Doc Team/2008-01-04
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Revision as of 06:48, 11 April 2008 by Jeremy Linden (talk | contribs)
Arawn Spitteler: Checking on my tea Jeremy Linden: Hello Ricken. Welcome to Documentation office hours! Feel free to have a seat while we wait for a few more people to show up. Jeremy Linden: Welcome back, Arawn. Ricken Flow: thank you Jeremy WidgetHUD v1.1: Ricken Flow has pinged you. Arawn Spitteler: A few more people not includeing Jon, this week? Jeremy Linden: Heh. He'll be here. I just usually show up a few minutes earlier. Arawn Spitteler: Office Hours are abit slow, for hte holidays' Jeremy Linden: Well, we didn't have them last week, but we've been getting a good number of people the past few weeks. Arawn Spitteler: Posting to he Blog likely helps Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Jon Jon Linden: good afternoon! Ricken Flow: Hello Jon :-) Jeremy Linden: We've been experimenting with Knowledge Base articles of the week- judging from the comments, it seems like some people like them, and some people rather violently disagree. Jon Linden: (i seem to have arrived mid-conversation) Arawn Spitteler: Many of the violently in dissagreement will violently disagree, if you handed them a fifty Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Indya Jon Linden: are we talking about the usefulness of the KB Article of the Week, or their tendency to collect spittle-flecked comments as a result of Second Life service outages? Indya Etchegaray: hi arawn Jeremy Linden: Hello Indya. Welcome to Documentation Office Hours. Indya Etchegaray: thank you Jon Linden: in my mind, those are two different things Jon Linden: (hi indya!) Jeremy Linden: A little of both, Jon, we were just shooting the breeze and the blog came up. Jon Linden: heheheh Ricken Flow: to some SL is a true addiction and when there is an outage doesnt matter if its a good reason or not they don't have their addiction and need to lash out Jon Linden: this most certainly seems true! Jeremy Linden: Heh. I never thought of it as that kind of addiction, but I suppose we could chalk it up to withdrawal symptoms. Arawn Spitteler: The Spittle Flecked comments that first came to eye, were off topic Jon Linden: they almost always are Jeremy Linden: Anyway, shall we get started? As usual, I'd like to open up the floor to any questions or suggestions... if nobody has any, I think we can discuss some of the upcoming changes we're going to be making to the Knowledge Base. Arawn Spitteler: I don't know if the other topic filled, or if they've just poor aim Jeremy Linden: The topic before mine on the blog this week had comments turned off :-) Jeremy Linden scans the audience for typists. Jon Linden: shall we talk KB changes? Arawn Spitteler: Logging in is a bore Jeremy Linden: As a matter of fact, that's one of the things we'll be changing! Arawn Spitteler: Worse, is that it doesn't llike the back burner Jon Linden: that's basically the #1 thing we're going to be getting rid of Jon Linden: the whatnow? Ricken Flow: the logging into support? Jeremy Linden: I think he means it doesn't like to be left alone... it keeps asking if you'd like to stay logged in. Arawn Spitteler: If we're logged in, to the KB, it doesn't yea Jon Linden: oh, true! Jon Linden: well, since we're taking it out from behind the login, that should no longer be an issue Jon Linden: what other changes should we tell them about Jon Linden: i mean aside from my decision to convert the entire KB to Esperanto Jon Linden: (wink) Ricken Flow: i hope that is just a font Ricken Flow: lol Jon Linden: heheheh Arawn Spitteler: Esperanto is recommended as the universal foreign language, since nobody understands it Jeremy Linden: Oh, how about the new front page? Jon Linden: which one, the Support front page or the KB splash page? Jon Linden: we're bringing change to many areas Jon Linden: delicious change Jeremy Linden: Heh. Why don't we start with the KB splash page. Ricken Flow: :-) Jon Linden: most of the confusing textual elements of the KB splash page will be vanishing Jon Linden: their tasks will be accomplished by design elements elsewhere (mostly the new Support front page) Jon Linden: replacing them will be sets of lovely icons representing major categories of knowledge in the KB Jon Linden: i'm working with some Resident volunteer testers to figure out what those categories should be Jon Linden: essentially working on a new arrangement of articles in the KB to be more intuitive to the average Resident Jon Linden: at least, that's the hope Ricken Flow: so the knowledge base is going to be separate from the support center Ricken Flow: smiles broadly Jon Linden: functionally, more or less, yes Jon Linden: if you want to submit a ticket or go into Live Chat, you'll have to log in as before Jon Linden: but if you just want to read the KB, no login will be required Jon Linden: the articles themselves will still look the same Jeremy Linden: The backend will still be tied to the support center, which is in some ways a good thing- Our support Lindens have the ability to import knowledge base content into their responses with a single click. Jeremy Linden: Likewise, they have a feature that allows them to suggest their incoming tickets to us as new KB articles. Jon Linden: which is a big goal of mine for the new year Ricken Flow: that sounds exciting Miskat Qinan: Ricken! you too here! Ricken Flow: Hello Miskat :-) Miskat Qinan: hello all JoseDiego Silverspar: Hello everyone. Jon Linden: hello and welcome to Documentation Office Hours! Jeremy Linden: Hello Miskat and JoseDiego! Welcome to Documentation Office Hours. Feel free to have a seat, and let the questions and suggestions flow :-) Miskat Qinan: thank you Jon Linden: does anybody have anything they want to share about the current Knowledge Base (aside from the login thing, which we've already gone over) Jon Linden: i've also outlined some changes we're going to be making to the way the KB is organized and presented JoseDiego Silverspar: I just need to know who to talk to about my problem, I can't seem to get anyone else to listen. Jon Linden: sounds like a support request to me Ricken Flow: there is a lot of training type videos that Torley has made will there be an intitiative to link those to corresponding KB articles JoseDiego Silverspar: The support portal's brushed me off twice without even addressing what the problem was. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. Jon Linden: JoseDiego, IM me and we'll talk there JoseDiego Silverspar: Thank you. Miskat Qinan: Ok, let me be howell, 1 question I have as well is concerning the Liaisons. They are supposed to provide help and should be reachable inworld 24/7 but they can't be reached at all. JoseDiego Silverspar: And I do find the Knowledge base helpful by the way. Miskat Qinan: *honest Jon Linden: ricken, most of Torley's Tip of the Week videos have been put into the KB Jon Linden: the rest of the videos that are in the KB are going to be indexed so they'll be easier to find using the search Jeremy Linden: Right- we're definitely working toward making it easier to find and watch our tutorial videos. Arawn Spitteler: Those Mentors are pretty good, and easier to reach than Support tickets Ricken Flow: maybe they need to be revisted some of the videos that come up under certain subjects under related topics arent that related Ricken Flow: i know for saving outfits you get making a gesture video :-) Jon Linden: sometimes the search finds things that aren't really relevant, but we don't have a whole lot of control over Parature's search functionality Jon Linden: better indexing is for sure one way to go, though! Jon Linden: Miskat, you might want to stop by Char's office hours if you want to talk about LIaisons JoseDiego Silverspar: I'd have to agree with the better indexing, sometimes it's a bit difficult to find things. Miskat Qinan: ok, I will do that at an other moment, thank you Jon. Jeremy Linden: We were actually just discussing the organization of the KB before you arrived, JoseDiego... Jon's working on a Master Plan to reorganize the KB in a more intuitive fashion. Jon Linden: it's true! JoseDiego Silverspar: Good good cause a lot of times unless it's on the start page... I have a bit of difficulty finding it. Jon Linden: the search usually works pretty well, but there are definitely some things we could try from an organizational standpoint that might improve usability Arawn Spitteler: I've found that on the Jira, the directory doesn't offer much direction Jon Linden: jira's not really in our ballpark, Arawn Jeremy Linden: Ironically, I bet you could submit a feature request in Jira for better Jira organization. Arawn Spitteler: Which section? Jeremy Linden: Hm. Good question. Sort of a paradox :-) Jeremy Linden: You could probably file it under Web Site or Misc Issues Jon Linden: i'm not sure either Arawn Spitteler: So, it wouldn't be under service, then? Jeremy Linden: Service is reserved more for Second Life server-side issues. Arawn Spitteler: Okay, but I wouldn't know that. I guess I'll have to enter a recursive Jira Jeremy Linden: Actually, I wrote an article on this subject. One moment while I go get it! Jeremy Linden: Miskat Qinan: ok all, I have to go! good luck and keep up the good work :) Jeremy Linden: Thanks Miskat. Thanks for stopping in! Miskat Qinan: sure Jeremy Linden: Oh yeah, there we go. Arawn, your request would go under WEB, for sure. Jeremy Linden: under the component, even Jeremy Linden: But anyway, does anyone have more they'd like to chat about? Jeremy Linden: Do you feel our articles are specific enough? Are they too technical? Are they helpful? Do you think there's anything missing? Ricken Flow: they are definetly helpful sometimes they can be technical especially if you do not know some of the jargon and are new looking for help Jeremy Linden: Can you think of any examples, off the top of your head? Ricken Flow: the biggest problem i had when i first started was finding out what a HUD was Jeremy Linden: Ooh, that sounds like an article itself. *me makes a note* Jeremy Linden: It looks like all we've got right now is Torley's video tutorial on how to use HUDs. Good catch! Arawn Spitteler's still trying to figure, how to add a jira: What's a road map, anyways? Jeremy Linden: I'm not sure in your exact context, but usually a roadmap is a plan for future actions. Arawn Spitteler: WEB-194 looks like a good category. The context is the Jira, POpen Issues, Popular, Roadmap... Jeremy Linden: Sounds good to me, Arawn... I'm not a public Jira guru, though. Jeremy Linden: Hm... So, aside from HUDs, what's the last thing anyone searched for in the KB that they didn't find? Ricken Flow: that is the only thing I havent found. Jeremy Linden: I just submitted an internal Jira to myself for it :-) Ricken Flow: I looked at the Jira front page and it looks rather crowded Arawn Spitteler thinks: Apublic jira would get more votes Jeremy Linden: Hm. Unfortunately, public Jira doesn't fall under my or Jon's control, except maybe if we wanted to get a KB component added there for KB suggestions. Arawn Spitteler: We tend to forget what we're no longer worried about, and can't believe that others don't know, what we've found out Jon Linden: actually, while we're talking about KB suggestions, does anyone have a problem with how they're currently implemented? JoseDiego Silverspar: Thank you all. I hope you have a productive meeting. I do enjoy the knowledge base. Jon Linden: (i.e. as a Support ticket type that anyone can submit) Jon Linden: take it easy! Jeremy Linden: Arawn, that's true for a lot of features in Second Life- once you learn them, they become second nature... but to someone who has never tried, it's impossible. Arawn Spitteler: I've been running the Building Class, at Mystic Academy, for those who haven't braved ITLP yet Jon Linden: basically i'm just not really enthusiastic about adding a KB-Suggestion-like component to the public Jira, if only because it will mean two things for me to track Jon Linden: but if the current system is proving to be inadequate i'd love to (a) know that, and (b) hear suggestions Jeremy Linden: Hm. True enough. I think a lot of people don't even know they can submit KB suggestions via ticket. Arawn Spitteler: KB suggestions? What's the current channel? Jon Linden: the support ticket type i mentioned before Jeremy Linden: Currently, you can submit a KB suggestion as a support ticket, yes. Arawn Spitteler was beaten to the punch Ricken Flow: yes but from my understanding of support tickets you have to be a paid member to submit tickets other than special questions Arawn Spitteler wouldn't think of filing a support ticket, as a no payment user: I'd tend to think of the Mentors, before anything like a Support Ticket Time Minder: You have been online for 2 hours. Jeremy Linden: Hm. Maybe we should ask the Mentors to file KB suggestions when they find something missing. Jon Linden: that'd be an idea i'd be interested to see the outcome of Arawn Spitteler thinks that should be the standard channel Ricken Flow: I think that would be helpful to the Mentors. Arawn Spitteler: It's kind of like a book on learning how to read Jeremy Linden: Everybody needs to learn from somewhere, though. We're always looking for better ways to teach people those first steps. Jeremy Linden: Hello Brigit. Welcome to Documentation Office Hours! Jon Linden: good afternoon! Arawn Spitteler: /hug bri Jeremy Linden: Or evening, if you're east of San Francisco :-) Brigit Carver: OK sorry, Arawan just TPed me out of something aggravating so please excuse my sudden appearence Arawn gives Brigit a big hug. Arawn Spitteler: What's a god for, if not to hug the great? Brigit Carver giggles as she smiles Jon Linden: the hour's almost up, anyway Arawn Spitteler: Have you any experience, with the Documentation, of SL? Jeremy Linden: I do... :-) Jon Linden: does anyone have any other thoughts on the utility of the KB Suggestions ticket as a way of submitting suggestions for KB articles or fixes? Arawn Spitteler wouldn't know how to submit a ticket Jeremy Linden: Hm. Maybe this could be one of those major categories on the splash page- Didn't find what you're looking for? Send us a Knowledge Base suggestion! Jon Linden: that is an outstanding idea Arawn Spitteler: Prepare for a deluge Ricken Flow: what would be the difference of sending a suggestion and opening a Kb support ticket Jeremy Linden: We already get a deluge... but if I recall correctly, we had the same sort of thing on the portal of our old KB. Brigit Carver: Or you could just make a group or groups, depending on where people live.....regional based help groups, and then post helpful notices in there Jon Linden: that's a possibility; we get complaints from people who think group IMs are already kind of broken, though Jon Linden: is, uh, is anybody else seeing people's avatars flicker in and out of existence? Ricken Flow: not me Arawn Spitteler: Sounds like Windlight Brigit Carver: a linden having problems....I can die happy now Jeremy Linden: I'm not seeing avatars flicker, but the Region to the North seems to keep crashing. Jeremy Linden: Or uh... there's no Region there. Jon Linden: individual items of clothing/body parts are strobing black for just a fraction of a second, intermittently Jeremy Linden: Are you on a secondary monitor? Jon Linden: i'm not on WindLight and I have only one monitor Brigit Carver: I've got the old non-Windlight client running and I"m not seeing anything going wonky Jon Linden: weird! Jeremy Linden: Last thing I'd try is to reset your ATI catalyst drivers... we've got a KB article on what to do if your avatar turns black :-) Brigit Carver: join the Harlem Globtrotters? Jon Linden: i do remember that! ^_^ Arawn Spitteler escorted a very black Sooden, to the Mentors, for that problem: maybe the mentors could help with your problem? Jon Linden: it'll probably disappear once I relog Ricken Flow: that reminds me i forgot to put in a ticket recently when i have been TP ing somewhere i become invisible Jeremy Linden made a cardboard cutout of a blackened Linden once. Jon Linden: in any case, i think that's all the time we've got for today Arawn Spitteler: Flush Cache on your way? Brigit Carver: has anyone else noticed that the tags above some avatars suddenly disappear randomly? Jon Linden: i have never witnessed that Ricken Flow: haha Arawn Spitteler: Yeah, that too Brigit Carver: I've had it happen to me about 10 or 12 times over the past few months Brigit Carver: thought it was something I could purposely do but found no option for it Jeremy Linden: Brigit, do you have nametags set to "temporarily"? Arawn Spitteler has just gotten used to it, and usually clicks on profile, to see who's arrived Jeremy Linden: It's on the General tab of Preferences... you can show nametags Never, Temporarily, or Always Brigit Carver: nope Ricken Flow: nice meeting everyone, I am sure i will make this office hours one of my regular ones Ricken Flow: :-) Brigit Carver: it's been set to Always Jon Linden: that's good to hear! Jeremy Linden: Thanks for coming, Ricken! Ricken Flow: Off to RL to cook dinner Jon Linden: i've got to head out myself; thank you all for coming, and have an excellent weekend! Jeremy Linden: I'm on board with the dinner thing. See you all next week! :-)