Bug triage/2007-06-18

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Next bug triage - Monday, 3pm at Rob Linden's office in Grasmere🖈

This is just a preliminary list. Feel free to reorder, promote, etc.

Issues that have had a review pass or need further research/inquires

  • VWR-587 - crash in LLXMLRPCTransaction::Impl::init - dan linden
  • VWR-654 - Tools / Reset all Scripts in Selection Window does not Scroll automatically - Zi Ree
  • VWR-349 - Change keyboard shortcuts, because entering { [ ] } on German and some other international keyboards (AltGr 7, 8, 9, 0) triggers Rendering Features accelerators Ctrl-Alt-7, 8, 9, 0 (previously resulting in unstable viewer) - Thomas Shikami
    • obvious, one file, 10 lines, Had spoken about this last time, but not imported (NB)
  • This is one of my pet issues (and I'll shamelessly promote them here, (NB))
  • VWR-650 - Patch to Address Debit Permission Spoofing - Zacharie Demina
    • 7 votes
  • VWR-446 - Automatically start renaming new user-created assets and automatically select new user-created folders - Mr Greggan
    • 7 votes
  • VWR-893 - Patch to make View Admin Options sticky - Gigs Taggart
  • VWR-597 - Abuse report tool should autofill abuser name when reporting an object - Tateru Nino
    • 6 votes
  • VWR-652 - A harmless compiler warning in indra.l.cpp - Alissa Sabre
    • not sure for windows, one-liner (NB)
  • VWR-631 - need Second Life Viewer compiled under Solaris x86 and SPARC - Whoops Babii
  • This one is either stale, or there is no movement on support for Solaris. Dzonatas Sol 00:35, 10 June 2007 (PDT)
  • VWR-225 - SConstruct: create newview lib before final link - Dzonatas Sol
    • 3 votes
    • I've discussed this issue with a Linden, and it most likely will grow stale due to the nature of planned changes to the source. If we don't want to leave open (now) very low priority issues then close. Dzonatas Sol 20:44, 9 June 2007 (PDT)
  • VWR-937 - slviewer doesn't use db-4.2 - TBBle Kurosawa
    • obvious, it allows us to use a custom SConstruct to build the viewer on VC8 without constant updates to the VC8 project files every

new source version. I've received e-mails with interest about this. Dzonatas Sol 00:35, 10 June 2007 (PDT)

Still need further review

    • [note for me todo: inquire a Linden on a source lookup on this] Dzonatas Sol 00:35, 10 June 2007 (PDT)
  • VWR-777 - indra/llwindow/files.win32.lst: add llkeyboardwin32.cpp, llwindowwin32.cpp - Dzonatas Sol
  • These two could probably be combined or are the same? Are they still valid? (NB)
  • SVC-104 - llBase64ToInteger caveats & bugs - Strife Onizuka
    • Should be looked at, since it apparently involves a bug where uninitialized data is referenced
  • VWR-190 - Replace HTML Help with Harry Linden's Google Co-op search, or add a button to the HTML Help window to go thee. - SignpostMarv Martin
    • 4 votes