Mesh Import test
Test all functionality of the Mesh Import window. (See Mesh for Mesh feature details)
Test Plan
Uploading a Mesh
- Open the inventory, click the + menu button and Upload > "Model."
- Alternatively, use the build menu (Build > Upload > Model)
- Verify a File Dialog Box opens
- On Windows, 3D scene/UI should continue to update while file dialog box is open.
- Pick a .DAE file from your computer. (or try duck.dae from
- Verify the Import Model window appears.
- Verify in the High LOD text box information about the file appears such as triangles and submeshes.
- The model should be presented in a mini window and "spinnable" using the same mouse and keyboard commands as "spinning" around objects in-world.
- Verify Import Model window does not block you from accessing Second Life (chat, inventory, etc).
- (Not implemented as of 2010-8-31) Verify the Import window lists the number of prim equivalents the mesh is and how much it will cost in L$.
Generate LOD button
- Hit the Generate LOD button.
- Verify the High, medium, low, lowest LODs, and Physical Shape should now contain triangle, vertex, and submesh info.
Generate Normals button
- Set the preview box to Medium.
- Hit the Generate Normals button.
- Verify the model preview becomes more faceted.
Hard Angle
- Change the Hard Angle to 1.
- Click "Generate Normals".
- Verify nearly every polygon on the face should be apparent.
High LOD
- Next to High LOD, click "Choose a file..."
- Verify a file chooser opens
- Choose a different model.
- Set the preview window to High
- Verify the model you chose shows up in the preview window.
- (Not implemented as of 2010-8-31) Verify the Import window lists the number of prim equivalents the mesh is and how much it will cost in L$.
- Click Triangle limit. Enter 64 as a value.
- (Not implemented as of 2010-8-31) Verify the Import window lists the number of prim equivalents the mesh is and how much it will cost in L$.
- Verify the model's detail has decreased in the preview window
- (Add a test to exercise the maximum model size)
Medium LOD
- Choose a file. Verify that when preview window is set to medium, it shows up in the preview window.
- Click Triangle limit. Enter 64 as a value.
- Verify the model detail has decreased in the preview window
- Choose a file. Verify that when preview window is set to low, it shows up in the preview window.
- Click Triangle limit. Enter 64 as a value.
- Verify the model detail has decreased in the preview window
Physical LOD
- Choose a file. Verify that when preview window is set to Physics, it shows up in the preview window.
- Click Triangle limit. Enter 64 as a value.
- Verify the model detail has decreased in the preview window
- Does this have a maximum value?
LoD criteria enforcement
- Source as of Aug 16, 2010:
- The prim cost will be 1 prim for every 4KB in the high LoD. Will change to something like "The prim cost will be 1 prim for every 400 (or 256 or 128) triangles in the high LoD"
- Each LoD must be NO MORE than 50% the number of triangles of the next highest LoD. As of 2.1.1 (208871) viewer enforces 50% of KB instead of 50% of triangles. Viewer will need to change
- Any LoD that has less than 128 vertices will not be reduced.
- This cost is independent of physics cost, and the final cost of an object will be the mesh streaming cost OR the physics cost, whichever is greater
- Attempts to break these rules:
- leave medium LOD blank. can i set low LOD to be 1/2 of high?
- set medium LOD to the same model as high LOD?
- set medium LOD to a model with more vertices than high LOD?
- generate all LODs then lower the high LOD?
- What if the object has several submeshes?
- set physics mesh higher than High LOD mesh?
- Verify you can change the description. Maximum string length?
Generate Normals button
- Tested above
Upload button
- Notice that there should be no cost to upload for First Look.
- Verify that the Upload button is unavailable if the LoD criteria rules are not met.
- Verify that the Upload button becomes available when the LoD criteria rules are met.
- Click the Upload button.
- Verify at least one mesh shape and one object is uploaded to your inventory.
- Verify the object has the description you entered earlier.
Scrub Materials button
- Click the Scrub Materials button and verify the model changes from gray to white.
Consolidate button
- Upload a file that has several submeshes (something similar to connery.dae)
- Click the Consolidate button
- Verify the submeshes has changed to 2. (because there are 2 materials or colors in the object)
- Click the Scrub Materials button
- Click the Consolidate button
- Verify the submeshes has changed to 1. (because there is only 1 material now)
- Close the Mesh Upload window without uploading.
- Upload a model with more than 64k vertices (need a model)
- Click the Scrub Materials button.
- Click the Consolidate button.
- Verify the submeshes is 2 or greater. (because there is 1 mesh for every 64k vertices)
Physics Decomposition window
- Upload duck.dae
- Verify the ‘>>’ button next to “Physical Shape” is unavailable.
- Click the drop down menu next to "Physical Shape:" and set the triangle limit to 4212
- Verify the ‘>>’ button next to “Physical Shape” is now available.
- Click the ‘>>’ button next to “Physical Shape” to open the Physics Decomposition window.
- Verify a window opens that has Decompose and Simplify buttons.
- Click Cancel to close the Physics Decomposition window.
- Click the Decompose button
- Uncheck the Mesh checkbox
- Verify the model preview shows the model is broken into pieces of different colors.
Top section
- Mesh checkbox
- Hull checkbox
- 'Drop down menu #1' Submesh drop down? What's the name of this drop down?
Stage 1 - Decomposition
These all need definitions and tests
- Cosine %
- Simplify Coplanar
- Close Holes (Slow)
- 'Drop down menu #2'
- Preview
- Normal
- High
- 'Drop down menu #3'
- Surface
- Solid
- Wrap
- Delaunay (menu cuts off text when selected)
- Decompose button
Stage 2 - Simplification
These all need definitions and tests
- Combine Quality
- Detail Scale
- Retain%
- 'Drop down menu #4'
- Retain%
- Best
- Better Detail
- Simplify button
Bottom section
- Status (bug: status does not initialize if you reopen the decomposition window)
- Cancel button
Explode slider
- After decomposing a model, move the Explode slider.
- Verify the decomposed pieces of the model move away from each other as the Explode slider is moved to the right.
Choose File...
- Are there any limitations here? Does LoD criteria enforcement come into play?
Show Edges
- Check the Show Edge checkbox and verify that the Preview shows the edges of the triangles.
- Uncheck the Show Edge checkbox and verify that the triangles edges are no longer highlighted in the Preview window.
Preview window
- Verify you can zoom in/out on the model and rotate it right and left with mouse drag.
- Verify you can rotate the model up and down with ctrl + mouse drag.
- Verify you can pan the model with ctrl + shift + mouse drag. (should this work? works a little. Only small movements...)
Upload Textures option
- Not implemented at this time?
Upload a rigged object
- Download
- Upload the mesh
- Verify generate normals does nothing unexpected.
- Verify LOD generation does nothing unexpected.
- Walk around and Verify the rigged object animates in the preview window.
- Verify "consolidate" is grayed out.
- Upload the mesh
- Verify a mesh and an object are uploaded.
Stuff to do: Rigged mesh that contains joint offsets
Upload a bad object
- Test uploading a bad object (need example object)
- Verify sufficient error is returned.
- Need a test for each error type.