Authenticated Chat
Here's a method of authenticating chat with shared secret.
//By: Gigs Taggart
//Modified by Strife Onizuka
//Released under BSD license
string gSetupNotecardName = "setup";
string gPassword; integer gSeed;
key gSetupQueryId; integer gSetupNotecardLine;
//to sign a message we hash message+gSecret+llGetKey() string sign_message(string message) {
string hash = llMD5String(message + gPassword + (string)llGetKey(), gSeed); return message + hash;
//to verify a message we do all the same stuff except we get the sender's key integer verify_message(string raw, key sender) {
string hash = llMD5String(llDeleteSubString(message, -32, -1) + gPassword + (string)sender, gSeed); return llGetSubString(message, -32, -1) == hash;
readSettingsNotecard() {
gSetupNotecardLine = 0; gSetupQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(gSetupNotecardName, gSetupNotecardLine);
state_entry() { readSettingsNotecard(); } dataserver(key queryId, string data) { if(queryId == gSetupQueryId) { if(data != EOF) { integer split = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); if(~split) { string setting = llDeleteSubString(data, split, -1); string value = llDeleteSubString(data, 0, split); if (setting == "password") { gPassword = value; } else if(setting == "seed") { gSeed = (integer)value; } } gSetupQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(gSetupNotecardName, ++gSetupNotecardLine); } else { state running; } } } changed(integer change) { llResetScript(); }
state running {
changed(integer change) { llResetScript(); }
} </lsl>
Name: "setup"
password=secret seed=0xdeadbeef