '0' otherwise.
//          Field 7:    3nd significant value (ie. 1, for +/-1)
//          Field 8:    Use '1' for integer, or '0' for float
//          Field 9:    Least significant value (ie. 0.1, for +/-0.1)
//          Field 10:   Reserved. Not used.
//      Key part: Key of AV who attend this dialog
// Response: MessageLinked to the prim that requested dialog (but no where else)
//      num == lnkDialogResponse:   OK or Cancel button is clicked. The final value returned as string.
//      num == lnkDialogTimeOut:    Dialog timeout.
// ******************************************* //

// Constants
integer lnkDialog = 14001;
integer lnkDialogNumericAdjust = 14005;
integer lnkDialogNotify = 14004;

integer lnkDialogReshow = 14011;
integer lnkDialogCancel = 14012;

integer lnkDialogResponse = 14002;      // A button is hit, or OK is hit for lnkDialogNumericAdjust
integer lnkDialogCanceled = 14006;      // Cancel is hit for lnkDialogNumericAdjust
integer lnkDialogTimeOut = 14003;       // No button is hit, or Ignore is hit

string seperator = "||";

// Dialog variables
integer dialogChannel;      // Channel number used to spawn this dialog
string message;             // Message to be shown with the dialog
integer timerOut;           // Dialog time-out
key keyId;                  // Key of user who attending this dialog
integer requestedNum;       // Link-number of the requested prim
list buttons;               // List of dialog buttons
list returns;               // List of results from dialog buttons

float numericValue;
integer useInteger;

// Other variables
integer buttonsCount;
integer startItemNo;
integer listenId;

// ********** String Functions **********
string replaceString(string pattern, string replace, string source){
   integer index = llSubStringIndex(source, pattern);
   if(index < 0) return source;
   source = llDeleteSubString(source, index, (index + llStringLength(pattern) - 1));
   return llInsertString(source, index, replace);

// ********** Dialog Functions **********
// Function: createDialog
// Create dialog with given message and buttons, direct to user with give id
integer createDialog(key id, string message, list buttons){
   integer channel = -llRound(llFrand( llFabs(llSin(llGetGMTclock())) * 1000000 )) - 11;

   listenId = llListen(channel, "", keyId, "");
   llDialog(keyId, message, buttons, channel);

   return channel;

// Function: createMultiDialog
// Create dialog with multiple pages. Each page has Back, Next, and a Close button. Otherwise same functionality as createDialog() function.
integer createMultiDialog(key id, string message, list buttons, integer _startItemNo){
   integer channel = -llRound(llFrand( llFabs(llSin(llGetGMTclock())) * 1000000 )) - 11;

   if(_startItemNo < 0) _startItemNo = 0;
   if(_startItemNo >= buttonsCount - 1) _startItemNo -= 9;
   startItemNo = _startItemNo;
   // Generate list of buttons to be shown
   string closeButton = llList2String(buttons, buttonsCount - 1);
   integer stopItemNo = startItemNo + 8;
   if(stopItemNo >= buttonsCount - 1) stopItemNo = buttonsCount - 2;
   list thisButtons = llList2List(buttons, startItemNo, stopItemNo);
   // Generate dialog navigation buttons
   integer i = stopItemNo - startItemNo + 1;
   i = i % 3;
   for(; i>0; --i) thisButtons += [" "];
   if(startItemNo > 0)
       thisButtons += ["<< BACK"];
   else thisButtons += [" "];
   thisButtons += [closeButton];
   if(stopItemNo < buttonsCount - 2)
       thisButtons += ["NEXT >>"];
   else thisButtons += [" "];

   // Display dialog
   listenId = llListen(channel, "", keyId, "");
   llDialog(keyId, message, thisButtons, channel);

   return channel;

// Function: generateNumericAdjustButtons
// Generate numeric adjustment dialog which adjustment values are in given list.
// If useNegative is TRUE, "+/-" button will be available.
list generateNumericAdjustButtons(list adjustValues, integer useNegative){
   list dialogControlButtons;
   list positiveButtons;
   list negativeButtons;
   list additionButtons;

   dialogControlButtons = ["OK", "Cancel"];

   // Config adjustment buttons
   integer count = llGetListLength(adjustValues);
   integer index;
   for(index = 0; (index < count) && (index < 3); index++){
       string sValue = llList2String(adjustValues, index);

       if((float)sValue != 0){
           positiveButtons += ["+" + sValue];
           negativeButtons += ["-" + sValue];

   // Check positive/negative button
       additionButtons = ["+/-"];
   else additionButtons = [];

   // If there is fourth adjustment button
   if(count > 3){
       if(llGetListLength(additionButtons) == 0) additionButtons = [" "];

       string sValue = llList2String(adjustValues, index);
       additionButtons += ["+" + sValue, "-" + sValue];
   }else if(additionButtons != []) additionButtons += [" ", " "];
   // Return list dialog buttons
   return additionButtons + negativeButtons + positiveButtons + dialogControlButtons;

// ********** States **********
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
       if((num == lnkDialogNotify) || (num == lnkDialogNumericAdjust) || (num == lnkDialog)){
           list data = llParseString2List(str, [seperator], []);
           message = llList2String(data, 0);
           timerOut = llList2Integer(data, 1);
           keyId = id;
           requestedNum = sender_num;
           buttons = [];
           returns = [];
           if(timerOut > 7200) timerOut = 7200;
           integer i;
           integer count = llGetListLength(data);
           for(i=2; i<count;){
               buttons += [llList2String(data, i++)];
               returns += [llList2String(data, i++)];
           buttonsCount = llGetListLength(buttons);
           if(num == lnkDialogNotify){
               dialogChannel = -llAbs(llRound(llFrand( llSin(llGetGMTclock()) * 1000000 )));
               llDialog(keyId, message, buttons, dialogChannel);
           }else if(num == lnkDialogNumericAdjust)
               state NumericAdjustDialog;
           else if(num == lnkDialog){
               if(buttonsCount > 12)
                   state MultiDialog;
               else state Dialog;

state Dialog{
       dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
   on_rez(integer start_param){
       state default;
       llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
       state default;
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
       if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
           dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
       }else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
       if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;
       integer index = llListFindList(buttons, [msg]);
       llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogResponse, llList2String(returns, index), keyId);
       state default;

state MultiDialog {
       startItemNo = 0;
       dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
   on_rez(integer start_param){
       state default;
       llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
       state default;
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
       if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
           dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
       }else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
       if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;

       // Dialog control buttons
       if(msg == "<< BACK"){
           dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo - 9);
       }else if(msg == "NEXT >>"){
           dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo + 9);
       }else if(msg == " "){
           dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
       // Response buttons
           integer index = llListFindList(buttons, [msg]);
           llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogResponse, llList2String(returns, index), keyId);
           state default;

state NumericAdjustDialog {
       numericValue = llList2Float(returns, 0);
       useInteger = llList2Integer(returns, 2);
       buttons = generateNumericAdjustButtons(buttons, llList2Integer(returns, 1));
       string vMessage;
           vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)((integer)numericValue), message);
       else vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)numericValue, message);
       dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, vMessage, buttons);
   on_rez(integer start_param){
       state default;
       llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
       state default;
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
       if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
           dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
       }else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
       if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;
       // Dialog control button is hit
       if(msg == "OK"){
           llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogResponse, (string)numericValue, keyId);
           state default;
       }else if(msg == "Cancel"){
           llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogCanceled, (string)numericValue, keyId);
           state default;
       // Value adjustment button is hit
       }else if(msg == "+/-")
           numericValue = -numericValue;
       else if(llSubStringIndex(msg, "+") == 0)
           numericValue += (float)llDeleteSubString(msg, 0, 0);
       else if(llSubStringIndex(msg, "-") == 0)
           numericValue -= (float)llDeleteSubString(msg, 0, 0);
       // Spawn another dialog if no OK nor Cancel is hit
       string vMessage;
           vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)((integer)numericValue), message);
       else vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)numericValue, message);
       dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, vMessage, buttons);