User:Neovo Geesink
DT/LU: 08/26/2008
Hello, My name is Neovo Geesink.
I am Native Dutch, and have the English and German languages as my two additional languages.
In Second Life, I am a tall Albino Male (2.27 Meters).
In real life, I am a Caucasian Male.
Since I am visually impaired in real life, I do wear glasses in both worlds.
This is how I look like on Second Life:
Neovo Closeup
Momentairly, I have setup some Vendors on the SLVEC in a Kiosk.
In kiosk 32, (South-West of the Classroom) you can obtain tools / info from my Vendors.
You can visit the next page to see this in detail, and allso see the details from the Kiosks, which are in use by other Mentors.
SLVEC Kiosks
When The Grid is offline, or you cannot logon to Second Life, You still can chat with other residents of Second Life, IF they allso have logged on to the Alternate Chat page.
A detailed Wiki Page for this is created here: Second Life Chat