Talk:SLGOGP Draft 1
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SignpostMarv Martin 11:05, 11 March 2008 (PDT)
How does this take into account Open Avatar efforts? --Destiny Niles 12:09, 11 March 2008 (PDT)
Wiki content licensing is specified in the footer of every page, including this one. It can't be changed arbitrarily either, unless new content avoids reusing old content which is under CCAS license, which would be pretty silly. This is a wiki after all. Its very purpose is unhindered cooperation and building upon the work of others. Morgaine Dinova 14:52, 11 March 2008 (PDT)
Legacy Login Transforms
Occasionally an agent will have one or more transforms in the database. These include things like changing estates or moving inventory that happen on login. In this case the response of legacy login will not have
{ login: true }
but will instead include
{ login: indeterminate, next_url: transform_url, next_method: transform, message: a status update }
In this case the client needs to post everything it posted to the legacy login resource to the next_url in the response. The response from that may come back as another transform or if there no more transforms left the response will include
{ login: true, next_url: login_url, next_method: login_to_simulator }
at which point the next_url will be the legacy login resource and posting to it as we did before should result in the successful legacy login resource response.