Linden Lab Official:Teens in Second Life
When will Teen Second Life close?
It will close in early January 2011
When will the minimum age on the Main Grid be lowered to 16, and when will the transition of Residents and organizations that serve them on Teen Second Life occur?
On, or before, December 31, 2010. All regions and eligible accounts will have been transferred before mid-January 2011.
Individual teen account transfer to the Main Grid
What will Residents under 18 years old have access to on the Main Grid?
Second Life Residents 16-17 years old will only be able to access regions and search results with a General maturity rating. Residents 13-15 years old will only be able to access Second Life through an affiliated organization and will be restricted to the estate of that organization. These estates will be private, and only avatars approved by that organization will be able to enter. These Residents will not be able to search the Grid or purchase items from the Marketplace.
What will be transferred when Residents under 18 years old are promoted to the Main Grid?
All inventory, groups, friends, and land for 16-and-17-year old Residents will be transferred. Accounts and content for 13-15 year old students associated with educational and nonprofit organizations on the Teen Grid will be transferred to the Main Grid, where these teens will be limited to the hosting organizations’ estates. All accounts and content for 13-15 year olds will be preserved (avatars, inventory, etc.) so that these Residents can easily join the Main Grid when they turn 16, or if we are able to serve younger Residents more broadly in the future.
Organization (NPOs, educational institutions, etc) transfers to the Main Grid
What will happen to accounts and content held by organizations on TSL?
For organizations serving the Teen Grid population, land, avatars, and inventory for these Residents will be transferred automatically. There will be no necessary action on part of the organizations to have their land and accounts transferred.