User:Susie Chaffe
<lsl> // Dialog Based Object Rezzer Script // Susie Chaffe 2013 // Free to use modify and mangle as you see fit
// No Limit on Number of Object Names // Handles 24 character limit by creating alised object names // Has the option to create custom buttons / submenus if required // Is a little long winded for the sake of clarity
//======================= SYSTEM VARIABLES ==========================//
vector vRezPos = <0.00, 0.00, 1.00>; integer dialogChannel; integer dialogHandle; integer iInvType = INVENTORY_OBJECT; integer iPageIdx = 0; list lstShortName;
//======================= CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ==========================//
// Create Short name for Long Object Names and add to a look up list // Note that only the first 12 characters will normally show on the menu button // You can use a shorter substring if you prefer string AliasName(string sLongName) {
string sShortName = (llGetSubString(sLongName,0,23)); lstShortName += [sShortName,sLongName]; return sShortName;
// Reorder Buttons as shown in list list order(list buttons) {
return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);
// Dynamic menu dialog function doDialog(key av) {
// Standard Buttons that will appear on every page - normally navigation buttons list lstStatic = ["<< PREV","< MAIN >","NEXT >>"]; integer iBtnSlots = 12-llGetListLength(lstStatic);
// Optional extra buttons that will only appear on the first page // Can be used to create sub-menus if required // list lstExtraBtn = []; // **Use this if you no extra buttons list lstExtraBtn = ["-CONTENTS-"]; // ** This is just an example integer iAdjSlots = llGetListLength(lstExtraBtn);
// Dynamic buttons - read from inventory object names integer iTotalNames = llGetInventoryNumber(iInvType);
// Calculate menu last page index integer iMaxPageIdx = (llFloor((float) (iTotalNames + iAdjSlots) / (float) iBtnSlots));
// First & Last Page Navigation Toggle if (iPageIdx < 0 ) iPageIdx = iMaxPageIdx; else if (iPageIdx > iMaxPageIdx) iPageIdx = 0;
// Build the button list list lstDialog = []; lstShortName = []; integer idxSlot = iPageIdx*iBtnSlots;
integer i; // First menu page that has extra buttons if((0 == iPageIdx) && ([] != lstExtraBtn)) { for(i = idxSlot; (i < idxSlot+iBtnSlots-iAdjSlots) && (i <= iTotalNames-1 ); i++) { string sItemName = llGetInventoryName(iInvType,i); if(24 < llStringLength(sItemName)) sItemName = AliasName(sItemName); lstDialog += [sItemName]; } //Add the Extra button(s) lstDialog += lstExtraBtn; }
// Other Pages or First Page if no extra buttons else { for(i = idxSlot; (i < idxSlot+iBtnSlots) && (i <= iTotalNames-1 + iAdjSlots); i++) { string sItemName = llGetInventoryName(iInvType,i-iAdjSlots); if(24 < llStringLength(sItemName)) sItemName = AliasName(sItemName); lstDialog += [sItemName]; } }
// Add Static Btns to the end of the Dyanamic List lstDialog += lstStatic;
// Menu message string msg = " \n Choose an Option: " + "Page " + (string) (iPageIdx+1) + " of " + (string) (iMaxPageIdx + 1);
//Open a Listen dialogChannel = (integer)llFrand(DEBUG_CHANNEL)*-1; dialogHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", "", "");
// Call Function and set a time out for the listen llDialog(av, msg , order(lstDialog), dialogChannel); llSetTimerEvent(30.0);
close_menu() {
llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(dialogHandle);
//=============================== RUN TIME =========================================//
default {
touch_start(integer total_number) { key id = llDetectedKey(0); close_menu(); doDialog(id); }
listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string msg ) { close_menu();
if(msg == "< MAIN >") { iPageIdx=0; doDialog(id); return; }
else if(msg == "<< PREV") { iPageIdx--; doDialog(id); }
else if(msg == "NEXT >>") { iPageIdx++; doDialog(id); }
else if(llGetInventoryType(msg) == 6) { llRezObject(msg, llGetPos() + vRezPos, ZERO_VECTOR, llGetRot(), 0); }
else if(~llListFindList(lstShortName, [msg])) { integer idx = llListFindList(lstShortName, [msg]); llRezObject(llList2String(lstShortName,idx+1), llGetPos() + vRezPos, ZERO_VECTOR, llGetRot(), 0); } // Example of Extra Button else if(msg == "-CONTENTS-") llSay(0, "There are " + (string) llGetInventoryNumber(iInvType) + " items in this container"); }
timer() { close_menu(); }
//=============================================================================================// </lsl>