The Gnubie Store

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Group Name: GNU Wave Architects (members of The Gnubie Store)

Outside gnubie.jpgInside gnubie.jpg

This Document Is Current As Of: August 2008

Founder's Second Life Name: Jai Nomad

Total Group Members: 50

Group Charter:Quality Content from a Non-Profit (Open-Source where possible) Team of SL Artisans

Mission Focus:To offer good quality, free content to new residents.

Location: The only location of The Gnubie Store is in Powder Mill.

Group Representatives: Jai Nomad and Ingrid Ingersoll

Group Documentarians: Ingrid Ingersoll

Requirements to Join: By invitation only

History:The Gnubie Store was founded by Jai Nomad in 2003 and has remained a popular choice over the past 5 years for new players looking for good quality, free items. The location of the store has changed several times from its original spot on a mountain top in a very old sim called Davenport. Its present location is on the coastline in Powder Mill.

Many of the current members of the group who contribute items to Gnubie have fond memories of the store from when they started out in Second Life, which could explain why many of them are more than happy to contribute.