New Citizens Incorporated
Group Name
NCI/New Citizens Incorporated Groups
- New Citizens Inc.
- NCI Alumni Association
- NCI Land Holdings
- NCI Board of Directors
This Document Is Current As Of
Founder's Second Life Name
Brace Coral
(Brace Coral is no longer involved in management of NCI. Gramma Fiddlesticks is currently the Interim Chairman of the Board of Directors for NCI/New Citizens Incorporated. Please contact her about any issues concerning the NCI groups.)
Total Group Members
- New Citizens Inc. - 9, 547
- NCI Alumni Association - 951
- NCI Land Holdings - 160
- NCI Board of Directors - 21
To minimize problems with Group Chat and Group Notices caused by large groups, NCI regularly ejects people from the New Citizens Inc. group who have not logged in for over six months.
Group Charter
NCI /New Citizens Incorporated is a portal to the Second Life® virtual world.
Designed primarily for new residents, but open to all, NCI offers in-person advice from our team of NCI Helpers and NCI Land Officers classes, contests and social events, interactive tutorials, freebies, help notecards and landmarks, sandboxes for building, a new residents mall, Ginny Gremlin park, games, and newsstands with free in-world publications.
NCI’s offers an extensive schedule of classes and events (over 60 a week), held at our campuses, and at venues of partner companies. NCI classes include basic and advanced building and texturing, clothing and accessory creation, scripting, and land ownership. We also hold other basic SL classes, such as Intro to SL, Using the Search Menu and Maps, Avatar Makeover, and SL Consumer Skills. NCI events include Show & Tells, Parties, Blitz Building contests, New Player Q&A, and our longest running event—our weekly Newbie Salsa.
NCI runs three Second Life campuses: NCI Kuula (the original and largest NCI location), NCI South (at Hamnida, directly adjacent to the South Welcome Area), and NCI Beach (by the sea in the Class 5 Fishermans Cove sim). NCI also manages seventeen NCI InfoNodes, located near or adjacent to Linden InfoHubs (or other areas popular with new residents). InfoNodes serve as "mini-NCIs" with information, freebies, landmarks, maps, and schedules, providing information to new residents where they first rez, when they first rez.
NCI classes, events, and resources are free and open to all.
NCI is entirely resident-run and financed and is unaffiliated with Linden Lab. Land and tier for NCI’s four campuses has been purchased by NCI or donated by NCI members and supporters. NCI continues to pay its instructors, even after Linden Lab abandoned class funding in December 2006. NCI is not-for-profit and is funded via through individual donations, sponsored advertising, and by RL and in-world businesses that we conduct NCI-branded classes and events for.
The Tao of NCI
- Help people.
- Don't be a jerk
Mission Focus & Statement
- Main Focus: Help, Education, and Support for New Residents
Best Practices
- Campus Locations
- NCI Kuula
- Kuula Sim - NCI Main Campus
- NCI South
- Hamnida Sim - Adjacent to South Welcome Area
- NCI Beach
- Fishermans Cove Sim
- InfoNode Locations
- Ambat, Baileya/Hyles, Bay City Centre, Bay City Docklands, Braunworth, Chartreuse/Mauve, Chief/Bear, Clementina, Hanson, Helfell, Istar/Iris, Ominor/Helfell, Mahulu, Maryport/Pooley, Muse Village, Pala, Ross, Warmouth, and Zindra .
- InfoHub
- Mahulu InfoHub
- NCI is the resident organization that operates the Linden Lab-owned Mahulu InfoHub. Based on an original build by Karsten Rutledge, the Mahulu InfoHub is both a spawning point for new residents and a home location for old, at the base of Mount G'al. NCI has outfitted Mahulu with help posters and signs grouped into four categories: "How do I learn the basics?", "What can I see & do here?", "Where can I find free stuff?", and "Where can I learn SL skills?" The Mahulu InfoHub is also supported by the adjacent NCI-owned Mahulu InfoNode.
- Resources
- Helpers, Classes, Events, Tutorials, InfoNodes, NCI Blog, NCI Website, SL Info Networked Help Card Vendors, FreebieNode Networked Freebie Vendors, Sandboxes (1000 prims at Kuula, Caledon, and Hamnida), "Live Help" via New Citizens Inc. Group Channel, SL Maps, Games, Newsstands, NCI Mall (free vendor space for new residents), Home Spots (places where new residents can set "Home" to at each NCI campus), Associated Special Interest Groups (such as NCI Scripters and NCI Business Forum).
Board of Directors
- Interim Chairman of the Board - Gramma Fiddlesticks
- Vice Chairman - Afon Shepherd
- Vice Chairman - Garn Conover
- Freebies Director - Blu Laszlo
- Ad-node Director - Fr43k Paine
- Education Director - Afon Shepherd
- Events Director - Gramma Fiddlesticks
- Acting Chief Financial Officer - Fr43k Paine
- Web Services Officer - Lethe Naumova
- NCI Helpers Manager - Beverly Montgomery
- Training Specialist - Peace Smythe
- Public Relations Specialist - Quite Oh
- Sr. Land Officer NCI Beach - Linda Coffee
- Sr. Land Officer NCI South - Wellington Beam
- Sr. Land Officer NCI Kuula - Beverly Montgomery
- Sr. Land Officer NCI Kuula - Garn Conover
Group Documentarians
- Garn Conover
- Gramma Fiddlestix
- Blu Laszlo
Requirements to Join
- New Citizens Inc. - Open enrollment
- NCI Alumni Association - Open enrollment
- NCI Land Holdings - Officer group; by invitation only.
- NCI Board of Directors - Executive group; by invitation only.