White Tiger Mentors
Welcome to the White Tiger Mentors Wiki Page
(Including the New Resident Services Group)
- New Resident Services: Treacle Darlandes
- White Tiger Mentors: Benji Nakamori
- Amsutekan Overland (WTM)
- Brigitte Beaumont (WTM)
- Mike Burleigh (NRS & WTM)
Total Group Members
- New Resident Services: 70+
- White Tiger Mentors: 200+
Group Charters
New Resident Services: To offer quality Help and Support for people in SL, new Residents, older Residents. Our Orientation Area contains tutorials with additional information for progressed learning and is accessible to those with visual disabilities. Part of the Remembering Our Friends Group, who offer peer support for HIV/AIDS, Disabilities, Sleep Disorder, MS, and work with many dedicated support groups in SL. Affiliated with White Tiger Mentors Group.
White Tiger Mentors: Volunteers who are willing to help people by sharing knowledge and ideas in-world.
Both new and experienced Residents are welcome to join (Ask an Owner or Helper).
Six months of practice in Second Life® is required to become a White Tiger Volunteer.
Team associated with ROF New Resident Orientation Area.
How to Join & Rules
- Applications for membership can be sent in-world with an Instant Message (IM) or a Notecard to a listed Owner or Helper (See Group Info).
- New Residents can ask to join New Resident Services or White Tiger Mentors groups at any time during the mentoring process.
- Only the Owners are able to set specific roles, therefore those who are interested to be a Volunteer in these groups have to contact them.
- A training can be required and will be provided at R.O.F. on the Sunset Arts II SIM to get the title of ROF Greeter Helper or White Tiger Mentor.
- Unauthorized advertising or spam in both group channels will not be appreciated and can lead to loss of membership.
- All Members and Mentors of both groups have to abide by the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards.
- Both New Resident Services and White Tiger Mentors are private help groups and as such, are not endorsed by Linden Lab®.
History and Intent
Main Focus: New Resident Basics - General Help - Technical Issues.
The White Tiger Mentors group is an international Network of assistance for online, 3D virtual environment Users and has been created to provide an additional & effective help to many residents in need at the Help Islands Public 1 & 2, Welcome Areas of Second Life®, and anywhere in-world that help is needed. This Organization includes both Newcomers who can use the group channel for the questions they may have, and experienced Helpers who will respond if they are online & available, in all cases a large range of friendly people who wish to get in different ways a good experience in their virtual world. The goal of the WTM Team is "Interactivity", and the potential of each New Resident is the engine of our motivation. WTM is an independent group of Helpers, and not reserved for only Second Life Mentors or SecondAbility Mentors (SAM), it means that all motivated Residents who want to join us have also a chance to become a White Tiger Volunteer. Obviously, those who are official Second Life Mentors or SAM are welcome to be a part of this Team if they wish it. Although unofficial, the W.T.M. program requires a certain standard of help and the motivated Resident who wants to provide some help with the White Tiger Mentor title will have to follow a specific training. This training will focus particularly on the assistance to the persons who may have some disabilities in real life. The White Tiger Mentors group is now
partnered with the Remembering Our Friends group, founded by Mike Burleigh. At ROF we are here to provide peer support. However, we are NOT professional counsellors. When appropriate, you will need to reach out to real life support. The satisfaction of each new Resident in Second Life® is our priority.
The New Resident Services group was set up by Treacle Darlandes to work within the ROF (Remembering Our Friends) Organization, to play a role helping new people and those who wish to learn more technical elements of Second Life®. The ROF Organization offers many peer services on their SIMs and one area of land is allocated to Orientation. Training for greeters, and classes for learning are held at the ROF Orientation Area, along with live music events. Treacle has a lot of experience in Second Life®, formerly Manager at Help People Institute, now a SecondAbility Mentor, White Tiger Mentor and London Greeter. Also a member of Destination Orientation, the new Orientation Area for this group is under construction. Seafoam Teardrop is the New Resident Services Trainer and plays a most active role in developing and running the group, having been a Greeter Trainer for some time. Seafoam is also a WTM Trainer. The association of New Residents Services with White Tiger Mentors is that as two separate groups they work side by side to assist New Residents or even any older Residents in need. The Orientation Area at ROF is openly available and welcomes unreservedly all WTM Members, NRS Members and any New Residents if they wish to bring along for help or a safe place to stay. Together we will co-ordinate training for Greeters, pool our knowledge and resources and continue to plan learning classes and live music events. NRS and WTM Members will support each other as partners, associates and friends in helping, greeting, mentoring and any other associated activities that Members from each group would wish to be involved in, whilst retaining individuality both in terms of status and goals.