Talk:Multi-Process Client VAG -- draft

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  • General insights on issues related to massively decoupled 3D clients would be most welcome. If it's performance-related, please supply numbers.
  • I'll get rid of the logo-size graphic under the almost-pointless and space-wasting NavBox when the NavBox is removed or replaced by an additional menu beneath the TOOLBOX section on the left. (See Template_talk:AWG_NavBox). Meanwhile that wasted space below NavBox might as well hold a logo-type graphic for the VAG. --Morgaine Dinova

Use Cases

  • Because of the mix'n'match nature of clients made up from numerous decoupled components, the sky is the limit as far as use cases are concerned. If you have some really far out use case ideas, we'd love to hear about them. Even better, there's a (currently empty) Use Cases section in the draft document. you know what to do. :-) --Morgaine Dinova 03:28, 8 November 2007 (PST)
  • I followed my own advice, and added some simple use cases. :-) --Morgaine Dinova 01:34, 11 November 2007 (PST)

Members (Stakeholders)

  • Welcome Goldie, glad you can join us. :-) We need to identify potential problems and pitfalls early on this one, even though we're still in draft. It's always harder to fix fundamental problems later, and this design is totally unconventional so is bound to have issues, so get the very sharp knife out. :-)) --Morgaine Dinova 01:28, 11 November 2007 (PST)

Document Graphics

Help in overcoming the wiki's inability to convert the SVG fonts in the SVG file would be much appreciated.
  • I can't get the wiki to convert the SVG fonts currently, so that the graphic can be displayed inline with [ [ Image:Multi-Process_Client_Overview_0.svg]]
    Error creating thumbnail: convert-im6.q16: delegate failed `'rsvg-convert' -o '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1928. convert-im6.q16: unable to open file `/tmp/magick-27160QDJOpruQk3Mo': No such file or directory @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/600. convert-im6.q16: no images defined `PNG:/tmp/transform_48e19cceb892.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.
    -- see what I mean? :P
Looks like I'll have to convert to PNG locally, which would be a pity since the diagram is then not easily editable. --Morgaine Dinova 06:38, 8 November 2007 (PST)
  • I converted the SVG images locally and uploaded PNG files in full-size, half-size, and quarter-size. It's all a bit silly, considering that the first word of SVG is "Scalable" and that all modern browsers can render SVG. Conversion to bitmap graphics on the wiki shouldn't be needed. --Morgaine Dinova 00:55, 9 November 2007 (PST)