User:Tatanya Dawn

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Revision as of 10:39, 4 January 2008 by Tatanya Dawn (talk | contribs)
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Rez Date Sometime in late 2003
Accepted into SL Mentor Program Some time ago... 0.o ... not entirely sure really.
Avatar umm, dog... NOT A PANDA -.0
Home Location De Haro🖈
SL Skills I experiment, I am not an expert at anything but have dipped my paws into all aspects of SL. Textures, Clothing, Animations, Building and especially scripting.
Interests I have no definitive interests that last. One month I might be addicted to making a Space Flight simulator, the next I might be playing with simple AI... Currently, I am experimenting with creating a very small closed economy simulation (supply/demand/cod) with little prim space ships (cylinders), space stations (spheres) and mines (cubes).
Hobbies I think SL is my hobby. I have not yet encountered such an open ended, virtual world where if you can think it you can create it. I have played with many many virtual worlds over the years and I think that in itself is my hobby.
Education I have very little formal education. What I learned, I learned by doing.
Languages English

Mentoring Philosophies

I am, what Mia Linden referrs to as, a "rogue mentor". I spend 60% of my online time in De Haro building, experimenting and basically playing. I love to play. This is probably why my In-Game skill-set is so eccelectic. Since I tend to not focus on one single thing for an extended period of time.

I've been asked "How can I be a good mentor" since I don't spend a lot of time on Help Islands or Orientation Islands... Very simple really, I am here and I want to help. I encounter people every day flying over De Haro or in various sandboxes, and sometimes they stop to talk. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes I see someone having problems making something or is fiddling with their look. I am always friendly (Sometimes I don't respond immediately to ingame chat because I am immersed in a script-fest and this can be misunderstood as being unfriendly). I try to always say Hello to people I've not seen before, and while I don't offer advice right off the bat (personally, I find someone who waltz's up to me and says "you know, you could do that better if you do blah blah" to be very assuming and overbearing.) but I do offer help "I see you're working on your avatar, if you have any questions I'd be happy to help out."

All that said, I do spend some time on help islands (especially help island 4 for some reason) and orientation islands. I like noobie watching and I've made some great friends that way. I enjoy helping out people but I can easily become overwhelmed when there are 3 or 20 new residents all vying for my attention. During those times I will put a cry for help to a few of my mentor friends or try as best as I can to help then take a break. Arranging Linden Ferns around builds is a great way to relax.

My mentoring methods

I like helping people by showing. With really basic questions such as "How do I make money?", I will offer a note card because this information is long and repetative. As a note, when people start talking to me about money, I prefer to explain that you really do not need massive amounts of money in Second Life to enjoy the game. If you want something badly enough, you will make it. The more you make things, the more self reliant you are. Other then that, I really prefer taking a one on one approch to mentoring the more complex aspects of SL.

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