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Revision as of 06:31, 5 September 2007 by Ppaatt Lynagh (talk | contribs) (Point to the Talk:Chatbot discussion of arithmetic operators, etc.)
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Compile and run the LSL you chat on a channel, faster than you can compile and run it thru the 2007-08 SL GUI.

Created by Ppaatt Lynagh. "Allow anyone to copy", "next owner can copy & modify", and "mark item for sale price L$0", are the rights on my copies of this script in SL, as of 2007-09-04.

The LSL commands you can chat include:

/7 llSetColor(<0.3, 0.3, 0.3>, ALL_SIDES);
/7 llSetColor(<1, 1, 1>, ALL_SIDES);
/7 llSetText("look at me white", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
/7 llSetText("look at me green", <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
/7 llSetText("look at me black", <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
/7 llSetText("", <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
/7 llGetAgentSize(llGetLinkKey(llGetNumberOfPrims())) // often not ZERO_VECTOR while avatar sits

The sample script follows.

To keep this sample script conveniently short, this script understands only a few library function names, a few code constant names, a few punctuation marks, and a few data types. I hope you find it easy to add the library function names and code constant names that interest you, even prefix (not infix) function names like the "*" multiply operator. Adding the list data type as a possible parameter type might require real work: LSL doesn't understand lists of lists yet.

See the discussion tab for talk of more example command lines that we could/ should soon add.


// Compile and run the Lsl you type on a channel,
// faster than you can thru the 2007-08 SL GUI.

integer theChannel = 7;

// Evaluate any one parameter

list theCodes = [





list theCodenames = [

    "TRUE", "FALSE",




list valueOf(string word)
    if (0 <= llSubStringIndex(word, "."))
        return [(float) word];
    else if (0 <= llSubStringIndex("0123456789", llGetSubString(word, 0, 0)))
        return [(integer) word];
        integer index = llListFindList(theCodenames, [word]);
        if (0 <= index)
            return llList2List(theCodes, index, index);
        } else {
            return [word]; // unevaluated

// Strip the leading and trailing quotes from a quoted evaluated string

string cbList2String(list parameters, integer index)
    string chars = llList2String(parameters, index);
    if (llStringLength(chars) <= 2)
        return "";
    return llGetSubString(chars, 1, -2);

// Pass the parameters to the named routine.
// Return no result, one result, else the callable and parameters.

list resultOf(string callable, list parameters)
    list ps = parameters; // abbreviate "parameters"
    llOwnerSay(callable + "(" + llList2CSV(ps) + ")");
    // Return one result to say callable found and one result collected
    // Or fall thru to say callable found and no result collected

    if ("llGetAgentSize" == callable) // id
        return [llGetAgentSize(llList2Key(ps, 0))];
    else if ("llGetLinkKey" == callable) // linknum
        return [llGetLinkKey(llList2Integer(ps, 0))];
    else if ("llGetNumberOfPrims" == callable) // linknum
        return [llGetNumberOfPrims()];
    else if ("llSetColor" == callable) // color, face
        llSetColor(llList2Vector(ps, 0), llList2Integer(ps, 1));
    else if ("llSetText" == callable) // text, color, alpha
        llSetText(cbList2String(ps, 0), llList2Vector(ps, 1), llList2Float(ps, 2));
    // Return more than one result to say callable not found
        return [callable, "not found"];
    // Return no result to say callable found but no result
    return [];

// Obey one command.

list callEach(list words)

    // Begin with almost nothing

    list values = [""];
    list depths = [0];

    // Take each action in order

    integer lenWords = llGetListLength(words);
    integer index;
    for (index = 0; index < lenWords; ++index)
        string word = llList2String(words, index);
        integer beyond = llGetListLength(values);
        // Count values of "( ... )" or of "< ... >"
        if ((word == "(") || (word == "<"))
            depths += [beyond]; // push the depth

        else if ((word == ")") || (word == ">"))

            // Pop the depth

            integer first = llList2Integer(depths, -1);
            depths = llList2List(depths, 0, -2); // pop the tail

            // Pop the parameters

            integer last = beyond - 1;
            list parameters = [];
            if (first <= last)
                parameters = llList2List(values, first, last);
                values = llList2List(values, 0, first - 1);

            // Join together the components of a vector

            if (word == ">")
                integer depth = llGetListLength(parameters);
                if (depth == 3)
                    vector vec;
                    vec.x = llList2Float(parameters, 0);
                    vec.y = llList2Float(parameters, 1);
                    vec.z = llList2Float(parameters, 2);
                    values += [vec];

                // Join together the components of a rotation

                if (depth == 4)
                    rotation rot;
                    rot.x = llList2Float(parameters, 0);
                    rot.y = llList2Float(parameters, 1);
                    rot.z = llList2Float(parameters, 2);
                    rot.s = llList2Float(parameters, 2);
                    values += [rot];

            // Call with a list of parameters (of non-list types)

            else if (word == ")")
                string callable = llList2String(values, -1);
                values = llList2List(values, 0, -2); // pop the tail
                list results = resultOf(callable, parameters);
                if (llGetListLength(results) == 1)
                    values += results;

        // Push any other word as a parameter

            values += word;

    // Succeed

    return llList2List(values, 1, -1); // pop the head (only if head is not tail)

// Divide a string into words,
// by returning each of the spacers as a word
// and then all the chars between as words.

list split(string source, list spacers)
    list outputs = [source];
    // Pass never more than 8 spacers to llParseString2List
    integer lenSpacers = llGetListLength(spacers);
    integer ss;
    for (ss = 0; ss < lenSpacers; ss += 8)
        list someSpacers = llList2List(spacers, ss, ss + 7);
        // Call llParseString2List again for each result so far
        list inputs = outputs;
        outputs = [];
        integer lenInputs = llGetListLength(inputs);
        integer ii;
        for (ii = 0; ii < lenInputs; ++ii)
            string input = llList2String(inputs, ii);
            outputs += llParseString2List(input, [], someSpacers);
    // Succeed
    return outputs;

// Divide the command into words.
// Take care to join together the words of each quotation.
// Return a list of the words of the command.

list valueEach(string chars)

    // Begin with nothing

    list values = [];

    // Describe the language of an LSL expression without operators
    string escape = "\\";
    string quote = "\"";
    list separators = ["\t", " ", ",", ";"];
    list spacers = [quote, escape, "(", ")", "/", "<", ">", "[", "]"];
    // Divide the command into words, but also shatter quotations

    list words = split(chars, separators + spacers);
    integer lenWords = llGetListLength(words);
    // Consider each word or word of a quotation

    integer index = 0;
    while (index < lenWords)
        string word = llList2String(words, index++);
        // Join together the words of a quotation

        if (word == quote)
            string value = "";
                word = llList2String(words, index++);
                if (word != quote)
                    value += word;
            } while ((word != quote) && (index < lenWords));
            // Quote the quotation simply, so the quotation is never found in spacers
            values += quote + value + quote;

        // Discard slash slash commentary

        else if ((word == "/") && (llList2String(words, index) == "/"))
            return values;

        // Discard separators
        else if ((0 <= llListFindList(separators, [word])) || (word == ""))

        // Keep spacers
        else if (0 <= llListFindList(spacers, [word]))
            values += word;

        // Evaluate other words
            values += valueOf(word);

    // Succeed

    return values;

// Hear and obey the chat of the owner at the channel.

        llListen(theChannel, "", llGetOwner(), "");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        list values = valueEach(message);
//      llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(values));
        list results = callEach(values);
        if (results != [])