User:Jana Kamachi
Who, me? Meh, this and that, I'm your average avatar. I like to hang around the sandbox's and I'll help when I can.
You can usually find me on Bug Island pestering whatever linden happens by.
If you ever need help scripting in-world, give me a shout.
Scripts & Snippets
Feel free to use these however you want, I just ask for a IM if you do :P
- AvatarTracker :: Tracks when and to where an avatar goes to another sim.
- MP3 Player :: A basic MP3 Player
- Non-Physical movment script :: Fairly decent for being only one script.
- Dynamic SitTarget :: Move a persons sittarget, WHILE THEIR SEATED.]]
- A built-in code highlighter for LSL. I built one for my own wiki, and I find it disgraceful that this one doesn't. Sign your name On the TalkPage if you'll support me.