User:Paladin Pinion

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Revision as of 14:18, 7 August 2010 by Paladin Pinion (talk | contribs)
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Paladin Pinion

Scripter, builder of uniquely scripted items. Ask to see the Bug Canon, a marvel of hilarity. Other items available at my shop in-world or on SL Marketplace.

Check out:

Paladin's Water Walls
Dynamically color-changing water cascades down a scupted rock formation and into a pool. Water sprayers add to the realistic effect. Toggle on/off with a click. The non-pool version included in the box make a unique and interesting doorway when set to phantom.

Paladin's Antique Oil Lamp - 1890
Paladin's Oil Lamps
The antique version is carefully crafted to be an in-world version of a real 1890 oil lamp. Other styles are available in sets, each with unique patterns, some with sculpted, realistic greenery attached. All oil lamps have adjustable flame and light, controlled by the thumbscrew exactly as a real oil lamp does. Turning off the light produces a whiff of smoke as the flame dies out. These are beautifully crafted items suitable not only for lighting but as art displays.

Paladin's Rent Tracker
Tracks sub-rentals for friends sharing a parcel, Rent Tracker is easy and quick to set up with a configurable notecard. Rent Tracker is far more suitable for friends sharing a parcel than a complex rental system. It comes with nine items you can use as tracker objects, and a copyable script so that you can make anything you own into a tracker. Specifically created to blend into your landscape and report only to you and your friends, so that no one else even knows it's there.

Mote Particle Script Generator - Real software for Mac, Windows, and Linux
One-click particle scripts! Because it's independent software, there's no system lag, HUDs, or other inconveniences associated with SL object tools. Mote is the easiest way for novices to create particle scripts and the fastest, most convenient way for pros who already know the particle system. Not only does it come with lots of presets for common particle effects, it provides shortcuts that are handy for scripters creating all types of scripts, including automatic color-to-vector conversion, degree-to-radian conversion, and other shortcuts that make it convenient to leave open while scripting anything. Allows the insertion of custom targets and function calls for advanced scripters. Complete, illustrated documentation in PDF format makes this an excellent tool for learning the SL particle system.

Lots more at Paladin's Web Site