Talk:AES PHP Implementation

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I was benchmarking this against some other PHP AES implementations and... this implementation is actually quite slow. Took a full minute to encrypt 128K of text on my quad-core 1.73ghz Intel Core i7. phpseclib's pure PHP AES implementation, in contrast, took about a second on the same computer. And that was without mcrypt. John Avium 03:46, 13 April 2010 (UTC)

Is that compatible with the LSL implementation though? The reason I ended up writing this is that mcrypt appears to be incompatible with the LSL AES script, I ended up wasting so much time trying to figure out why that I just went and wrote this port of the LSL script instead.

Otherwise it may be worth noting that this isn't intended for use except when encrypting/decrypting for communication with an LSL script anyway, so you shouldn't be putting more than 8kb of data through it =) -- Haravikk Mistral 15:15, 24 May 2010 (UTC)