Linden Lab Official:I bought Linden Dollars (L$) from the LindeX and was charged more/less than I thought I would be. Why

This article is part of the Extended Second Life Knowledge Base that includes advanced and specialized information. This information was originally provided by Linden Lab, but is not actively maintained nor guaranteed to be accurate. Linden Lab does not certify nor assume any responsibility for this information.
See the official Second Life Knowledge Base for the most current information.
The rates quoted on the LindeX are approximate estimates, and not a guarantee of an exact transaction amount.
When a Market order is placed, the order is filled with the lowest-priced L$ available at the time the order is placed. The market is very active, so an order seen as available might be gone by the time you place a new order.
If you'd like to purchase L$ at a specific price, consider placing a Limit order.