Release Notes/Second Life RC LeTigre/11

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  • This is the "Mesh" project. deployed 2011-08-04
    • Mesh objects can be uploaded
    • Child prims can be set to have no collision shape (do not contribute to collision of object)
    • Objects that use the features above (mesh shapes or non-colliding parts) will have prim cost calculated based on actual impact to the parcel/region rather than simple count.
    • Max prim scale has been raised to 64m on a side
    • New physics engine
      • Overhaul how collision shapes are constructed and stored in memory.
      • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for most objects:
        • For convex prims (dynamic and static)
        • Concave prims (static only)
        • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
    • Parcel-full return sort order has changed: most recently "changed" get returned first, but still grouped by OTHER, GROUP, and OWNER in that order.

  • This is the "mesh-prep 2" project. deployed 2011-07-21
  • We have taken the latest development changes from the mesh development branch and merged them in with this code. This gets us closer to releasing mesh.
    • Included are infrastructure and framework changes to support the release of mesh.
    • This release does not include any mesh functionality.
  • Havok physics engine updated.
    • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for some objects
      • For convex prims (with or without physics) and for concave prims (without physics), the 10cm gap has been removed wherever possible.
      • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
    • Complete overhaul of physics shape construction and management
  • Parcel prim accounting code has been overhauled.
  • llCastRay() function included but disabled.

  • This is the "mesh-prep 2" project. deployed 2011-07-14
  • We have taken the latest development changes from the mesh development branch and merged them in with this code. This gets us closer to releasing mesh.
    • Included are infrastructure and framework changes to support the release of mesh.
    • This release does not include any mesh functionality.
  • Havok physics engine updated.
    • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for some objects
      • For convex prims (with or without physics) and for concave prims (without physics), the 10cm gap has been removed wherever possible.
      • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
    • Complete overhaul of physics shape construction and management
  • Parcel prim accounting code has been overhauled.
  • llCastRay() function included but disabled.
  • Merged with server trunk:

  • This is the "mesh-prep 2" project. scheduled 2011-06-29
  • We have taken the latest development changes from the mesh development branch and merged them in with this code. This gets us closer to releasing mesh.
    • Included are infrastructure and framework changes to support the release of mesh.
    • This release does not include any mesh functionality.
  • Havok physics engine updated.
    • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for some objects
      • For convex prims (with or without physics) and for concave prims (without physics), the 10cm gap has been removed wherever possible.
      • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
    • Complete overhaul of physics shape construction and management
  • Parcel prim accounting code has been overhauled.
  • llCastRay() function included but disabled.

  • This is the "mesh-prep" project. scheduled 2011-06-22
  • Included are infrastructure and framework changes to support the release of mesh.
    • This release does not include any mesh functionality.
  • Havok physics engine updated.
    • 10 cm gap between colliding objects has been removed for some objects
      • For convex prims (with or without physics) and for concave prims (without physics), the 10cm gap has been removed wherever possible.
      • For small prims ( <~0.2m on a side ) it can't be completely removed so those objects may still exhibit a gap, but it will typically be smaller than it was before the change.
    • Complete overhaul of physics shape construction and management
  • llCastRay() function included but disabled.
  • This code is also deployed to Magnum.

  • Kelly's "mono2performance" project. deployed 2011-06-22
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
      • Improved simulator performance when removing objects with scripts from a region.
      • Fixed a bug that could cause scripts to crash with NullReferenceException errors.
      • Fix for "Periods of very low (or nonexistent) script performance"
      • Fix for SCR-55 "script reset"
      • Fix for SCR-76 "llRegionSayTo() silently fails in LSL2 scripts"
      • Fix for SCR-66 "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Fix for SCR-61 "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • Fix for SVC-6573 "Execution of script is not blocked on parcel for single user if scripts are not blocked for groups on parcel"
      • Fix for regions that would fail to start.
    • New Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue that would create long pauses when avatars logged out or TP'd to other regions.
  • merged with server trunk:

  • Kelly's "mono2performance" project. deployed 2011-06-15
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
      • Improved simulator performance when removing objects with scripts from a region.
      • Fixed a bug that could cause scripts to crash with NullReferenceException errors.
      • Fix for "Periods of very low (or nonexistent) script performance"
      • Fix for SCR-55 "script reset"
      • Fix for SCR-76 "llRegionSayTo() silently fails in LSL2 scripts"
      • Fix for SCR-66 "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Fix for SCR-61 "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • Fix for SVC-6573 "Execution of script is not blocked on parcel for single user if scripts are not blocked for groups on parcel"
    • New Bug Fixes
      • Fix for regions that would fail to start.
  • Also contains a merge with the Group Chat fixes:

  • Kelly's "mono2performance" project. deployed 2011-06-08
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
      • Improved simulator performance when removing objects with scripts from a region.
      • Fixed a bug that could cause scripts to crash with NullReferenceException errors.
      • Fix for "Periods of very low (or nonexistent) script performance"
      • Fix for SCR-55 "script reset"
      • Fix for SCR-76 "llRegionSayTo() silently fails in LSL2 scripts"
      • Fix for SCR-66 "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Fix for SCR-61 "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • Fix for SVC-6573 "Execution of script is not blocked on parcel for single user if scripts are not blocked for groups on parcel"
  • merged with server trunk:

  • Kelly's "mono2performance" project. scheduled 2011-06-01
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
    • New Bug Fixes

  • Kelly's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-25
  • This project failed during the promotion to main channel this week. There were deploy issues that made it difficult for regions to start up. This version contains a fix for that, but is otherwise the same.
    • Bug Fixes
      • SCR-61: "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • SVC-6573: Block execution of ungrouped scripts on ungrouped land that blocks scripts.
      • SVC-2810: IM to Email sending out messages that can't be replied to.
      • SVC-4632: Getting past estate land bans
      • SCR-66: "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Added logging to help in investigating a "'TIMEWARP" issue that is causing some residents to be kicked off simulators
      • A simulator crash mode.
      • A dataserver crash in SMTP connection sending mail
      • Fix to allow services to start properly after deployment of new code.

  • Kelly's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-19
  • This project failed during the promotion to main channel this week. There were deploy issues that made it difficult for regions to start up. This version contains a fix for that, but is otherwise the same.
    • Bug Fixes
      • SCR-61: "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • SVC-6573: Block execution of ungrouped scripts on ungrouped land that blocks scripts.
      • SVC-2810: IM to Email sending out messages that can't be replied to.
      • SVC-4632: Getting past estate land bans
      • SCR-66: "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Added logging to help in investigating a "'TIMEWARP" issue that is causing some residents to be kicked off simulators
      • A simulator crash mode.
      • A dataserver crash in SMTP connection sending mail
  • This project redeployed.

  • Kelly's "maint-server" project. deployed 2011-05-12
    • Bug Fixes
      • SCR-61: "llOwnersay Truncates multibyte characters at the end of it's range"
      • SVC-6573: Block execution of ungrouped scripts on ungrouped land that blocks scripts.
      • SVC-2810: IM to Email sending out messages that can't be replied to.
      • SVC-4632: Getting past estate land bans
      • SCR-66: "llRegionSayTo() Fails to send messages to attachments on sitting avatars"
      • Added logging to help in investigating a "'TIMEWARP" issue that is causing some residents to be kicked off simulators
      • A simulator crash mode.
      • A dataserver crash in SMTP connection sending mail

  • Andrew's "maint-server" project. scheduled 2011-05-04
  • Fixed 2 simulator crashing bugs.
  • Made changes to message logging to be less impactful on simulator performance
  • Removed the physics changes tied to SVC-5880.
    • The fix for this bug was determined to have unintended and adverse reactions.

  • This is Kelly's "Mono2 Upgrade" project, deployed 2011-04-27
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Includes the fix that caused the zero day rollback.
    • New Bug Fixes
  • merged with server trunk + a security fix-

  • This is a redeploy of Kelly's "Mono2 Upgrade" project, deployed 2011-04-21
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.
      • Fixed the crashing issue that caused a rollback this morning.

  • "Inventory Capabilities" deployed 2011-04-20
    • Gives inventory capabilities to the Agent DS hosts.
      • Sim capabilities support "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to provide compressed inventory responses.
        • FetchInventory2
        • FetchInventoryDescendents2
        • FetchLib2
        • FetchLibDescendents2
    • Removed some dead/unused code inventory HTTP code.

    • After deploy an unbeforeseen crashing bug made itself known and we deployed Second Life Server here instead.
  • Kelly's "Mono2 Upgrade" project, deployed 2011-04-20
    • Script performance and robustness
      This release includes many features that improve the performance and robustness of scripts compiled to Mono. This includes a lot of back end infrastructure work with unit tests and script life cycle to make it easier and safer to work with the script system in the future.
    • New Script Profiling LSL Functions
    • Bug Fixes
      • SVC-3895 Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS
      • Improved 'Top Scripts' report
        Each object now reports an average script time per frame since the object was created or the last 30 minutes, whichever is shorter. This fixes a lot of odd behavior and misinformation in the previous results as well as makes it easier to determine recent lag sources instead of only immediate lag sources.
        It is still not expected for this result to exactly match the 'Script ms' reported in the simulator stats summary as these measure different things on different time scales.
      • (Fixed a) Sim crash in mono memory monitor.

  • Andrew's "maint-server" project, scheduled 2011-03-15
  • Bug Fixes
    • Threaded Rez fixes.
    • Config file changes.
    • Security fixes.

  • Andrew's "maint-server" project, scheduled 2011-03-09
  • Bug Fixes
    • SVC-1144: replies to offline emails can't contain unicode
    • SVC-5959: Groups notices sent to email do not identify sender
    • SVC-6713: Region "0 0 2" not allowing TP access (even as god)
    • SVC-6709: Delete objects on owned land stopped working since recent server-updates
    • SVC-412: Include proper character encoding header in the messages forwarded from second life
    • some simulator crash modes
    • security fixes
    • enhanced config settings options
    • performance enhancements
    • other fixes

  • This is the same as the main server channel.
  • We rolled back the branch put out on 2011-03-02

This was rolled back to "" after a serious LSL bug.

  • Andrew's "maint-server" project, scheduled 2011-03-02
  • Bug Fixes
    • SVC-1144: replies to offline emails can't contain unicode
    • SVC-5959: Groups notices sent to email do not identify sender
    • SVC-6713: Region "0 0 2" not allowing TP access (even as god)
    • SVC-6709: Delete objects on owned land stopped working since recent server-updates
    • SVC-412: Include proper character encoding header in the messages forwarded from second life
    • some simulator crash modes
    • security fixes
    • enhanced config settings options
    • performance enhancements
    • other fixes

  • mono2-aware project, scheduled 2011-02-15
  • Preparation for Mono2
    • This branch paves the way for upgrading the Mono virtual machine that runs scripts in Second Life. This branch ensures that scripts continue to work as we upgrade.

  • Viewer Metrics project deployed 2011-01-19
  • Features:
    • Improved viewer-side metrics collection to help Linden Lab analyze performance of various features.