User:Tauwra Dingson
Revision as of 07:26, 10 July 2008 by Tauwra Dingson (talk | contribs)
A little bit about me...
I was born to Second Life on November 19th, 2006.
I'm a Second Life Mentor • SL Mentor Buddy • Apprentice Buddy • SL Mentor Coach • SL Mentor Greeter and horse. =)
If you have any questions about Second Life or mentoring, don't hesitate to ask me, I will do my best to help you! I'm also available for Shadowing.
Confused about mentoring? Need some advice? We mentor buds are here to help! Look in the mentor channel "Members and Roles" and search for an online Mentor Buddy! If I'm online, go ahead and lets talk! =D