Release Notes/Second Life Beta Viewer/3.0.0

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KBcaution.png Important: Apple OS X Lion is -not yet- supported by the Second Life Viewer. While we fully intend to support this latest OS X release, we are still testing and working out some compatibility issues. So, until we can be certain that the new OS X will play well with Second Life, we recommend you not upgrade to OS X Lion.

Release Notes for v3.0.0 (238157) - Second Life Beta Viewer

Released August 12, 2011

Installer Downloads

Windows | Mac | Linux

Feature Highlights

Mesh is a new capability that allows polygonal models (meshes) that were created in external applications to be imported into Second Life. Mesh models are in COLLADA (.dae) format, similar to those used to create models for video games, films, and animation.

KBtip2.png Tip: There is a fee associated with uploading Mesh models, so you may wish to avoid spending Linden dollars while experimenting with uploading models by using the preview grid, also called "Aditi". The preview grid allows you to test new features and experiment with potentially costly designs in a safe environment, using a copy of your Second Life account. Actions taken on the preview grid do not affect either your inventory or L$ balance on Second Life's main grid.


  • STORM-1060 As a user, I would like to be able to identify my installed viewer types by looking at the application icons

Crash and Performance Fixes

  • SH-1783 [PUBLIC] Crash when adding a physics shape
  • SH-1880 [PUBLIC] Viewer crash when selecting a mesh with no UVs in Model upload
  • STORM-1355 [crashhunters] Crash at LLClipboard::copyFromPrimarySubstring

Bug Fixes

  • SH-1654 [PUBLIC] Alt-zooming on cheetah head focuses on ground behind the head or flips the camera
  • SH-1982 [PUBLIC] Edit floater unlink button extends over edge of floater
  • SH-1988 [PUBLIC] ShowRenderInfo streaming cost is using object diameter instead of radius [VWR-224551] - Now in server 234799 (exp)
  • STORM-565 llGiveInventory window is suppressed if avatar in Busy mode

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Known Issues


SLM Issues
If you experience problems with SLM, try using the 'Set to defaults' button in the model uploader.

  • SH-2017 [SLM] Previously defined settings don't show in UI
  • SH-2209 [SLM] Pelvis offset setting not stored (or loaded) in SLM file

Mesh May Not Be Available the Session Following a Crash
If your prior Second Life session ended in a crash, mesh may not be available at the next login. The workaround is to restart Second Life and log back in.

  • SH-1030 [PUBLIC] Upload menu is missing the option to upload a Model (mesh capabilities released)

Upload Button Not Disabled During Mesh Upload
It is possible to click the upload button a second time while a model is already uploading. Doing so will not disrupt the upload underway. Some larger meshes may take as long as 60 seconds to upload. During the upload process, an icon will appear in the upper-right of the viewer UI. As soon as the upload is complete, the icon will disappear.

  • SH-2064 Disable 'Upload' button once the upload has started

Cannot Upload Mesh While Standing On No-Build Land

  • SH-1941 [PUBLIC] Mesh upload options do not appear when avatar is on land that does not allow building

Specifying Manual LODs With Multiple Meshes May Not Be Handled Correctly

  • SH-2109 [PUBLIC] Mismatch of LOD meshes in multi-object upload (linkset) yields viewer crash
  • SH-2110 [PUBLIC] Accept LOD-meshes with different order of objects in the dae files
  • SH-2266 [CTS-670] Meshes of lower LOD being resized to bounds of highest LOD

Mesh Upload Error Detail Missing from Error Dialog
Upload errors are detailed in the Second Life log file, but not listed explicitly in the UI (which only shows a very general failure message)

Viewer May Crash After Acknowledging an Error Dialog

  • SH-2234 Viewer crashes after acknowledging error dialog

Some Users Will Be Unable to Upload Mesh After Completing the Tutorial.
This is a known, temporary issue for a small subset of Second Life users. If it happens to you, please contact Customer Support. (Internal Note: users on the old billing system aren't recognized as having current payment info on file)

  • SH-2165 [CTS-717] Mesh Status did not change after completing entire Mesh IP Tutorial with score of 100% + answertable displaying 11 or 12 correct answers from only 10 possible questions

Cartella yellow exclaim.png

Supported Viewers


With this release, we support Second Life Viewer versions 2.8.1 (237758), 2.8.0 (236429), and 1.23 (1.23.5), and Second Life Beta Viewer version 3.0.0 (238157). For more information, please go to the Supported Viewers wiki page.