User:Kat Alderson

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Kat Alderson is the owner Clutter, a home and garden store located on her private region, Wind River Territory. She's been designing furniture since November 2007, and has had a store in continuous operation since December 2007.

Kat is also the co-founder of the Moody Mondayssale hop - a grid-wide event featuring some of the most well-known and talented designers in the virtual world.

In addition, Kat is the founder and lead chair of the I <3 Originals Fair, and The Witch Hunt - annual events featuring designers of the highest caliber who are in compliance with US and International copyright and trademark laws.

Kat teaches classes in world. Topics include: Advanced Marketing in SL, Advanced Building in SL, US Copyright and Trademark Compliance, and Time Management.

You can find Kat on Plurk,Flickr or by following Clutter Home and Garden.