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Pyogp will be implementing and testing many of the Legacy and OGP protocols. This is a listing of those protocols as well as the details on how to go about implementing and testing them.

Legacy Login

We will detail what needs to be done to login with the legacy protocols.

OGP Login

Login is the process of establishing the three way communication between viewer, agent and region. There are two phases, viewer to agent login, and then placement of agent in a particular region. Over the course of a viewer session, the agent may move around from region to region, and so constitutes a repetition of the agent to region login phase.

The OGP uses HTTP methods for logging in, such as POST and GET.

Flow Outline

  1. Login to auth.cgi on a login server with credentials
  2. Get other capabilities, such as place_avatar
  3. Post to place_avatar with desired region_url


The first thing that needs to be done is to pass our credentials to a login server that is running the OGP protocols (agent domain implemented). Currently, Linden Lab has a server that is running an agent domain that is still a work-in-progress. The login server is

Step 1 - Login to login server running OGP protocols (has agent domain implemented) to get agent host seed capability




login url for the agent domain


{"Content-type" : "application/llsd+xml"}


{"password": password,
"lastname": lastname,
"firstname": firstname}

Response - Success

agent-host-seed-capability url
Note: in the current LL implementation of the agent domain, there is redirect that needs to take place. When posting to the login url, there will be a HTTP 302 error that will have the capability url set in the 'location' field of the error headers (headers['location']). You will have to properly handle the exception thrown in order to get the location of the redirect.

Response - Failure


Generally, you can get all the standard exceptions for HTTP, sockets, or URLs. However, the following are the ones that we frequently receive:

  • HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error - the login server is down. Someone must internally fix it.