Social Networking Widgets
Welcome to all widgets that help improve and extend your Second Life experience. Please add according to category any additional external services you know of that connect with Second Life. Note: This list is provided for reference only and the following are not officially sponsored or recommended by Second Life. |
Content Sharing
- Blogging (via HUD)
- can cross post text or images to bloghud and/or your own blog/ flickr and can add notes to post
- no profile information, just can see their favs or their recent
- provides teleport
- w/ RSS, views, comments (no rating)
- requires password creation from IW and requires login from SL to post
- Snapzilla (via Postcards)
- can post images directly to snapzilla or to flickr
- no profile information, just can see their favs or their recent
- requires login to SL
- provides teleport
- can add notes to post
- rating, views and comments to snapshot
- SLbuzz (via Postcards)
- profile information
- recent content (including blog), contacts and can add notes to post
- comments to profile directly
- no views, can comment to SLbuzz directly
- Second Life Twitter client
- uses an IW HUD or something similar to allow residents to twitter directly from SL
- looks like it requires a little technical savvy
- SL Messenger
- Includes hot places, bookmarks and twitters
- lets you communicate with all your Instant Messenger buddies
- In a few clicks you can take a shot, add a title and a comment and it will appear in both your bookmark section and on the sim page
- Facebook
- Show your SL status, display your friends list and home location in SL
- Share favorite destinations and avatar pics
SL w/out the 3D part
- SLeek
- software to download
- allows you to perform basic in-world tasks such as chatting, IM, viewing Inventory, viewing Profiles, and more
- PC only
- will compete with SLIM
- Movable Life
- access SL via web browser
- can view inventory and friends list
- allows you to chat, IM, search, teleport, manage friends, groups, etc
Popular Places/ Bookmarking Service
- Tagging
- Bookmarking service for tagging a location- can custom name a location
- provides either "most tagged" or "most recent"
- provides teleport
- requires login from SL to post
- Social Bookmarking
- uses HUD IW to sign up
- add friends and watch their lists
- plus tagging and RSS
- requires a bit more technical savvy
- Popular Places
- works via voting kiosk IW
- provides teleport
- requires login to post
Popular Articles
- SLIGG (user-voted articles list)
- like digg for SL content (note: not all content is SL related)
- can comment to posts
Popular Objects IW
- SlateIT
- need to go IW to get HUD
- no profiles at all, just listings with ratings
- Eventful:
- all of the events in Second Life are automatically added to this website
- allows people to "demand it"
- allows for creation of profile with connected actions/ entered info by user
Popular Websites
- Top Sites (traffic)
- user name, but no profile
- tags, rating, categories, reviews
- SLProfiles (open to public)
- Rating system on places
- member profile creation- separate from SL profiles
- SL favorites can be stored via web
- groups, events - separate from SL system, but most connect via SLRUL
- question and answer voting - plus comments
- EFaiconica (Join by request)
File:Slbuzz slstats.png
- by invite only, then free
- includes news, events, classifieds, etc
- rating and comments directly to profile
- friends, groups, blog posts
- rating directly on photos
- offers status (?) and can plugin "slstats" (see image to right)
- Meetup for Second Life
- based on physical location where virtual friends can coordinate to meet up in real life
- Stats
- can plug into other websites
Search Aids
- Product Search Engine
- owners can list their items
- residents can use the HUD or website to search listed items
- provides teleport on click
- SL Toolbar
- installs directly to IW or Firefox
- provides quick links to SL related websites and allows you to search those specifically
- also provides stats
- provides suggestions for Teleporting
- provides teleport on click
Group Management/ Advertising
- Advertising, update groups alternative
- Your subscribers are safely stored in a database outside SL, so you can have virtually unlimited number of subscribers, and your customer database is safe from SL disasters like script resets, object deletion, etc
- Message and item history
- RSS feed
- IW driven
DIY Bits
- google gadgets:
- friends online, stats, search or news feed
- at least one of the friends widget you also have to be logged into the sl website
- good for people who have a website where they want to pull in data
- not general public friendly
MAC Dashboard
- map:
- allows your to browse the map by entering sim name or coordinates
- status:
- friends, SL stats, property stats (including those who visit)
- also provides links out to useful places (L$)
- currency:
- seems like a basic currency converter- nothing too social about this one