RHN SL7B Presentation Schedule

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Resident Help Network SL7B Presentations

  • June 2010, presentations from the Resident Help Network will be available for Second Life Community to attend! As part of the SL7B celebration and the theme of unexpected collaboration, RHN members will add some wonderful and experienced insight!
  • Slurls:
    • Booth: location
    • Presentation Area: Coming Soon!

Group/CG Name Presenter Presentation Topic Presentation Date/Time
Mental Mentors Doctor Gascoigne topic date
Virtual Ability Gentle Heron topic date
Phoenix Wave Team Ghost Ulich topic date
White Tiger Mentors Treacle Darlandes topic date
Help Sandbox Surfaqua Oh topic date

Booth Contributors

  • Designer: KT


  • Mental Mentors
  • SecondAbility Mentors
  • Virtual Ability
  • Phoenix Wave Team
  • White Tiger Mentors
  • Help Sandbox
  • Hobo Helpers
  • NCI - Rep: Garn Conover (Wellington Beam)

Working Notes

From: Treacle Darlandes: Regarding the RHN involvement in the SL7B events:-

There was a brief discussion about this several days ago and the RHN groups have been provided with a build on the SL7B site. It consists of an IntelliArt board for each group which will scroll your chosen textures. Unlike the RHN fair, there will be no prims to set anything out. But the build is very striking and will do the job of advertising each group very well.

Action items for participants:

KT Syakumi has told me she will need the following from all of us -

Your group logo in a 1024 x 256 texture.

Textures for your displays maximum of 3 - sized 500 x 400 but 512 x 412 will be fine. (5:4 ratio) - yes the displays will hold more textures but they rotate thru them as a slideshow and after 2 or 3 you will lose peoples interest.

A notecard with any information about your group you want.

Objects - each display has a kiosk that can dispense objects and notecards. Any objects you want to give out need to be full perm. No objects will be placed on the display. It would be useful to get a 'click here to receive a xxxxx from yyyy group" texture (256x256) to go with any object.

Logo's will go on the kiosks.

KT will complete the build with our textures and logo. PLease have all this to us by the 14th to give KT time to incorporate it into the build.

Display Status

Hobo Helpers: Done Second Ability