Linden Lab Official:Marketplace fees

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Stuff to do: This article will be outdated when the Second Life Marketplace replaces Xstreet SL, and may be deleted, redirected, archived for historical purposes, or otherwise edited. Please refer to Marketplace help instead, and link to Marketplace help pages instead of these old ones. Let Torley know if you have questions.


This article lists all of the fees charged by Xstreet.


Xstreet does not charge merchants for standard item listings on the Marketplace website.

Xstreet charges Marketplace merchants a commission for each sale based on each merchant's current sales volume percentile. Standard commission rates are as follows:

5th percentile, up to 25 merchants 3% of the sale amount
15th percentile, up to 75 merchants 4% of the sale amount
All others 5% of the sale amount
  • Commissions are rounded to the nearest Linden Dollar (L$) using straight rounding (for example, 0.5 is rounded to 1).
  • Percentiles are calculated daily as: Merchants who have sold at least one item of value in the last 30 days ranked by the total dollar value of sales of individual items to unique Xstreet user accounts (where the buyer is not also the seller) within the past 30 days.
  • Commissions are charged at the time of each sale.

Listing Enhancements

Listing Enhancements can be added to listings for a periodic fee dependent on the enhancement type.
To add an enhancement, do so when filling out the listing form, or by editing the listing and selecting the enhancement you would like to add.
Learn about the listing enhancement options.
Enhancement rates are as follows:

Bold L$99 per 30 days
Border L$299 per 30 days
Highlight L$299 per 30 days
Featured Item L$999 per 30 days
Homepage Featured L$2,899 per 30 days or L$899 per 7 days
  • Listing enhancements are prepaid subscription services. At the end of the term, Xstreet will automatically charge your account and renew the subscription, unless you cancel the subscription or schedule it for discontinuation using the My Subscriptions page in the My Account area.
  • Xstreet reserves the right to alter subscription services with or without notice. If a change results in a price increase and existing prices are not grandfathered, Xstreet reserves the right to either provide minimum 30 days notice of the price increase, or schedule your related subscriptions for discontinuation at Xstreet's sole discretion.

Purchasing with US Dollars

Whenever the purchase of Linden Dollars is initiated from the L$ QuickBuy page or the purchase of an item is initiated in US Dollars for a marketplace listing, an exchange fee is applied. This fee varies depending upon the volume of L$ converted and the type of purchase. The effective currency conversion rate can be calculated by dividing the L$ volume being purchased by the US$ price quoted.

The merchant for a listing is always paid in L$ at the L$ price for the listing minus applicable fees regardless of the stated US Dollar price.

KBnote.png Note: PayPal functionality is not available on the Xstreet Uncensored website.
  • The exchange fee is subject to change at any time without notice.
  • There are maximum conversion limits in place to prevent fraudulent transactions. Conversion limits automatically adjust according to your individual account history.
  • eCheck payments are processed when the transaction clears the bank. This is typically 2-4 business days.
  • Xstreet attempts to make your funds available immediately upon notification, but this is not always possible. Refer to the Xstreet Terms of Service for detailed information.

USD Funds

Incoming USD payments and disbursements can incur fees and limits depending on method of payment.

KBnote.png Note: PayPal functionality is not available on the Xstreet Uncensored website.
PayPal Disbursements 2.0% to a maximum of $1.00 USD
Check Disbursements $5.00 USD
  • There are maximum payment limits in place to prevent fraudulent transactions. Limits automatically adjust according to your individual account history. Refer to the USD deposit page for your limit information.
  • eCheck payments are processed when the transaction clears the bank. This is typically 2-4 business days.
  • Xstreet attempts to make funds available immediately upon payment, but this is not always possible. Refer to the Xstreet Terms of Service for detailed information.
  • Disbursements are processed daily Monday through Friday and sent via Mass Pay.

Currency Exchange Trades

The Currency Exchange charges a combination of:

  • "Spread pricing", where buy and sell orders are filled at different prices.
  • A service fee for buy orders
Standard trades 30 pip spread
Filled buy orders 2.2% USD conversion fee
  • 1 pip equals 0.1 L$ per USD. At competitive market prices, this makes the Xstreet proceeds about 1.1% of each transaction.
  • The USD conversion fee may be waived if your account is funded with cash or an equivalent.

Real Estate

Each listing in Xstreet Real Estate costs L$25. This fee will be deducted from your account upon initially listing each parcel.

Magic Box Hosting

For one Magic Box, hosting is free for 60 days. Subsequent hosting is L$50 per 30 days.