User:Jaszon Maynard/Jaszons sandbox
Here's where I work on developing articles that I will probably eventually publish to the wiki
dict. implementation qts
NCI notecards
other user sites ref
uncredit tuts
NU Help Island
phase 2 tutorial?
abuse section
Home, Class 5 server class
gather web sites
Mac vs. Windows, right click
stub names, fill-outs of what should go in
namespace, Dict tag, stub tag
publish--wr arts, stubs; post sml arts; sml stubs; big arts
I'm currently developing this article and will probably eventually publish it to the wiki
Advanced introduction; after Orientation Island--A wide variety of beginner advice on basic skills, aimed towards those who have finished Orientation Island, including tips on movement, chatting, and first tips on working with your avatar.
Special Terms A special link you may run into while reading this help is a SLurl (Second Life URL). This is a special link that can exist on any webpage on the Internet. It's a way of marking a location in Second Life. When you click on a SLurl, you are taken to a webpage that shows a map of that location in Second Life. If you have Second Life setup on your computer, then with one click on the SLurl's webpage you can have the Second Life Main Viewer get launched and in the Second Life world your avatar will be immediately teleported to the specified location. To learn more read the article about SLurls.