Release Notes/Second Life RC BlueSteel/11
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Revision as of 15:05, 26 April 2011 by Oskar Linden (talk | contribs)
- Andrew's "maint-server" project, scheduled 2011-04-27
- Bug Fixes
- SVC-6055 Avatar position reverts to original sittarget in simcrossing
- SVC-6808 Muting a new-style 'Resident' avatar is ineffective when you're offline
- SVC-6859 llTeleportAgentHome on an agent not over your land shouldn't result in the target getting the message
- SVC-6882 Mini-map shows multiple dots for one avatar, but avatar is not ghosted
- SVC-5880 Vehicles "Jumping" when crossing prims
- This is caused by the physics engine reporting collision info for "hidden" faces (the vertical faces where the road objects butt up against each other). It has existed since the very beginning of SL and affects all objects (not just vehicles) however it became particularly bad for vehicles after the physics engine upgrade to Havok4 in 2008.04.
- To repair broken vehicles a "workaround" was introduced to reduce the effect: vehicle collision events get special scrutiny and some collision events are removed. It helps, but is not 100% effective and also has some side effects such as causing vehicles to sometimes partially penetrate curbs, walls, and other obstacles, or even tunnel through walls for small vehicles.
- To solve this problem correctly in Havok7 a config parameter was tweaked in the physics engine. Also, the aforementioned workaround for vehicles has been removed, so some vehicle behavior may change. Besides a reduction of vehicles penetrating obstacles they may also "jump" more when crossing seams that are not quite lined up right -- short obstacles may cause vehicles to jump where they used to roll smoothly.
- SVC-6900 Group-owned objects located in private estates cannot send IMs to offline avatars
- SVC-6403 llGiveInventory is not working!
- New Feature
- Add llRegionSayTo LSL function.
- merged with server trunk -
- Andrew's "maint-server" project, deployed 2011-04-20
- Bug Fixes
- SVC-6055 Avatar position reverts to original sittarget in simcrossing
- SVC-6808 Muting a new-style 'Resident' avatar is ineffective when you're offline
- SVC-6859 llTeleportAgentHome on an agent not over your land shouldn't result in the _target_ getting the message
- SVC-6882 Mini-map shows multiple dots for one avatar, but avatar is not ghosted
- SVC-5880 Vehicles "Jumping" when crossing prims
- This is caused by the physics engine reporting collision info for "hidden" faces (the vertical faces where the road objects butt up against each other). It has existed since the very beginning of SL and affects all objects (not just vehicles) however it became particularly bad for vehicles after the physics engine upgrade to Havok4 in 2008.04.
- To repair broken vehicles a "workaround" was introduced to reduce the effect: vehicle collision events get special scrutiny and some collision events are removed. It helps, but is not 100% effective and also has some side effects such as causing vehicles to sometimes partially penetrate curbs, walls, and other obstacles, or even tunnel through walls for small vehicles.
- To solve this problem correctly in Havok7 a config parameter was tweaked in the physics engine. Also, the aforementioned workaround for vehicles has been removed, so some vehicle behavior may change. Besides a reduction of vehicles penetrating obstacles they may also "jump" more when crossing seams that are not quite lined up right -- short obstacles may cause vehicles to jump where they used to roll smoothly.
- SVC-6900 Group-owned objects located in private estates cannot send IMs to offline avatars
- SVC-6403 llGiveInventory is not working!
- New Feature
- Add llRegionSayTo LSL function.
- "Inventory Capabilities" scheduled 2011-04-13
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- FetchInventory2
- FetchInventoryDescendents2
- FetchLib2
- FetchLibDescendents2
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- Removed some dead/unused code inventory HTTP code.
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- merged with server trunk. -
- "Inventory Capabilities" scheduled 2011-04-06
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- FetchInventory2
- FetchInventoryDescendents2
- FetchLib2
- FetchLibDescendents2
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- Removed some dead/unused code inventory HTTP code.
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- merged with server trunk. -
- "Inventory Capabilities" scheduled 2011-03-30
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- FetchInventory2
- FetchInventoryDescendents2
- FetchLib2
- FetchLibDescendents2
- Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
- Removed some dead/unused code inventory HTTP code.
- Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-03-23
- This is the same project in the same slot that got bumped last Wednesday during the emergency security upgrade.
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with ever more "less crashes".
- A particular crashing bug has been plaguing us for a few weeks now. We have it fixed and it will be in this release.
- Now with ever more "less crashes".
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- merged with server trunk. -
- This RC channel contains the security patch and is identical to the main channel.
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-03-16
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with ever more "less crashes".
- A particular crashing bug has been plaguing us for a few weeks now. We have it fixed and it will be in this release.
- Now with ever more "less crashes".
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- merged with the "server-maint" branch. -
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-03-09
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with less crashes.
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- merged with the "server-maint" branch. -
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-03-02
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with less crashes.
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- merged with Kelly's "mono2-aware" branch. -
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-02-23
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with less crashes.
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- merged with "Andrew's maint-server" branch. -
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-02-16
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- Now with less crashes.
- Updates to the updates to the IP management tools
- "Content Management" scheduled 2011-02-09
- Bug Fixes
- Updates to the IP management tools
- Update to "Interest List" project. Deployed 2011-02-02
- Viewer Metrics merged in.
- Bug Fixed: SVC-6723: Scripted and linked objects not behaving properly when crossing parcel boundaries
- Interest List project deployed 2011-01-26
- Features
- Interest List Improvements
- The Interest List is part of the simulator that controls how updates are sent to viewers. It is a core part of the simulator responsible for timely updates.
- This version should changes the way updates for static (non-moving) objects are detected and sent to the viewer. This should be visible as:
- Faster region load times. It should take less time to see what is around you after a teleport or log in.
- Faster updates when moving in a region. While flying, for example, objects should appear sooner than before.
- Interest List Improvements
- Extension of the Encroachment project deployed 2011-01-19
- Includes content-threatening bug fixes.
- "Compression" deployed 2011-01-11
- Features
- TP / region crossing compression enabled grid wide.
- Security fixes.