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Great work on the importer code. A couple questions for you, the texture assets that get uploaded, they don't look to be actually created in my Textures folder when I subsequently logon to SL. Other than the raw asset id's that have been dumped to the upload log, are the textures put anywhere in Inventory? --Danger Pugilist 19:42, 9 July 2007 (PDT)

Right now the textures aren't added to your inventory after upload so you will only have the texture UUID to play with. This will be resolved in a future release, as soon as inventory stuff in libsecondlife stabilizes a bit. --Eddy Stryker 00:41, 10 July 2007 (PDT)

When running Importprimscripts it says TIMEOUT on rez. At the end the result is zero linked prims. When i log in all the objects come back in lost and found cause they are rezzed somehow everywhere in SL. When i rez the objects again they are all the same prim (torus)

Are there any specific rules for the land you rez them on. My land is deed to group

I didn't realize the upload fee. So watch out before you lose tons of upload fee. :-)

Below the output: Login succeeded, pausing for a moment... Finished uploading image cat\kat-achterpoot_rechts1.bmp, AssetID: 6421b96a-b6ff- 2272-a7d1-2f0281cbf658 Finished uploading image cat\kat-achterpoot_rechts1-surface.bmp, AssetID: 4093c4 2a-f670-de60-3f9a-9188cb632f7f Timed out waiting for prim achterpoot_rechts1 to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-achterpoot_links1.bmp, AssetID: 81c98672-8069-3 2b5-5ae3-78d328420f19 Finished uploading image cat\kat-achterpoot_links1-surface.bmp, AssetID: a2a83aa 4-2e66-af26-f633-79707c82d6a5 Timed out waiting for prim achterpoot_links1 to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-voorpoot_rechts.bmp, AssetID: d25862df-588a-d2f 2-7c6e-6d27dae2b7d1 Finished uploading image cat\kat-voorpoot_rechts-surface.bmp, AssetID: 71f7749d- 72af-5d8e-4f4a-b8c01730348d Timed out waiting for prim voorpoot_rechts to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-voorpoot_links.bmp, AssetID: 3be71d04-10a3-52f9 -8055-e78cffe320eb Finished uploading image cat\kat-voorpoot_links-surface.bmp, AssetID: 3d57e9df-f a2a-09e0-4088-7ae33d2d8c68 Timed out waiting for prim voorpoot_links to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-lijf.bmp, AssetID: 63092fd1-eb30-980e-e9c6-3d18 71b1516b Finished uploading image cat\kat-lijf-surface.bmp, AssetID: 069b57ce-45c9-076c-c 6bf-9afaf98e207c Timed out waiting for prim lijf to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-oog_links.bmp, AssetID: 13d86946-ae6d-ef4b-dfd5 -56dd69a04859 Finished uploading image cat\kat-oog_links-surface.bmp, AssetID: df77fd8e-8082-f 89b-526e-6bf3a04a5d2c Timed out waiting for prim oog_links to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-oog_rechts.bmp, AssetID: 44363521-7ba0-6d59-7dd 4-5d71987a7335 Finished uploading image cat\kat-oog_rechts-surface.bmp, AssetID: e147eaa6-6eed- 3d92-531e-b708a7029bad Timed out waiting for prim oog_rechts to rez, skipping Finished uploading image cat\kat-Kop.bmp, AssetID: 2557e050-6ec8-7957-b96d-3ab23 01da009 Finished uploading image cat\kat-Kop-surface.bmp, AssetID: 2fb07676-e856-b3df-b5 94-a6c402b2bde4 Timed out waiting for prim Kop to rez, skipping Rezzed, textured, and linked 0 sculpted prims, logging out...

Marcthur Goosson