Linden Lab Official:Special island order form

This article is part of the Extended Second Life Knowledge Base that includes advanced and specialized information. This information was originally provided by Linden Lab, but is not actively maintained nor guaranteed to be accurate. Linden Lab does not certify nor assume any responsibility for this information.
See the official Second Life Knowledge Base for the most current information.
Educators, non-profits, Teen Second Life Residents and business entities requiring formal invoices should place their Private Region orders with the Special Island Order Form.Please use the special order form under these conditions: 1. To qualify for educational or non-profit discounted pricing (Your status as an educator or non-profit requires verification) 2. For all Teen Second Life orders (requires parental/guardian approval if under 18 and a background check if 18 or over) 3. Any order requiring an invoice (payments by wire transfer, check or credit card). Specifically for business entities requiring a formal invoice/receipt or PO# type process. PO# not required at the time of ordering. NOTE: 1. All orders placed through this form require 6 or 12 months payment for maintenance in advance. 2. Maintenance is added to your Island order invoice based on the Payment Cycle chosen at a rate of $295.00 / month ($147.50, if discounted). 3. Payment is made from the invoice which is issued upon the delivery of your island. Your first invoice will include both the setup and the first cycle of maintenance. If your purchase does not fall into these categories, please place your order at the Land Store.