Template:LSO Bytecodes/operators

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ADD 0x70 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left + Right) onto the stack. type
SUB 0x71 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left - Right) onto the stack. type
MUL 0x72 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left * Right) onto the stack. type
DIV 0x73 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left / Right) onto the stack. type
MOD 0x74 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left % Right) onto the stack. type
EQ 0x75 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left == Right) onto the stack. type
NEQ 0x76 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left != Right) onto the stack. type
LEQ 0x77 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left <= Right) onto the stack. type
GEQ 0x78 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left >= Right) onto the stack. type
LESS 0x79 Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left < Right) onto the stack. type
GREATER 0x7A Pop type.Right then type.Left, push result of (Left > Right) onto the stack. type
BITAND 0x7B Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left & Right) onto the stack.
BITOR 0x7C Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left | Right) onto the stack.
BITXOR 0x7D Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left ^ Right) onto the stack.
BOOLAND 0x7E Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left && Right) onto the stack.
BOOLOR 0x7F Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left || Right) onto the stack.
NEG 0x80 Pop type.Right, push result of (-Right) onto the stack. type
BITNOT 0x81 Pop dword (Right), push result of (~Right) onto the stack.
BOOLNOT 0x82 Pop dword (Right), push result of (!Right) onto the stack.
CAST 0xA0 Pop type.Left, convert Left to type.Right and push the result onto the stack. type
SHL 0xE0 Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left << Right) onto the stack.
SHR 0xE1 Pop dword (Right) then dword (Left), push result of (Left >> Right) onto the stack.