User:Siyu Suen

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Revision as of 01:12, 18 June 2007 by Siyu Suen (talk | contribs)
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Siyu Suen owns a successful business called Illusions, where she sells the only prim-made Venetian inspired masquerade masks found on Second Life. She's made a name for herself creating artistic and extremely unique accessories that have been under-represented, like intricate hats, veils, roses and pirate accessories. She also offers her services as a portrait photographer. She both built and "sim-scaped" half of the island of Carnivale, where her store is located, generously donated by a friend and patron of her art: Vanessa Noarlunga.

She first came to Second Life in early October of 2006, purely out of curiosity. Exploring posed confusion and frustration, because all she was seeing was an ugly and plotless computer game. That was until she discovered the beautiful, artistic setting of the Isle of Wyrms, and got a taste of what could be accomplished with the tools Second Life provided. After being inspired by the setting, she tried picking up the build tools to see just what she could do. After a couple of morphed spheres and butchered toruses, she sat down and created her very first object... a 26 prim rose textured with a texture out of the Library and better than every other rose she encountered, and ever encountered since. After being greatly encouraged by the community of the Isle of Wyrms and her own fiance, she continued making little things that she fancied, including her first mask (similar to one that she owns in her first life). She put her first masks up for sale on a wall in the Isle of Wyrms Marketplace, and soon got addicted to seeing people around who were wearing things she had made. She soon found that she had a great passion for pouring love into building things that had been neglected, poorly crafted, ignored, or forgotten.

She has taken the opportunity of her real life birthday to celebrate the birth of both sculpted prims and her own birth of Second Life building to rebuild the rose, to near photorealism.

She has only ever entered one build competition, where she won the title "Builder Most Likely To Take Over The World" from a vote of the kind people of the Isle of Wyrms.

Her work in both Second Life photography and sculpted prims (as well as her now almost infamous Anubis Mask) are on display for the Second Life 4th Birthday Celebration.

Siyu Suen likes to say that her Second Life has greatly impacted her first, in fact, it has led to a career opportunity in Production Design in Hollywood, California.

Her designer's blog can be found at: Her photography can be found at: