User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-09-25

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I started including timestamps. Let me know if this is too hard to read. - Torley-favicon.png Torley on 2008-10-14 @ 4:10 PM PST

[2008/09/25 12:00] Torley Linden shouts: FRIENDLY GREETINGS! :D
[2008/09/25 12:00] Zai Lynch: hehe. ellowww
[2008/09/25 12:00] Jaymes Kjeller: Hey Torley!
[2008/09/25 12:00] Emilylo Mayako: Friendly Greetings TOrley
[2008/09/25 12:01] Schnubbel Mubble: howdy ^^
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: wheeeeeeeee hello each & everyone!
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: heya Zai, Jaymes, Emilylo, Schnubbel :)
[2008/09/25 12:01] Emilylo Mayako: How are you today TOrley?
[2008/09/25 12:01] Zai Lynch: (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: what is new and exciting! oh, i mean that with a question mark? ;)
[2008/09/25 12:01] Roberto Salubrius: hey Torley !
[2008/09/25 12:01] Emilylo Mayako giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:01] XLR8RRICK Hudson: hello everyone
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: fantastic thanks, was just reading up on copywriting advice and video production techniques. hard to find plugins for Sony Vegas.
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: heya Roberto!
[2008/09/25 12:01] Zai Lynch: heyas rick!
[2008/09/25 12:01] Torley Linden: hiya XLR8
[2008/09/25 12:01] Roberto Salubrius: ok I can take my clock off
[2008/09/25 12:02] Emilylo Mayako: wow this is cool
[2008/09/25 12:02] Emilylo Mayako: always the DRM people X_X
[2008/09/25 12:02] Torley Linden: DRM where?!?!!? <.<
[2008/09/25 12:02] Torley Linden: EVILS OF DRM! grrr!
[2008/09/25 12:02] Emilylo Mayako: thar scared a few off hehe
[2008/09/25 12:02] Emilylo Mayako: I agree
[2008/09/25 12:02] Roberto Salubrius: when and if I can get a respectable video .... I would DRM it
[2008/09/25 12:02] XLR8RRICK Hudson: whats a DRM
[2008/09/25 12:02] Roberto Salubrius: for now... no
[2008/09/25 12:03] Roberto Salubrius: DRM = digital rights management
[2008/09/25 12:03] Torley Linden: DRM is what made EA's Spore such a crying shame
[2008/09/25 12:03] Torley Linden: whoa Schnubbel what a cool rabbit-hat
[2008/09/25 12:03] XLR8RRICK Hudson: oh I dont know that
[2008/09/25 12:03] Jaymes Kjeller: Yeah, Spore got hammered alone because of that.
[2008/09/25 12:03] Roberto Salubrius: what happend to spore... btw...
[2008/09/25 12:03] Schnubbel Mubble: ^^
[2008/09/25 12:03] Schnubbel Mubble: want one?
[2008/09/25 12:03] Roberto Salubrius: it seemed like a good idea
[2008/09/25 12:03] Torley Linden: yeah, i saw those brutal reviews, that kind of reminds me of when Sony tried to put copy protection on CDs that ended up tanking in sales, and angering the artists too...
[2008/09/25 12:04] Emilylo Mayako: it makes criminals out of nice people who just want to get music on things like iPods and Zunes without having to buy from the makers of the players to place Movies on there players without breaking the law
[2008/09/25 12:04] Roberto Salubrius: well sony's copy protection was "bypassed" by 0.0002$L of tape... lol
[2008/09/25 12:04] Emilylo Mayako: wow thats cheep
[2008/09/25 12:04] XLR8RRICK Hudson: oh yes the $filename$ thing
[2008/09/25 12:04] Jaymes Kjeller: Well, EA have changed the restrictions to what I would like to call the "iTunes way". In short, you now can have 5 installations, and you can "deauthorise" an installation.
[2008/09/25 12:05] Torley Linden: oh i remember that one, Roberto, and the "pen marker" trick
[2008/09/25 12:05] Al Sonic: DRM=software that makes itself ALMOST impossible to do anything that remotely resembles making unauthorized copies... "ALMOST" because it's technically impossible, as is proven by the pirated copies of Spore.
[2008/09/25 12:05] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I try and boycot Sony all the time
[2008/09/25 12:05] Jaymes Kjeller: At least that's my understanding of it
[2008/09/25 12:05] Roberto Salubrius: yup or tape... it was so funny...
[2008/09/25 12:05] Torley Linden: it gets broken every time that i'm aware of, Al
[2008/09/25 12:05] Torley Linden: it just makes things so much harder for legit users
[2008/09/25 12:05] Al Sonic: technically impossible to make it impossible, I mean. Heh.
[2008/09/25 12:05] Roberto Salubrius: well if you have a Vista Media Center and you record a program with it, using a cable feed.. surprise it gets auto DRM...
[2008/09/25 12:06] Emilylo Mayako: Konnichiwa <Hi> (^_^) Immy
[2008/09/25 12:06] Torley Linden: "highly improbable, but not impossible."
[2008/09/25 12:06] Imnotgoing Sideways: Konnichiwa <Hi> (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:06] Imnotgoing's translator: Konnichiwa \u003cHi\u003e (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:06] Torley Linden: oh wow what a translator!
[2008/09/25 12:06] Imnotgoing Sideways: Lawl ^-^
[2008/09/25 12:07] Imnotgoing Sideways: It don't always like my gestures. (>_<)
[2008/09/25 12:07] Emilylo Mayako: your boots work now Immy>
[2008/09/25 12:07] Imnotgoing Sideways: Yeppers! XD
[2008/09/25 12:07] Emilylo Mayako: coolies
[2008/09/25 12:07] Torley Linden: are those magic boots?
[2008/09/25 12:07] Torley Linden: :D
[2008/09/25 12:07] Imnotgoing Sideways: =^-^=
[2008/09/25 12:07] Emilylo Mayako: I want that basket of cute Kittens <3
[2008/09/25 12:07] Imnotgoing Sideways: I scripted glow on all the pink bits. (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:07] Torley Linden: hehe yeah Duggy Bing made that, they sure are DORBLE
[2008/09/25 12:08] Torley Linden: OH NICE, i see the glow
[2008/09/25 12:08] Emilylo Mayako: yes they are
[2008/09/25 12:08] Torley Linden: glow effect is so good for those ethereal effects... i can almost remember a time before we had it ;)
[2008/09/25 12:08] Imnotgoing Sideways: Toatlly ! XD
[2008/09/25 12:08] Emilylo Mayako: she also has a USB connecter on her back
[2008/09/25 12:08] Kara Spengler: heyas
[2008/09/25 12:08] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Kara hi
[2008/09/25 12:08] Imnotgoing Sideways: Hii~iiii~iiiii (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:09] Roberto Salubrius: hey torley I wanted to tell you something about when you talked at the Autism Society of america... the other weekend... I left before you finished because I was really angry at the disrespect of most of the people, so I wanted to apologize.
[2008/09/25 12:09] Emilylo Mayako giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:09] Torley Linden: oh, what's that Roberto? :)
[2008/09/25 12:09] Torley Linden: USB connector... sounds like CHOBITS
[2008/09/25 12:09] Roberto Salubrius: what ?
[2008/09/25 12:09] Roberto Salubrius: lol
[2008/09/25 12:09] MistressBanker Lemon: hellooooo torley ^_^
[2008/09/25 12:09] Roberto Salubrius: Chobits was SO kool...
[2008/09/25 12:09] Roberto Salubrius: cho.. cho...
[2008/09/25 12:10] Roberto Salubrius: chobits !
[2008/09/25 12:10] Emilylo Mayako: Ive never seen Chobbits I should watch it
[2008/09/25 12:10] Roberto Salubrius: lol
[2008/09/25 12:10] Imnotgoing Sideways's first love was Chii. XD
[2008/09/25 12:10] Roberto Salubrius: I think I still have the whole series on my NAS
[2008/09/25 12:10] Imnotgoing Sideways: Nice! (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:11] Roberto Salubrius: what was the name of the little one
[2008/09/25 12:11] Imnotgoing Sideways: Sumomo. (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:11] Roberto Salubrius: that was always in a party mode ?
[2008/09/25 12:11] Torley Linden: :D
[2008/09/25 12:11] Roberto Salubrius: yes sumomo...
[2008/09/25 12:11] Torley Linden: my brother is a big fan of Chobits
[2008/09/25 12:11] Torley Linden: i like some anime very much
[2008/09/25 12:11] Imnotgoing Sideways: HA! XD
[2008/09/25 12:11] Johan Yugen waits patiently for stuff to rez
[2008/09/25 12:11] Kara Spengler: ok, changing to a kid while sitting is not the best idea :)
[2008/09/25 12:11] Imnotgoing Sideways eeps. (o.o)
[2008/09/25 12:11] Roberto Salubrius: Chobits: an anime series... where there where real life like people that where robots
[2008/09/25 12:11] Roberto Salubrius: and interfaced to pcs...
[2008/09/25 12:11] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Hello Trin
[2008/09/25 12:11] Emilylo Mayako pinches Immy
[2008/09/25 12:12] Imnotgoing Sideways: Yeah... Goes without saying.... Hip height change borks things. (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:12] Trinity Coulter: hi all :)
[2008/09/25 12:12] Imnotgoing Sideways: =^-^=
[2008/09/25 12:12] Roberto Salubrius: even got in a virtual world like this one.
[2008/09/25 12:12] MistressBanker Lemon: haha cheobits owns
[2008/09/25 12:12] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/09/25 12:12] Torley Linden: OHAI :D
[2008/09/25 12:12] Beware Hax: yes it does
[2008/09/25 12:12] Zai Lynch: heyas trini ^^
[2008/09/25 12:12] MistressBanker Lemon: hehe torly
[2008/09/25 12:12] Torley Linden: have any of you used WeGame? seems to be the easiest way to record stuff in SL and upload
[2008/09/25 12:12] Torley Linden: quality isn't the bestest but it's very fast
[2008/09/25 12:12] Beware Hax: chii turns on.. chii turns off.. chii turns on.. chii turns off..
[2008/09/25 12:12] MistressBanker Lemon: i have something to descuss with u but not publicly
[2008/09/25 12:12] Torley Linden: Windows-only alas
[2008/09/25 12:12] Imnotgoing Sideways: Oh? (o.o)
[2008/09/25 12:12] Kara Spengler: Imnotgoing: yeah, althugh I like doing it to play with the minds of ppl who will talk to adults but get 'creeped out' by child avatars :)
[2008/09/25 12:12] Roberto Salubrius: oh my goodness... ladies are standing I am sitting..
[2008/09/25 12:12] Johan Yugen would use it if he used Windows
[2008/09/25 12:13] Jaymes Kjeller: I haven't yet, although I have an account on it
[2008/09/25 12:13] Johan Yugen: As for now I'm stuck using Istanbul whenever I do screen recording
[2008/09/25 12:13] Wrestling Hulka: Hello Master Torley *kneels*
[2008/09/25 12:13] Torley Linden: oh i don't need any kneeling, but thanks! ;)
[2008/09/25 12:13] Trinity Coulter: thank you for that tip, TL
[2008/09/25 12:13] Imnotgoing Sideways: Good job!!! XD
[2008/09/25 12:13] Johan Yugen: (Which isn't often, CPU can't really keep up
[2008/09/25 12:13] Torley Linden: i'm going to continue writing/sharing about various useful tools and such
[2008/09/25 12:14] Wrestling Hulka: did you move out of Grasmere?
[2008/09/25 12:14] Torley Linden: it may be of interest that i'm doing a machinima how-to guide...
[2008/09/25 12:14] MistressBanker Lemon: torley if u have a sec could u please check ur im
[2008/09/25 12:14] Zai Lynch: i got a video editing question where i don't think that this is the right spot to ask but since the OH is VidTut related, i thought maybe someone could help me out with my issue...
[2008/09/25 12:14] Torley Linden: Wrestling, yes i did! Katrin lives where i am now.
[2008/09/25 12:14] Imnotgoing Sideways: Oooh... I'm sooo gonna start makin' movies. (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:14] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, ah, as it says in my profile, i don't really attend to IMs, alas... too many, too hard to keep track of.
[2008/09/25 12:14] TKD-Thought Bubble V2.0 (WEAR ME ) whispers: Techo Kitty Development Thought bubble Initializing...
[2008/09/25 12:14] Emilylo Mayako: of me, Imy?
[2008/09/25 12:14] Beware Hax: if i can ask questions about videos here, i have one: i made a mp4 but its laggy when played in SL
[2008/09/25 12:14] Torley Linden: best way to contact me when i'm not in-avatar is Web profile tab :)
[2008/09/25 12:14] Torley Linden: Zai, sure... ! go ahead and ask
[2008/09/25 12:14] Zai Lynch: ok =) Situation:

  • I got 4 clips in .ogg format

Ĩ want to turn them into a VidTut, which discribes how to create and post translations of Wiki articles in the Second Life Wiki.

  • my video editing tool (Cyberlink PowerDirector 4.0) isn't supporting .ogg
  • convertion of .ogg files to .avi, .mpeg4 and mpg resulted in a dramatical quality loss (used ffmpeg in linux)
  • need: either a program to edit .ogg files (for Linux or Windows XP) or a (lossless) way to convert .ogg files in another format which i can use in the PowerDirector.

any ideas? (o.O)
[2008/09/25 12:15] MistressBanker Lemon: yes its not something i would like to descuss publicly
[2008/09/25 12:15] Patchouli Woollahra: Please don't go overboard on bitrates when doing web video.
[2008/09/25 12:15] XLR8RRICK Hudson gave you Quick Tip for Torley from XL Hudson Copy Parameters - rev.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Patchouli Woollahra: the days of 56kbps murky Realvideo have been gone for ages.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Patchouli Woollahra: but that's still no excuse.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Imnotgoing Sideways: Hey... Torley.. Do you have your "Gonna-visit" Burning Life LM collection ready? (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:15] Torley Linden: oh, sounds like a codec maze Zai... hmmm .ogg to high-quality H.264 MP4 shouldn't degrade it too much.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Patchouli Woollahra: remember, SL is a broadband-requiring app itself, so you have to assume you have less to play with in most regions.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Wrestling Hulka: Zai Lynch, have you tried using Audacity?
[2008/09/25 12:15] Torley Linden: not yet Imny but i am sure looking forward to Burning Life
[2008/09/25 12:15] Emilylo Mayako giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:15] Zai Lynch: so i might need another codec?
[2008/09/25 12:16] Imnotgoing Sideways: =^-^=
[2008/09/25 12:16] Zai Lynch: nope wrestling. not so far
[2008/09/25 12:16] Torley Linden: Zai, i'm curious -- how did you get the clips in OGG format in the first place?
[2008/09/25 12:16] Beware Hax: when/why does an mp4 video lag the client when played?
[2008/09/25 12:16] Imnotgoing Sideways: WOW Patch!!! Killer..... Bar? (o.o)
[2008/09/25 12:16] Imnotgoing Sideways: Lawl ^-^
[2008/09/25 12:16] Patchouli Woollahra: erm, no. it's an avatar I'm releasing next month.
[2008/09/25 12:16] Wrestling Hulka: Give Audacity a try :
[2008/09/25 12:16] Imnotgoing Sideways: Cute! XD
[2008/09/25 12:16] Patchouli Woollahra: in the meantime, bask in the wtf that is the Arirael Barbear,
[2008/09/25 12:16] Zai Lynch: i used s linux software named "gtk-recordMyDesktop" and that was the output
[2008/09/25 12:17] Zai Lynch: thx wrestling!
[2008/09/25 12:17] TKD-Thought Bubble V2.0 (WEAR ME ) whispers: Techo Kitty Development Thought bubble Initializing...
[2008/09/25 12:17] Patchouli Woollahra stares at the video behind Torley.
[2008/09/25 12:17] Patchouli Woollahra: although, Torley seems to have outdone me.
[2008/09/25 12:17] Johan Yugen: Zai, tried using x264?
[2008/09/25 12:17] Jaymes Kjeller: The only codecs I've used was fraps' own codec and Xvid for video.
[2008/09/25 12:17] Wrestling Hulka: I should clarify, audacity is for audio, not video.
[2008/09/25 12:17] Torley Linden: Audacity is for audio, and you need video, yes Zai?
[2008/09/25 12:17] Zai Lynch: nope. i'm really a n00b with that stuff
[2008/09/25 12:17] Zai Lynch: yuss. just video
[2008/09/25 12:17] Torley Linden: hmmmm
[2008/09/25 12:17] Roberto Salubrius: 6 6 6 6 !
[2008/09/25 12:17] Roberto Salubrius: 6 6 !
[2008/09/25 12:17] Roberto Salubrius: lol
[2008/09/25 12:17] Master Nestler: Friendly Greeting :)
[2008/09/25 12:17] Torley Linden: i swear, the market is so wide open for someone to make a REALLY universal video converter
[2008/09/25 12:17] Torley Linden: all those codecs are a nightmare
[2008/09/25 12:17] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: one word: patents.
[2008/09/25 12:17] Johan Yugen: I'd fire it at x264, should do a good job
[2008/09/25 12:17] Torley Linden: friendly greetings Master!
[2008/09/25 12:18] Imnotgoing Sideways: True that, Patch. (T_T)
[2008/09/25 12:18] Beware Hax: mediacoder seems to do a good job
[2008/09/25 12:18] Patchouli Woollahra: The closest thing I can think of that might have it happen is the Gnash open Flash-replacement project.
[2008/09/25 12:18] Zai Lynch: ok, i'll google x264 =) thx ^^
[2008/09/25 12:18] Torley Linden: AND hardware acceleration too... it'll be interesting to see if Badaboom can live up to the hype
[2008/09/25 12:18] Beware Hax: id like to be able to stream the output of a video editing program to a converter, the opposite of avisynth
[2008/09/25 12:18] Johan Yugen: I'll give you one word: Handbrake
[2008/09/25 12:18] Imnotgoing Sideways giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:18] Trinity Coulter: Torley, have you ever seen MP3 Nibbler... a HIP regular made it to convert MP3's directly to 10 second wav files for SL
[2008/09/25 12:18] Johan Yugen: Amazing converter :D
[2008/09/25 12:18] Wrestling Hulka: VirtualDub is another pgoram you should look into. It does plenty of conversions.
[2008/09/25 12:18] Imnotgoing Sideways gave you Immy's Burning Life Plot.
[2008/09/25 12:19] Beware Hax: however it only saves avi and mkv
[2008/09/25 12:19] MistressBanker Lemon: hehe i applied for a job
[2008/09/25 12:19] Torley Linden: Patch: to that effect, yes, due to patent, i can't render directly to Apple's H.264/AAC from Sony Vegas, i have to render to MJPEG and then open it in QuickTime (which is Apple's).
[2008/09/25 12:19] MistressBanker Lemon: so i mite be working with u torly
[2008/09/25 12:19] Torley Linden: yes Trinity! mentioned it on :)
[2008/09/25 12:19] Torley Linden: oh MistressBanker :)
[2008/09/25 12:19] Beware Hax: why would you want to use apple'
[2008/09/25 12:19] Beware Hax: s H264 converter anyway, it sucks
[2008/09/25 12:19] Trinity Coulter: oh yay... hard to keep up :)
[2008/09/25 12:19] Johan Yugen: < multi-platform ;)
[2008/09/25 12:19] Beware Hax: encoder, even
[2008/09/25 12:19] Patchouli Woollahra: Apple has its benefits.
[2008/09/25 12:20] Torley Linden: Beware, it's excellent -- used for many hi-fi movie trailers.
[2008/09/25 12:20] Master Nestler: has anyone tried the shadow effect in SL yet?
[2008/09/25 12:20] Patchouli Woollahra: Master, I haz.
[2008/09/25 12:20] Torley Linden: slow, yes (that's why i'm interested in hardware accel).
[2008/09/25 12:20] Patchouli Woollahra: it's an interesting idea.
[2008/09/25 12:20] MistressBanker Lemon: just check ur im for a sec *pleeeeeease *
[2008/09/25 12:20] Beware Hax: apple's AVC encoder has less quality per bitrate than any of its competing encoders (like X264)
[2008/09/25 12:20] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 12:20] Torley Linden: i like those specialized tools, Trinity -- oh, specific link,
[2008/09/25 12:20] Wrestling Hulka: If all else fails you can use MSpaint and draw stick figures drawings.
[2008/09/25 12:20] Al Sonic: Where would I download such a test viewer?
[2008/09/25 12:20] Vyrnox Ming: Hellos
[2008/09/25 12:20] Master Nestler: i cant get the shadows to work
[2008/09/25 12:20] Thinkerer Melville: hi Vi
[2008/09/25 12:20] Vyrnox Ming: Hey Thinkerer :) Good to see you
[2008/09/25 12:21] Johan Yugen: My PC's not good enough for the shadow viewer, unfortunately
[2008/09/25 12:21] Emilylo Mayako: ^.^ Weeeeeee
[2008/09/25 12:21] Dragonfan Hooper: what got you into watermelons torley
[2008/09/25 12:21] MistressBanker Lemon: yea i was wondering how u got natural shadows
[2008/09/25 12:21] Master Nestler: lol Roberto
[2008/09/25 12:21] MistressBanker Lemon: eeer dragon
[2008/09/25 12:21] Torley Linden: Beware, i've encountered problems with some other H.264 encoders and iPod/mobile device playback -- but if you know an easy path/elegant tools, i'm definitely up for investigating them :)
[2008/09/25 12:21] Patchouli Woollahra: free beer or chicken anyone?
[2008/09/25 12:21] MistressBanker Lemon: its his child hood
[2008/09/25 12:21] Torley Linden: KirstenLee Cinquetti's test viewer has shadow-draft
[2008/09/25 12:21] Beware Hax: hm. interesting, something id like to see solved/tested for myself also
[2008/09/25 12:21] Imnotgoing Sideways: One whole fried chicken and white dry toast please. (^_^)
[2008/09/25 12:21] Roberto Salubrius: Master I have to say that I am real weird and if I stand on my feet too long on SL I get tired on RL
[2008/09/25 12:22] Imnotgoing Sideways giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:22] Roberto Salubrius: don't ask me why
[2008/09/25 12:22] MistressBanker Lemon: father told him stories of a watermelon robin hood
[2008/09/25 12:22] Master Nestler: lolol
[2008/09/25 12:22] Dragonfan Hooper: LOL
[2008/09/25 12:22] Roberto Salubrius: but you will see me sitting on any prim
[2008/09/25 12:22] Torley Linden: yes, that is the story. :-D
[2008/09/25 12:22] Beware Hax: torley, do you have any idea why a h264 video would lag the SL client, and not an excessively high bitrate?
[2008/09/25 12:22] MistressBanker Lemon: hehe
[2008/09/25 12:22] Patchouli Woollahra: h264 is very processor intensive.
[2008/09/25 12:22] Master Nestler: roberto u need a wheelchair
[2008/09/25 12:22] Dance Bracelet For Men v3.5 (Club Elite) whispers: Club Elite Dance Script v3.5. Type 'Help' for commands.
[2008/09/25 12:22] Dragonfan Hooper: why did you move from grasmere to this sim in the first place
[2008/09/25 12:22] Patchouli Woollahra: even a good multicore Intel will still choke these days on coping with SL AND h264 video.
[2008/09/25 12:22] MistressBanker Lemon: more room i guess
[2008/09/25 12:22] Hugobiwan Zolnir: hello from france :)
[2008/09/25 12:22] Torley Linden: Beware, in my experience, playing most QuickTime-compatible videos in Second Life (parcel media) drops viewer framerate noticeably. i don't know precisely why, tho.
[2008/09/25 12:22] MistressBanker Lemon: just a guess tho
[2008/09/25 12:22] Roberto Salubrius: no no... well I think I have one on my inventory... but I never use it but I am always sitting.
[2008/09/25 12:23] Johan Yugen: Because Quicktime sucks and you should just use gstreamer? :D
[2008/09/25 12:23] Torley Linden: Dragon, ran out of space, had bigger dreams i needed to come true, wanted to use custom textures and all that cool stuff!
[2008/09/25 12:23] Beware Hax: its not a steady or smooth framerate job, its more like jerky, pauses. this same video (which is 320x240) plays perfectly fine if played next to SL in a normal player
[2008/09/25 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: because you need to open an instance of quicktime, and that has to be rerendered to a specific prim surface to replace a texture.
[2008/09/25 12:23] MistressBanker Lemon: torly are u paying for this land?
[2008/09/25 12:23] Roberto Salubrius: Torley in my experience that drop is caused because of the increase in bandwith.. ( MY EXPERIENCE )
[2008/09/25 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: and a lot of people, unfortunately, also use "auto scale"
[2008/09/25 12:23] Dragonfan Hooper: i read about you on your website and stuff and saw some of your videos on youtube
[2008/09/25 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: which further increases slowdown.
[2008/09/25 12:23] Torley Linden: Patch: auto scale aliasing looks awful, i admit.
[2008/09/25 12:23] Roberto Salubrius: before I get flamed... mine mine...
[2008/09/25 12:23] Torley Linden: it's chunky and ugly.
[2008/09/25 12:23] Beware Hax: i disabled auto scale for this test, as auto scale sucks for everything
[2008/09/25 12:23] Torley Linden: <.<
[2008/09/25 12:24] Al Sonic: I consider this a pretty good PC but the numbers are a bit discouraging in that it's a "GeForce 7900" but, the graphical enhancements call for the 8-series?
[2008/09/25 12:24] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, no, it's a work island. :)
[2008/09/25 12:24] Patchouli Woollahra: it's a lazy idea - the very latest RCs incorporate a manual autoscale function into the media panel so you can run it just once.
[2008/09/25 12:24] Torley Linden: Al, yes -- currently anyway, limited internal test range for controlled experiments.
[2008/09/25 12:24] Thinkerer Melville: Torley -- Dragonfan is friend of mine with aspergers
[2008/09/25 12:24] MistressBanker Lemon: hehe well if i end up working with u il have to get me one of these
[2008/09/25 12:24] Johan Yugen: It uses Shader Model 4 to speed things up, AFAIK...
[2008/09/25 12:24] Torley Linden: oh, great to know this, Thinkerer! :)
[2008/09/25 12:24] Master Nestler: torley is LL really! going to bomb all adfarms
[2008/09/25 12:24] Thinkerer Melville: I wanted him to meet you
[2008/09/25 12:24] Patchouli Woollahra: and yes, that IS a plug and yes, my legs are not there on this avatar.
[2008/09/25 12:24] Beware Hax: i have HFA
[2008/09/25 12:24] Patchouli Woollahra: Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
[2008/09/25 12:24] Torley Linden: Master, that presupposes generalizations that i can't answer. :)
[2008/09/25 12:25] MistressBanker Lemon: i have a question reguarding sculpties
[2008/09/25 12:25] Torley Linden: ads that violate Community Standards/ToS will be removed. "bomb" is colorful but not necessarily accurate.
[2008/09/25 12:25] MistressBanker Lemon: what does 3rd generation sculpty mean?
[2008/09/25 12:25] XLR8RRICK Hudson: they are working on it
[2008/09/25 12:25] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, please give more details/context?
[2008/09/25 12:26] Roberto Salubrius: 3rd gen sculpt ?
[2008/09/25 12:26] Master Nestler: Carl didnt i see you in scion city yesterday lol
[2008/09/25 12:26] Vyrnox Ming: Flexible sculpties?
[2008/09/25 12:26] MistressBanker Lemon: i seen some realy detailed sculpts like the truejems
[2008/09/25 12:26] Dragonfan Hooper: thinkerer has told me about you a while back when i had known about him
[2008/09/25 12:26] Wrestling Hulka: Torley, how is the iphone app coming along?
[2008/09/25 12:26] Torley Linden: oh btw XLR8 thanks for your notecard -- that's actually an unintentional side-effect, not intended behavior. it causes problems too.
[2008/09/25 12:26] Trinity Coulter: maybe you could script a bomb that deletes ads and replaces them with trees and animals
[2008/09/25 12:26] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Mesh Prims
[2008/09/25 12:26] MistressBanker Lemon: there labled with a 3rd gen label
[2008/09/25 12:26] Barrel of Infinite Hangover-free Beer whispers: Bottoms up!
[2008/09/25 12:26] Imnotgoing Sideways: Lawl ^-^
[2008/09/25 12:26] Torley Linden: Wrestling, don't know at latest, but the Vollee board is the best place to ask about that.
[2008/09/25 12:26] Roberto Salubrius: ahhhhhhhhhh Mesh prims
[2008/09/25 12:26] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I know and it saves tons of time
[2008/09/25 12:27] MistressBanker Lemon: hey torly
[2008/09/25 12:27] Roberto Salubrius: there's a vote about that on the JIRA
[2008/09/25 12:27] Emilylo Mayako giggles.
[2008/09/25 12:27] MistressBanker Lemon: any chances on true importing
[2008/09/25 12:27] Roberto Salubrius: about what will be done..
[2008/09/25 12:27] Torley Linden: Patch, i gotta say, that bar is totally great.
[2008/09/25 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: btw, Torley, have you tried the Genetica 3 open beta yet?
[2008/09/25 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: thanks, it's a bit wacky behind too.
[2008/09/25 12:27] Dragonfan Hooper: i don't drink booze
[2008/09/25 12:27] Torley Linden: not yet Patch, i haven't found a compelling reason to. it looks great, tho.
[2008/09/25 12:27] Torleyite (CLICK ME FOR TIPS!) shouts: Did you know you can control Second Life more naturally with a 3D mouse? Learn more here:
[2008/09/25 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: watermelon textures.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Beware Hax: i wonder how much spacenavigatir paid LL for that
[2008/09/25 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra: pipes with watermelon mash flowing through them.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Torley Linden: Filter Forge has been my mainstay of texture-making.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Torley Linden: w/ArtRage and Photoshop.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Roberto Salubrius: yesterday I was controlling SL with a cigarrete I was smoking... ( AND it's not a joke )
[2008/09/25 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra: Beware: Let's not discuss that...
[2008/09/25 12:28] Dragonfan Hooper: i stink at art
[2008/09/25 12:28] Torley Linden: Filter Forge is basically a "make your own Photoshop filter" construction kit, it's EXCELLENT
[2008/09/25 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra: It probably just happened by accident.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Torley Linden:
[2008/09/25 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra: a lot of SL things are accidents.
[2008/09/25 12:28] Torley Linden: i <3 that serendipity.
[2008/09/25 12:29] Master Nestler: im good at art and photoshop
[2008/09/25 12:29] MistressBanker Lemon: torley what 3d apps are used for sculpt making in LL
[2008/09/25 12:29] Imnotgoing Sideways eeps. (o.o)
[2008/09/25 12:29] Imnotgoing Sideways: Lunch over. (T_T)
[2008/09/25 12:29] Patchouli Woollahra uses modo, but has experience with Lightwave and Hexagon as well.
[2008/09/25 12:29] Dragonfan Hooper: i do draw pixel art and write stories but heck i still try hard to write better stories
[2008/09/25 12:29] Imnotgoing Sideways says Bai Baii!!! (^_^)y
[2008/09/25 12:29] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, a lot! see: for a generous list with many details
[2008/09/25 12:29] Patchouli Woollahra: it depends on the budget I have from my client.
[2008/09/25 12:29] MistressBanker Lemon: yes i know the list. i mean personaly in linden labs
[2008/09/25 12:29] Torley Linden: i'd like to get into Modo but haven't had time/opportunity/focus... it looks like "my style" of prorgram tho.
[2008/09/25 12:29] Torley Linden: Qarl uses Maya :)
[2008/09/25 12:29] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/09/25 12:29] Torley Linden: he knows others too tho
[2008/09/25 12:30] Jaymes Kjeller: Well, Hexagon 2 by DAZ to name one, but also Sculptypaint...the list is endless.
[2008/09/25 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: Modo has a 30-day trial.
[2008/09/25 12:30] Torley Linden: Teeple uses Modo too.
[2008/09/25 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: and given your reputation, I'm pretty sure Stuart Ferguson will authorise a extension if your schedule conspires to stop you.
[2008/09/25 12:30] MistressBanker Lemon: tbh i dont think obj importing would be that hard
[2008/09/25 12:30] Hugobiwan Zolnir: torley, i can not read your vidcast on my bad...pb with mp4 i think.
[2008/09/25 12:30] MistressBanker Lemon: its just a container with coordinates of verts
[2008/09/25 12:30] Jaymes Kjeller: But Sculptypaint is free, while Hexagon isn't. :)
[2008/09/25 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: Depends on who you ask.
[2008/09/25 12:31] Roberto Salubrius: for the one that asked about the mesh thingies look here: and here:
[2008/09/25 12:31] Patchouli Woollahra: Let's just say I sell enough content to get it free :D
[2008/09/25 12:31] MistressBanker Lemon: yea the mesh prims looks like its a long way away
[2008/09/25 12:31] Torley Linden: Hugobiwan: what's the specific file/url?
[2008/09/25 12:31] Torley Linden: Sculptypaint is great for getting started and the fact it's SL-optimized, since Cel Edman (a Resident) made it.
[2008/09/25 12:31] Hugobiwan Zolnir: i tried with the special ability of the psp to use a xml vidcast url
[2008/09/25 12:31] Trinity Coulter: Cel is fantastic at sculpties
[2008/09/25 12:31] Hugobiwan Zolnir: it takes the videos
[2008/09/25 12:32] Hugobiwan Zolnir: but can't read the files
[2008/09/25 12:32] Roberto Salubrius: Mistress well right now there is that survey on the jira about what to do...
[2008/09/25 12:32] Patchouli Woollahra: I haven't seen him in ages, I hope he's alright.
[2008/09/25 12:32] Hugobiwan Zolnir: i think it is a question of encoding
[2008/09/25 12:32] Wrestling Hulka: Nimrod Yaffle says hi
[2008/09/25 12:32] Hugobiwan Zolnir: i make a nex try now through wifi and tell you soon...
[2008/09/25 12:32] Torley Linden: hi =)
[2008/09/25 12:32] Torley Linden: Hugobiwan: hm, thanks for letting me know -- i don't have one of those to test with personally, nor do i know what format they use.
[2008/09/25 12:33] Torley Linden: i think the closest thing we've come to a unified video playback system is Flash video ;) quick and cheap, eh?
[2008/09/25 12:33] Hugobiwan Zolnir: @torley oki. I shall search for the specif and send it to you through twitter : txs for hearing
[2008/09/25 12:33] Patchouli Woollahra: and proprietary like hell in a barrel.
[2008/09/25 12:33] Beware Hax: quick and dirty..
[2008/09/25 12:33] Patchouli Woollahra: Sorenson is awesome if you're deaf.
[2008/09/25 12:33] Dragonfan Hooper: i see a lot of you are i n my active speakers
[2008/09/25 12:34] Patchouli Woollahra: but most people aren't :(
[2008/09/25 12:34] Roberto Salubrius: <--- very nice site to make youtube videos into other formats ( even psp )
[2008/09/25 12:34] Dragonfan Hooper: my camera for making videos is crap
[2008/09/25 12:34] Johan Yugen knows one person with a PSP and they don't play video on
[2008/09/25 12:34] Beware Hax: "even psp" - if you mean mp4, isnt mp4 a big standard as of now?
[2008/09/25 12:34] Patchouli Woollahra is listening to Stubbs The Zombie 's soundtrack atm.
[2008/09/25 12:34] Wrestling Hulka: <<< thinks SL Profiles should have a twitter bar on the main tab.
[2008/09/25 12:34] Wrestling Hulka: ^^
[2008/09/25 12:34] Torley Linden: Second Life is somewhat challenging to encode because it involves both standard OS elements and palette-rich stuff in motion.
[2008/09/25 12:34] Roberto Salubrius: Beware yes it is, but I was kinda answering to the PSP question before...
[2008/09/25 12:35] Torley Linden: as a result, lossless encoders don't work well, but lossy ones deteriorate the UI.
[2008/09/25 12:35] Beware Hax: id like to see a guide to encoding mp4 videos which will play well in SL, and on hardware players
[2008/09/25 12:35] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: everything can be controlled to some extent.
[2008/09/25 12:35] Torley Linden: i played Stubbs -- the demo. had a wild time in the beginning biting heads and whatnot.
[2008/09/25 12:35] Patchouli Woollahra: if you can limit the pallette in a buildup, you can get some improved stuff.
[2008/09/25 12:35] Patchouli Woollahra: coincidentally, the protagonist of the game looks a lot like Torley in his suit and hat getup... except maybe with a really bad day.
[2008/09/25 12:35] Dragonfan Hooper: what's the notecard on the mentor renewal i don';t understsand that
[2008/09/25 12:35] Torley Linden: i've been hoping that TechSmith's lossless encoder will support full-motion better. it's really nice otherwise.
[2008/09/25 12:36] Trinity Coulter: isn't Flash more than just video tho
[2008/09/25 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: Dragonfan: I believe Amber has indicated a desire to remove some of our oldest deadwood.
[2008/09/25 12:36] MistressBanker Lemon: no
[2008/09/25 12:36] Dragonfan Hooper: oh you mean the oldest mentors
[2008/09/25 12:36] MistressBanker Lemon: regular flash is swf
[2008/09/25 12:36] MistressBanker Lemon: flash video is flv
[2008/09/25 12:36] Dragonfan Hooper: who never showed up in SL
[2008/09/25 12:36] MistressBanker Lemon: different formats
[2008/09/25 12:36] Dizzy Banjo: hi all
[2008/09/25 12:36] Dizzy Banjo: hahha Patchi XD
[2008/09/25 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: Not oldest mentors.
[2008/09/25 12:36] Roberto Salubrius: sup dizzy !
[2008/09/25 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: totally inactivfe and gone from SL.
[2008/09/25 12:37] Dragonfan Hooper: i'm still active
[2008/09/25 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: heya, Dizzy.
[2008/09/25 12:37] Torley Linden: my early Second Life benefited greatly because of Mentors!
[2008/09/25 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: how goes the Burning Life prep?
[2008/09/25 12:37] Torley Linden: i had so much to learn. still do. =)
[2008/09/25 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: ditto.
[2008/09/25 12:37] Torley Linden: *excited about Burning Life, i am gonna take lots of pictures there!*
[2008/09/25 12:37] Dizzy Banjo: BL = Crazyness but fun :)
[2008/09/25 12:37] Dragonfan Hooper: that bar is so crazy i've never seen anything like that
[2008/09/25 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: including the burning of the Man?
[2008/09/25 12:37] Trinity Coulter: actually I think the VTeam doesn't or didn't have a clear plan for what they wanted from Mentors and the program degraded into an untenable mess of 3700 people who for the most part were never really brought into the program, so the renewal is just a way to cut it to be managable again
[2008/09/25 12:37] Beware Hax: bbl
[2008/09/25 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: That's a possibility.
[2008/09/25 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: but i prefer to concentrate on my work rather than the politics involved.
[2008/09/25 12:38] Dragonfan Hooper: i don't like politics
[2008/09/25 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm apolitical except when my ability to work is threatened.
[2008/09/25 12:38] Dragonfan Hooper: it bothers me a lot
[2008/09/25 12:38] Dizzy Banjo has to say he knows a large number of SL mentors he has never actually seen mentor, ever... lol
[2008/09/25 12:38] XLR8RRICK Hudson: The VTeam is going a great job now Trinity and changes are happening
[2008/09/25 12:38] Torley Linden: not a big fan of politics and wordslop here, when too much talk, not enough walk... it sux
[2008/09/25 12:38] Trinity Coulter: bad administration of a vital program affects everyone, that isn't politics
[2008/09/25 12:38] Dragonfan Hooper: too much mudslinging
[2008/09/25 12:39] Dragonfan Hooper: ugh
[2008/09/25 12:39] Patchouli Woollahra: then I can be more political than the Democrat-Republican-Communist-Socialist-Sesquadtrianialist National Convention of 2035.
[2008/09/25 12:39] Hugobiwan Zolnir: i am ready for 2035 convention too
[2008/09/25 12:39] Dragonfan Hooper: well i don't vote for obama
[2008/09/25 12:39] Dragonfan Hooper: he's too weird
[2008/09/25 12:39] Patchouli Woollahra: To each his or her own, for his or her own reasons.
[2008/09/25 12:40] Dizzy Banjo: yes I agree Torley, my favourite way of saying that was used by Steve Reich for text for a piece : Ehmore M'Aht, V'Ahsay Harbay (Say Little and Do Much)
[2008/09/25 12:40] Jaymes Kjeller: I guess my Flickr photostream will be busy when BL is on. Which reminds me, is it possible to have a postcard sent to multiple e-mails? Like the SLbuzz e-mail and the blogHUD one.
[2008/09/25 12:40] Thinkerer Melville: have groups n ow -- resident help network -- to henl people
[2008/09/25 12:40] Thinkerer Melville: help people
[2008/09/25 12:40] Patchouli Woollahra: having said that, I severely doubt a McCain presidency is possible.
[2008/09/25 12:40] Dragonfan Hooper: i don't do much in Sl but i amlooking for other things to do besides socializing in SL
[2008/09/25 12:40] Torley Linden: i didn't know that, Dizzy -- i like some of Reich's work including Different Trains. and the Pat Metheny-sampled guitar bit that was used for "Little Fluffy Clouds". :D
[2008/09/25 12:40] Patchouli Woollahra: but that's not really something worth discussing seeing as I'm in no way able to influence the results.
[2008/09/25 12:41] Roberto Salubrius: Patchouli I finaly managed to move my camera to see your bar and WOW !
[2008/09/25 12:41] Johan Yugen: It seems everyone in the US that I know that's under the age of 30 is going to vote Obama
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dizzy Banjo: ah yeah Electric Counterpoint thats from
[2008/09/25 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: check the back.
[2008/09/25 12:41] Thinkerer Melville: do you mentor Drangonfan?
[2008/09/25 12:41] Johan Yugen is in the UK so can't vote himself :D
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: not often i do
[2008/09/25 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: I ripped out my legs and replaced it with some nice piping and stuff.
[2008/09/25 12:41] Roberto Salubrius: already did ^^ lol awesome
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dizzy Banjo: i just hope the US election doesnt get decided by lipstick and sex and the city votes ;)
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: a lot of them are non enlgish
[2008/09/25 12:41] MistressBanker Lemon: torley would you be able to descuss
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: and i only speka english
[2008/09/25 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: or Sarah Palin in a bikini.
[2008/09/25 12:41] MistressBanker Lemon: ooo
[2008/09/25 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: with a shotgun.
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: ugh
[2008/09/25 12:41] MistressBanker Lemon: i just had an idea
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dizzy Banjo: lol Patchi
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: that's creepy patch
[2008/09/25 12:41] Dragonfan Hooper: do not want
[2008/09/25 12:42] MistressBanker Lemon: u guys managed sim transport without assets rite?
[2008/09/25 12:42] Zai Lynch: ok peepz, i'll head out and try to fix my .ogg issues. thx all for the help :-) have a great day!
[2008/09/25 12:42] Trinity Coulter: good luck Zai
[2008/09/25 12:42] Zai Lynch: tyty =)
[2008/09/25 12:42] Roberto Salubrius: tc zai !
[2008/09/25 12:42] Hugobiwan Zolnir: you were speaking about 3D import in SL
[2008/09/25 12:42] Torley Linden: best of hope with that Zai!
[2008/09/25 12:42] XLR8RRICK Hudson: C U Zai
[2008/09/25 12:42] Mayumi Fride: bye Zai
[2008/09/25 12:42] Torley Linden: and Zai, if you still have probs, you may want to ask at
[2008/09/25 12:42] MistressBanker Lemon: yes i had an idea
[2008/09/25 12:42] Hugobiwan Zolnir: in france we are beginning a funny project between SL and opensim
[2008/09/25 12:42] Dragonfan Hooper: what's the whole crazy idea behind that bar patch
[2008/09/25 12:43] MistressBanker Lemon: can a prim once made be sent to the main grid?
[2008/09/25 12:43] Roberto Salubrius: 7fps... it's almost stroboscopic... how kool ! everyone dance !
[2008/09/25 12:43] MistressBanker Lemon: like the 3d shaping be done on open sim
[2008/09/25 12:43] Torley Linden: Roberto, i like that word, "stroboscopic" :)
[2008/09/25 12:43] Dizzy Banjo: Dragon : are you really sure you want to open the portals of Patchi's bizarre and wonderful imagination ?!
[2008/09/25 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: well, I take a lot of Seclimine. that's a good start.
[2008/09/25 12:43] MistressBanker Lemon: then sent to main grid after?
[2008/09/25 12:43] Dizzy Banjo: hahahaah
[2008/09/25 12:43] Dragonfan Hooper: i don't mind i've heard crazier
[2008/09/25 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: Gideon Television once introduced me to it while we was bored together.
[2008/09/25 12:43] Roberto Salubrius: well maybe it is misspelled but I like the effect
[2008/09/25 12:44] MistressBanker Lemon: seems it could work to me torley
[2008/09/25 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: this was before he checked into the Abode hotel and got haunted to insanity by beautiful bloodied women and creepy twins.
[2008/09/25 12:44] Dragonfan Hooper: my grandmother in RL talks about a whole mess of crazy things
[2008/09/25 12:44] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, i haven't tried that, nor do i know if anyone has. sounds like a good thing to ask an expert like Whump or Zero Linden, tho.
[2008/09/25 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: we have a linden named Whump?
[2008/09/25 12:44] Torley Linden: Patch: that sounds suspiciously like The Shining!
[2008/09/25 12:44] Torley Linden: yes we do, Whump heads the Open Grid Beta Programme
[2008/09/25 12:44] Torley Linden: sharp guy!
[2008/09/25 12:45] Dizzy Banjo: it sounds like a cartoon sound effect
[2008/09/25 12:45] MistressBanker Lemon: well if transport with assets is possible then holding assets on another grid should also be possible
[2008/09/25 12:45] Patchouli Woollahra: sharp and 'whump' are two very separate words, Torley :p
[2008/09/25 12:45] Patchouli Woollahra: not everything is possible.
[2008/09/25 12:45] Al Sonic laughs.
[2008/09/25 12:45] Roberto Salubrius: I need my afro...
[2008/09/25 12:45] Dragonfan Hooper: i've never seen anyone in the 2 years in Sl have that bar with them
[2008/09/25 12:45] Patchouli Woollahra: there will always ben some limitations to cross-grid assets no matter how much work is put in by all parties.
[2008/09/25 12:45] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I think that will come with Interorerbility
[2008/09/25 12:45] Dizzy Banjo: haha yeh like the sound Tom from Tom and Jerry would make as he ran around the corner and into a mattress
[2008/09/25 12:45] Torley Linden: the blunt and the obtuse! so be it! muhaha!
[2008/09/25 12:46] MistressBanker Lemon: nah its possible
[2008/09/25 12:46] Torley Linden: i'd like a BoingSproingMcGee Linden... BEAT THAT!
[2008/09/25 12:46] MistressBanker Lemon: its just a matter of time
[2008/09/25 12:46] Roberto Salubrius: well I would like to be ForestGump Linden
[2008/09/25 12:46] MistressBanker Lemon: haha torley if im made a linden
[2008/09/25 12:46] Patchouli Woollahra is still trying to get a front pic of Torley smiling/frowning at hte same time to do a spoof of Pineapple Express' poster.
[2008/09/25 12:46] MistressBanker Lemon: il call myself that just for u
[2008/09/25 12:46] Hugobiwan Zolnir: don't you hear the metaverse coming ?
[2008/09/25 12:46] Dragonfan Hooper: oh lord
[2008/09/25 12:47] Patchouli Woollahra: "Put It In Your Broadband Pipe And Smoke it"
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dragonfan Hooper: yuk
[2008/09/25 12:47] Roberto Salubrius: my name is forest... forest linden...
[2008/09/25 12:47] Al Sonic: BeneathThe Linden... trees... numa numa iei.
[2008/09/25 12:47] MistressBanker Lemon: lmao
[2008/09/25 12:47] Roberto Salubrius: lol that would be fun
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dragonfan Hooper: that saying is crazy patch
[2008/09/25 12:47] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I want to be XL Linden
[2008/09/25 12:47] Torley Linden: ForestGump Linden says Second Life is like a box of virtual chocolates? ^_^
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dragonfan Hooper: ROFL
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dragonfan Hooper: i don't eat chocolate
[2008/09/25 12:47] Roberto Salubrius: philip always said that rezzing an object named "object" was like a box of chocolate, you'll neverr know what you'll get
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 12:47] Patchouli Woollahra goes back to watching the SL Police Blotter feed overwhelm her first RSS reader.
[2008/09/25 12:47] Dizzy Banjo eats chicken drumstick from Patchouli's Portable tummy oven
[2008/09/25 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: 1. I suck at Python.
[2008/09/25 12:48] Dragonfan Hooper: tha'ts crazy and creepy
[2008/09/25 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: 2. Either that or today is goolyy gee whizz awesome for griefers.
[2008/09/25 12:48] Dizzy Banjo: howdy coley
[2008/09/25 12:48] Roberto Salubrius: well once I rezzed something called "object" and it was like a half a sim build of exotic houses.
[2008/09/25 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: eh, you've heard of the saying "She's got buns in the oven".
[2008/09/25 12:48] Hugobiwan Zolnir: this was an honor the see you all. must go now but txs for this moment : au revoir !
[2008/09/25 12:48] MistressBanker Lemon: i think torley is afk
[2008/09/25 12:48] Dragonfan Hooper: no
[2008/09/25 12:48] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 12:48] Hugobiwan Zolnir: don
[2008/09/25 12:48] Dizzy Banjo: haha Roberto, danger !
[2008/09/25 12:48] Dragonfan Hooper: what does that mean
[2008/09/25 12:48] Hugobiwan Zolnir: doff
[2008/09/25 12:48] Johan Yugen: Yes, Patch?
[2008/09/25 12:49] Roberto Salubrius: ^^
[2008/09/25 12:49] Barrel of Infinite Hangover-free Beer whispers: Bottoms up!
[2008/09/25 12:49] Torley Linden: i'm being a good listener. :)
[2008/09/25 12:49] XLR8RRICK Hudson: lol
[2008/09/25 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: Erm... "she's pregnant"?
[2008/09/25 12:49] Dizzy Banjo gets drunk on hangoverless beer
[2008/09/25 12:49] Torley Linden: Roberto, sounds like a combined/coalsced object?
[2008/09/25 12:49] MistressBanker Lemon: well if ur a good listner then look at ur ims
[2008/09/25 12:49] Roberto Salubrius: well we already have a super duper default forest gump sit...
[2008/09/25 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: so I thought what would be the logical progression.
[2008/09/25 12:49] Roberto Salubrius: just look at me
[2008/09/25 12:49] Dragonfan Hooper: oh i'm so special bleh
[2008/09/25 12:49] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 12:50] Johan Yugen: Patch, baked - born? :D
[2008/09/25 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: one of my worst habits as a creator of avatars is taking things way out of context, and possibily limits.
[2008/09/25 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: the other is using UnReal from Ichigo Mayo too much.
[2008/09/25 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: but then, the default SL head is lacking in bigeyed kyoot, I feel.
[2008/09/25 12:50] Dizzy Banjo: lol
[2008/09/25 12:50] Roberto Salubrius: mmmm it's gonna rain...
[2008/09/25 12:50] Jaymes Kjeller: Hey Torley, is it possible to put multiple e-mail adress when sending a postcard? For example, sending to SLbuzz and Koinup at the same tine.
[2008/09/25 12:50] Dragonfan Hooper: the other night i was on a messenger i was having a yo momma jokes fight on there
[2008/09/25 12:50] Dizzy Banjo: it looks super scary whilst it rezez in
[2008/09/25 12:51] Roberto Salubrius: good day to be agoraphobic..
[2008/09/25 12:51] Johan Yugen: mm, Windoze is annoying me too much, gonna get back into a decent OS
[2008/09/25 12:51] Patchouli Woollahra: Jaymes: that way lies spamming, yus?
[2008/09/25 12:51] Patchouli Woollahra: ah yes. i haven't worn this in ages.
[2008/09/25 12:51] Torley Linden: Jaymes, certainly! with commas.
[2008/09/25 12:51] Torley Linden: i'm glad you asked Jaymes, because that's one of my favorite things to do. :)
[2008/09/25 12:51] Dizzy Banjo: i see you are wearing the "head attachment" today Patch
[2008/09/25 12:51] theBlackUrchin Night: Off topic but anyone notice female shapes can’t constantly retain high torso muscles? This is not the place to discuss bugs but though some might want to know there is a workaround! Interested? See my post on
[2008/09/25 12:52] Torley Linden: theBlackUrchin: hmmm, you know, this sounds like a very old bug.
[2008/09/25 12:52] theBlackUrchin Night: oh it is but I came up with a fix!
[2008/09/25 12:52] XLR8RRICK Hudson: so comma is the delimiter ans any spaces befor or after
[2008/09/25 12:52] Roberto Salubrius: ok I have my afro now dance...
[2008/09/25 12:52] Dragonfan Hooper: what was the whole idea behind using voice in SL
[2008/09/25 12:52] Torley Linden: theBlackUrchin, i'm glad you took a closer look... but this should be resolved as a dupe if it's the same as =)
[2008/09/25 12:52] Patchouli Woollahra: Voice in SL? THIS:
[2008/09/25 12:52] Torley Linden: (which you also posted on)
[2008/09/25 12:53] MistressBanker Lemon: hey torley r u on ur blog atm?
[2008/09/25 12:53] Torley Linden: the specific torso issue sounds uncannily old.
[2008/09/25 12:53] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, i can be. what's up? :)
[2008/09/25 12:53] Dizzy Banjo: i read some stats that SL Voice has almost as much hourly usage as Skype now, thats heady stuff
[2008/09/25 12:53] MistressBanker Lemon: eeer i wanted to descuss something with u privatly
[2008/09/25 12:53] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: SL is full of limitations and bugs. the trick to leading an awesome SL is to navigate around them...
[2008/09/25 12:53] Dragonfan Hooper: patchi what is that avatar
[2008/09/25 12:53] theBlackUrchin Night: Oh it's not the same I believe one relates to rendering pipeline the other saving/loading of avatar data
[2008/09/25 12:53] Jaymes Kjeller: Haha, that could be true, Patchouli.
[2008/09/25 12:53] Patchouli Woollahra: and more often than not, right through them.
[2008/09/25 12:53] MistressBanker Lemon: and u ignore im so meh
[2008/09/25 12:54] Torley Linden: i'd rather have a workaround than nothing at all.
[2008/09/25 12:54] Al Sonic reads comic. Laughs XD
[2008/09/25 12:54] Patchouli Woollahra: Dragonfan: oh, it's just a Mieppe Bluetail P.U.A.
[2008/09/25 12:54] Dragonfan Hooper: a waht
[2008/09/25 12:54] Patchouli Woollahra: first one I did on my shop.
[2008/09/25 12:54] _Urchin Gadget - TP eddition: error
[2008/09/25 12:54] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, i'd recommend sending me an email via Web tab and if i can help with it, i will. :)
[2008/09/25 12:54] Roberto Salubrius: good thinking patch
[2008/09/25 12:54] Dragonfan Hooper: is that a custom made av or something
[2008/09/25 12:54] Torley Linden: i have seen so many sighs of relief upon learning how to rebake textures.
[2008/09/25 12:54] theBlackUrchin Night: But the fix is simple, anyone can do it themselves in world, just change the male version to the same number and its works!
[2008/09/25 12:55] Dragonfan Hooper: what's the whole power option in SL i heard about that months ago
[2008/09/25 12:55] Jaymes Kjeller: Mind you, voice can be useful if for some reason, you don't want to type.
[2008/09/25 12:55] Patchouli Woollahra: erm, where was I, oh yes, I tend to do a lot more running with it.
[2008/09/25 12:55] Torley Linden: i find (and generalize) that most people are far better talkers than typers.
[2008/09/25 12:55] Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[2008/09/25 12:55] Dizzy Banjo: lol nice tshirt cole
[2008/09/25 12:55] Torley Linden: some really smart people i know speak pidgin typonese.
[2008/09/25 12:55] Torley Linden: but they can vocalize with authority.
[2008/09/25 12:55] XLR8RRICK Hudson: we all know typonese
[2008/09/25 12:56] Al Sonic: Probably most. Though I'm probably not one of those people.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: Look, Up in the Sky...
[2008/09/25 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: It's a Bird.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: It's a Plane.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: No, it's...
[2008/09/25 12:56] ColeMarie Soleil: birdgirl
[2008/09/25 12:56] Dizzy Banjo: hahahah
[2008/09/25 12:56] Torley Linden: i know some people like having an opportunity to think before "saying" anything, so the written word works better for them.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Torley Linden: it better not be bird @#$%.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Torley Linden: ;)
[2008/09/25 12:56] Roberto Salubrius: well I can type ... full of errors but people understand me, most of the time
[2008/09/25 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: SUPERMANATEE?!
[2008/09/25 12:56] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
[2008/09/25 12:56] Roberto Salubrius: is that a lemming ?
[2008/09/25 12:56] Dizzy Banjo: haha the balloon cat !
[2008/09/25 12:57] Patchouli Woollahra: no, it's SuperManatee!
[2008/09/25 12:57] Roberto Salubrius: it looks like a super lemming
[2008/09/25 12:57] Torley Linden: hahahaha, MANATEES crack me up. Archie McPhee, the toy store, even has an avenging narwhal.
[2008/09/25 12:57] Dizzy Banjo: the manatee lives Patch ?!?!
[2008/09/25 12:57] Dragonfan Hooper: ugh
[2008/09/25 12:57] Dragonfan Hooper: that's creepyu
[2008/09/25 12:57] Patchouli Woollahra: Faster than a speeding plywood cube, stronger than a custard flan, able to leap entire watermelon tables in a single bound,
[2008/09/25 12:57] Dizzy Banjo: that legendary creature is almost as rare as teh.. Hippofish...
[2008/09/25 12:57] Torley Linden: that looks like something i used to encounter in the sandbox on my early rounds.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Dragonfan Hooper: hippofish ugh
[2008/09/25 12:58] Torley Linden: "manatee" is certainly a very fun animal name to say.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Johan Yugen: Ohh much better now :D
[2008/09/25 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: Dragonfan: my brand has a tagline that seems to be a bit too large.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: "Odd Is Normal"
[2008/09/25 12:58] Dragonfan Hooper: what is yout brand
[2008/09/25 12:58] MistressBanker Lemon: Thanx mistressbanker! I'll read your awesomeness soon and reply as needed.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Dizzy Banjo: thats it
[2008/09/25 12:58] Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: oh, I call it ChibiMeka Industrie.
[2008/09/25 12:58] Roberto Salubrius: well at least I can die now and say that I saw a hippofish and a supermanati
[2008/09/25 12:58] MistressBanker Lemon: <------- lol
[2008/09/25 12:59] Dizzy Banjo: haha
[2008/09/25 12:59] Patchouli Woollahra: basically, I just think about what robots might look like in a future infected with the kyoot gene.
[2008/09/25 12:59] Dragonfan Hooper: those 2 mixes would scare me big time
[2008/09/25 12:59] Dizzy Banjo: its quite amazing isnt it.. lol
[2008/09/25 12:59] Roberto Salubrius: well also I saw a torley... those are hard to find...
[2008/09/25 12:59] Dizzy Banjo: i dunno, theres been a few now
[2008/09/25 12:59] Waldina Katar (Right) v1.2: releasing controls
[2008/09/25 12:59] Jaymes Kjeller: Random thought here, but for some reason, the Beta Grid reminds me of the VR mission space from MGS for some reason.
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dizzy Banjo: how many incarnations have there been in total Torley ?
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dragonfan Hooper: what the heck was that giant thing
[2008/09/25 13:00] Torley Linden: versions of Torley?
[2008/09/25 13:00] Patchouli Woollahra: oh, that was the storage capsule for this avatar :p
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dizzy Banjo: yeh, i think you had a blog post on it once
[2008/09/25 13:00] Torley Linden: i have over 70+ neon watermelon avatars.
[2008/09/25 13:00] Patchouli Woollahra: It's a bit wacky...
[2008/09/25 13:00] Patchouli Woollahra: and a bit of a unexpected bestseller.
[2008/09/25 13:00] Torley Linden: this is woefully outdated, but...
[2008/09/25 13:00] Timothy Dryke: Greetings, i hope im not that late?
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dragonfan Hooper: heck this av i have on is commissioned
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dizzy Banjo: ah thats the one
[2008/09/25 13:00] Roberto Salubrius: 70 ? and I still have the same shorts I got at the shelter my first day as a newbie...
[2008/09/25 13:00] Torley Linden: Jaymes, i love the Metal Gear Solid music.
[2008/09/25 13:00] Dragonfan Hooper: i'm the only one wit thbis av
[2008/09/25 13:00] Torley Linden: almost over Timothy but i'll be here for a few minutes. welcome!
[2008/09/25 13:01] Patchouli Woollahra: I wore it to a Valentine's day kissing session... and it got out of control.
[2008/09/25 13:01] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:01] Johan Yugen: I'm worse than that Roberto...I still go IN the Shelter :D
[2008/09/25 13:01] Patchouli Woollahra: I sold 4000 by the end of last month.
[2008/09/25 13:01] Roberto Salubrius: Johan lol
[2008/09/25 13:01] XLR8RRICK Hudson: as of 1:00PM your late
[2008/09/25 13:01] Beware Hax: i normally have a female av and im the only one with it as i designed it, and its outfits
[2008/09/25 13:01] Dragonfan Hooper: kissing creeps m,e out
[2008/09/25 13:01] Patchouli Woollahra: which is a bit of a nightmare.
[2008/09/25 13:01] Roberto Salubrius: well I have not changed clothes since jan 2007
[2008/09/25 13:01] Torley Linden: in Second Life, thank goodness we don't need to take showers.
[2008/09/25 13:02] Patchouli Woollahra: ORLY?
[2008/09/25 13:02] ColeMarie Soleil: For me it's more like thank god I don't have to do laundry
[2008/09/25 13:02] Timothy Dryke: Or go to the toilet
[2008/09/25 13:02] Torley Linden: hahaha Cole
[2008/09/25 13:02] Torley Linden: oh that's hilarious
[2008/09/25 13:02] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:02] Dragonfan Hooper: that's nasty
[2008/09/25 13:02] Roberto Salubrius: well we don't have smell-o-vision YET !
[2008/09/25 13:02] ColeMarie Soleil: hahaha
[2008/09/25 13:02] Timothy Dryke: Good thing
[2008/09/25 13:02] Dizzy Banjo: all in good time ;)
[2008/09/25 13:02] Roberto Salubrius: as soon as we get that... I will become a hermit.
[2008/09/25 13:02] Dragonfan Hooper: that gave me a dirty image
[2008/09/25 13:02] Timothy Dryke: Imagine those griefers throwing dung with smell enabled...
[2008/09/25 13:03] ColeMarie Soleil: YAY!
[2008/09/25 13:03] ColeMarie Soleil: lie in bed naked with your laptop? for sl
[2008/09/25 13:03] ColeMarie Soleil: er
[2008/09/25 13:03] Dizzy Banjo: gosh
[2008/09/25 13:03] MistressBanker Lemon: did u say u love the mgs music?
[2008/09/25 13:03] Beware Hax: my av, and the outfit i wear with it 90% of the time, hasnt changed since my day 5 in SL
[2008/09/25 13:03] ColeMarie Soleil: yaygoes in there somewhere
[2008/09/25 13:03] Johan Yugen: Dung isn't the worry, Torley ;)
[2008/09/25 13:03] Roberto Salubrius: llSetPrimitiveParams(TYPE_SMELL)
[2008/09/25 13:03] Roberto Salubrius: lol
[2008/09/25 13:03] ColeMarie Soleil: hahaha
[2008/09/25 13:03] Dizzy Banjo: hahhaha
[2008/09/25 13:03] Torley Linden: >,>
[2008/09/25 13:03] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:03] Patchouli Woollahra: Oh yeah, I have a avatar I wear while mentoring... haven't changed it much.
[2008/09/25 13:03] Beware Hax: this is it
[2008/09/25 13:03] Torley Linden: "the future has arrived. and it stinks!"
[2008/09/25 13:03] Dragonfan Hooper: that';sg ross
[2008/09/25 13:03] Timothy Dryke: :P
[2008/09/25 13:03] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:03] MistressBanker Lemon: hey torley would u like to listen to some mgs music?
[2008/09/25 13:03] Jaymes Kjeller facepalms
[2008/09/25 13:04] Roberto Salubrius: well if you tought talking babies where annoying smell-o-vision would be so... well... griefy
[2008/09/25 13:04] _Urchin Gadget - TP eddition: error
[2008/09/25 13:04] Dragonfan Hooper: ROFL
[2008/09/25 13:04] ColeMarie Soleil: Oh god prim babies are so frightening or is it just me?
[2008/09/25 13:04] Dizzy Banjo: yeah but in SL there would probably be a "smell mixer".. i could do with that on the underground sometimes in RL
[2008/09/25 13:04] Dragonfan Hooper: prim babies are annoying
[2008/09/25 13:04] Torley Linden: MistressBanker, later today, perhaps.
[2008/09/25 13:04] ColeMarie Soleil: Thank you :D
[2008/09/25 13:04] Torley Linden: i haven't seen a sculpted prim baby yet -- has anyone made one?
[2008/09/25 13:04] Roberto Salubrius: Cole... they scare me...
[2008/09/25 13:04] Torley Linden: i imagine the added realism would be lucrative.
[2008/09/25 13:04] XLR8RRICK Hudson: being a daddy is a doody
[2008/09/25 13:04] ColeMarie Soleil: yeah black swan remember?
[2008/09/25 13:04] ColeMarie Soleil: ahahh
[2008/09/25 13:04] Roberto Salubrius: Torley I friend did one
[2008/09/25 13:04] Johan Yugen: Prim babies are highly annoying and serve no real purose
[2008/09/25 13:05] Johan Yugen: +p
[2008/09/25 13:05] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: I believe there have been a few.
[2008/09/25 13:05] Dragonfan Hooper: they're fake and not real
[2008/09/25 13:05] Dragonfan Hooper: i dislike prim babies
[2008/09/25 13:05] Beware Hax: maybe those who are capable of making sculpts are not interested in babies
[2008/09/25 13:05] Roberto Salubrius: well my future wife and I will have a non-prim baby in november...
[2008/09/25 13:05] Patchouli Woollahra: Sculpties have enabled the creation of a entirely different level of detail and realism.
[2008/09/25 13:05] ColeMarie Soleil: YAY!
[2008/09/25 13:05] MistressBanker Lemon: ok torley thats ur que to check out my awsomeness (yes im a dimanding person)
[2008/09/25 13:05] Torley Linden: i do think about some people who aren't able to actually be mothers, and so they roleplay it for comfort. or, treat their avatar + prim baby similar to, say, a barbie doll and her baby.
[2008/09/25 13:05] XLR8RRICK Hudson: congrads
[2008/09/25 13:05] Patchouli Woollahra: different. not necessarily superior. or inferior.
[2008/09/25 13:05] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 13:05] Patchouli Woollahra: Roleplay is important in SL.
[2008/09/25 13:06] Torley Linden: i am interested in hearing from those who have prim babies as to why they enjoy them. to learn a little more, at least.
[2008/09/25 13:06] ColeMarie Soleil: I get the other aspects
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dragonfan Hooper: to me i odn't
[2008/09/25 13:06] Timothy Dryke: Ok, ill ask around, torley
[2008/09/25 13:06] Patchouli Woollahra: sometimes I like to turn fourlegged and shamble to sleep in a little wildcat kennel.
[2008/09/25 13:06] Roberto Salubrius: Torley I mean the roleplay is nice... but sometimes they are kinda scary ( at least for me )
[2008/09/25 13:06] MistressBanker Lemon: eeer they fill an emotional sl gap?
[2008/09/25 13:06] ColeMarie Soleil: it still socially weirds me lol
[2008/09/25 13:06] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 13:06] Torley Linden: yes, fear is honest, Roberto. i can understand that!
[2008/09/25 13:06] Patchouli Woollahra: Roberto: I see yiur prim baby and raise you reborn baby dolls.
[2008/09/25 13:06] MistressBanker Lemon: hells atleast it doesnt puke on u
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dizzy Banjo: hhhaha
[2008/09/25 13:06] ColeMarie Soleil: ghahahaha
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:06] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 13:06] Roberto Salubrius: lol
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dragonfan Hooper: that's gross
[2008/09/25 13:06] Torley Linden: i like those nutty Grim Babies though, they're deliberately creepy.
[2008/09/25 13:06] Beware Hax: theres also talking pregnant bellies
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dragonfan Hooper: ugh
[2008/09/25 13:06] ColeMarie Soleil: those dont count
[2008/09/25 13:06] Torley Linden: i have a particular affinity for quality puker-gadgets.
[2008/09/25 13:06] ColeMarie Soleil: those rule
[2008/09/25 13:06] Dragonfan Hooper: that scares me too
[2008/09/25 13:07] Patchouli Woollahra:
[2008/09/25 13:07] Beware Hax: and dont forget adult avs with baby giggle testures
[2008/09/25 13:07] Geo Meek: :-)
[2008/09/25 13:07] Torley Linden: one of my wife's characters, Blossom, vomits all the time.
[2008/09/25 13:07] Beware Hax: gestures*
[2008/09/25 13:07] Dizzy Banjo has to admit it... i haz a prim baby launcher... 0_0
[2008/09/25 13:07] Dragonfan Hooper: ew
[2008/09/25 13:07] Andromega Volare: hello :-)
[2008/09/25 13:07] Dragonfan Hooper: that's just horrible
[2008/09/25 13:07] MistressBanker Lemon: haha i would like to meet ur neko wife
[2008/09/25 13:07] ColeMarie Soleil: WHAT
[2008/09/25 13:07] ColeMarie Soleil: give me
[2008/09/25 13:07] MistressBanker Lemon: she seems kinda cool
[2008/09/25 13:07] Lemming Launcher 6.0 whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.
[2008/09/25 13:07] Lemming Launcher 6.0 whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.
[2008/09/25 13:07] Dizzy Banjo: lol
[2008/09/25 13:07] ColeMarie Soleil: annettes been looking for one
[2008/09/25 13:07] Roberto Salubrius: oh about sculpts making things real, I have seen some private parts so real... that... well, once again thanks god there's no smell-o-vision.
[2008/09/25 13:07] Patchouli Woollahra: I have a lemming launcher.
[2008/09/25 13:07] ColeMarie Soleil: oh the lotus?
[2008/09/25 13:07] Dizzy Banjo: i dont think its appropriate for this location Cole.. lol
[2008/09/25 13:07] Patchouli Woollahra: agreed.
[2008/09/25 13:08] Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[2008/09/25 13:08] Dragonfan Hooper: i've seen one with a mt dew can launcher no joke
[2008/09/25 13:08] ColeMarie Soleil: I just mean give to me to give to annette
[2008/09/25 13:08] MistressBanker Lemon: lol
[2008/09/25 13:08] theBlackUrchin Night: ha ha I saw that wesbite with the babies a while ago at work, sad thing is they were thinking about getting one to use for photographing outfits
[2008/09/25 13:08] ColeMarie Soleil: ffs
[2008/09/25 13:08] Roberto Salubrius: I want a lemming launcher...
[2008/09/25 13:08] Torley Linden: there is an artist... i don't remember his name at the moment...
[2008/09/25 13:08] ColeMarie Soleil: I have a lemming rezzer 0,o
[2008/09/25 13:08] Torley Linden: but he takes baby dolls... many of them...
[2008/09/25 13:08] Torley Linden: and smushes them together...
[2008/09/25 13:08] XLR8RRICK Hudson: its been a Slice guys TC all
[2008/09/25 13:08] Dizzy Banjo: even thoughits just *wrong* i have to admit i really did laugh very hard when i got it
[2008/09/25 13:08] Dragonfan Hooper: ugh
[2008/09/25 13:08] Torley Linden: and makes centipede-looking creatures out of them.
[2008/09/25 13:08] Jaymes Kjeller: I'm a little worried where this conversation is going...
[2008/09/25 13:08] Dragonfan Hooper: that's scary torley
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dizzy Banjo: hahahaha
[2008/09/25 13:09] Roberto Salubrius: ok time for me to go eat !
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dizzy Banjo: nice !
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dizzy Banjo: lol
[2008/09/25 13:09] Torley Linden: it's like something out of a role playing game you need to defeat to get the gold!
[2008/09/25 13:09] _Urchin Gadget - TP eddition: error
[2008/09/25 13:09] Torley Linden: have a good eat Roberto!
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dizzy Banjo: lmao !
[2008/09/25 13:09] Roberto Salubrius: ty
[2008/09/25 13:09] Roberto Salubrius: tc torley and the rest of the gang
[2008/09/25 13:09] Johan Yugen: Argh Roberto just made me hungry about an hour after I last ate
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dragonfan Hooper: i enjoy your crazy ideas torley you're creative
[2008/09/25 13:09] Patchouli Woollahra: ah yes, chicken, bok choy and egg.
[2008/09/25 13:09] MistressBanker Lemon: haha what kinda games u enjoy ?
[2008/09/25 13:09] Dizzy Banjo: i cant transfer itcole
[2008/09/25 13:09] Patchouli Woollahra: The ones that make me think very hard.
[2008/09/25 13:10] ColeMarie Soleil: FAIL dizzy... FAIL
[2008/09/25 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: idea association in particular.
[2008/09/25 13:10] Torley Linden: bok choy is one of my fave vegetables.
[2008/09/25 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: some of my ideas have come out of mixing ideas like crazy.
[2008/09/25 13:10] Torley Linden: MistressBanker: games, me? not many but the ones i like, I LOVE LOTS. like Deus Ex.
[2008/09/25 13:10] Torley Linden: (thanks for friendship offers but please send them to my alt, Torley Olmstead, i don't accept them on this account)
[2008/09/25 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: you'll have to excuse me if I get a bit delayed, I'm a bit dizzy from a Seclimine atm.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: i may get into The Secret World when that's out, that MMO.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: i liked Dreamfall a lot -- Ragnar Tornquist is a brilliant storyteller.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra spent yesterday in Mabinogi collecting maple leaves.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Dizzy Banjo: ah dreamfall was great
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: i played the first Longest Journey too!
[2008/09/25 13:11] Dizzy Banjo: awesome soundtrack too
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: YES, Dizzy. very atmospheric and orchestral at points.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra: because everyone wants a dress made of maple leaves.
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: i liked the various locations and the classy sushi bar, etc.
[2008/09/25 13:11] ColeMarie Soleil: hai andro
[2008/09/25 13:11] Dragonfan Hooper: tha'ts weird
[2008/09/25 13:11] Torley Linden: it was a dreamfall come true. :-D
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: repeat after me... "Odd is strange and funny."
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: "Wierd is strange and threatening"
[2008/09/25 13:12] Dizzy Banjo: i think dreamfall was one of the best games for character definition since Deus
[2008/09/25 13:12] Torley Linden: Dizzy, aye!
[2008/09/25 13:12] Torley Linden: in total agreement there.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Dragonfan Hooper: oh yeah i have found a funny SL prayer
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: and Torley is strange and watermelony.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Dragonfan Hooper: it's hilariuous
[2008/09/25 13:12] ColeMarie Soleil: Fal
[2008/09/25 13:12] Dragonfan Hooper: Our Lindens, who art in the Labs,
Hallowed be thy prims.
Thy Grid-dom come, thy will be done,
On sims, as it is in The Preview.
Give us this day our daily crash,
And forgive us our Spammery.
And lead us not into private parcels, but deliver us from exploits
As we forgive those, who grief against us
for thine is the grid and the servers and the Lindex
And lead us not, into private parcels.
for as long as LL shall last,
[2008/09/25 13:12] Torley Linden: i like looking at character design... that's why i like so much that in Second Life, we each have the power to do that with our own avatar.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: /llPray
[2008/09/25 13:12] ColeMarie Soleil: shin mgami tensei nocturne was
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: it's a classic.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Dizzy Banjo: i felt sort of let down byt the ending somehow, but it makes me want a new game, so i suppose it worked
[2008/09/25 13:12] Torley Linden: hahaha Dragonfan, i've seen that. and Samantha Poindexter's.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Beware Hax: torley's colors are green and magenta, not green and red, normally
[2008/09/25 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: I still recommend the use of pencil and paper.
[2008/09/25 13:12] Torley Linden: yeah Dizzy, i hope the story will be continued...
[2008/09/25 13:13] Torley Linden: yes Beware, indeed.
[2008/09/25 13:13] Timothy Dryke: not green and pink?
[2008/09/25 13:13] Beware Hax: ;)
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dragonfan Hooper: i've not sen sam's before
[2008/09/25 13:13] Torley Linden: Patch: roll the dice!
[2008/09/25 13:13] Torley Linden: ;D
[2008/09/25 13:13] Patchouli Woollahra recently had a DMCA served on her in SL.
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dragonfan Hooper: did she make one
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dragonfan Hooper: i want a coyp of it
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dizzy Banjo: really patch ?
[2008/09/25 13:13] Patchouli Woollahra: having that documentation process accelerates fightbacks.
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dizzy Banjo: gosh
[2008/09/25 13:13] Beware Hax: i associate pink with a lighter color - magenta with white mixed in
[2008/09/25 13:13] Torley Linden: well, it's been a delight. i need to go for now, thanks to each and all of you for hanging out with me in Second Life!
[2008/09/25 13:13] Torley Linden: Dragonfan: her various church creeds are @
[2008/09/25 13:13] Dizzy Banjo: take it easy Torl :D
[2008/09/25 13:14] Torley Linden: they are a lot of fun.
[2008/09/25 13:14] Torley Linden: t'care! and bai bai 4 nao
[2008/09/25 13:14] Al Sonic: *wavewave*
[2008/09/25 13:14] theBlackUrchin Night: I have to get back to work. Nice meeting you all. Thanks for all the great work Torley.
[2008/09/25 13:14] Jaymes Kjeller: See you Torley! :)
[2008/09/25 13:14] Beware Hax: and as im a sort of a scientific minded person, i think of scientific/technical color names before more "normal" names
[2008/09/25 13:14] Torley Linden: thanks theBlackUrchin and thanks for the workaround! it's appreciated
[2008/09/25 13:14] theBlackUrchin Night: yw
[2008/09/25 13:14] Torley Linden: see ya Jaymes! Al! everyone!