User:Auryn Beorn/Linking Phantom And Non Phantom Prims

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Revision as of 21:40, 15 February 2012 by Auryn Beorn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are several scripts under the wiki aimed to help in linking phantom prims to non phantom one. However, those scripts require to exist within the prim (the good 'ole flexi t…")
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There are several scripts under the wiki aimed to help in linking phantom prims to non phantom one. However, those scripts require to exist within the prim (the good 'ole flexi trick... unstable upon region restarts and others). The following snippet, when used as detailed after, assures you that you don't need any script remaining in the prims... nor need to even know the UUID of the sculpt map, when the prim is sculpted:

default {



How to use this:

  • Edit the prim that you want to be phantom
  • Drop this script inside
  • The script sets the property and self deletes: Link this prim to a non phantom root

NOTE: After unlinking, drop the script again in the prim you want to be phantom.