DD Launch Questions

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Revision as of 12:09, 21 March 2012 by CommerceTeam Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is just a quick FAQ put up for people to contribute questions and answers to. We'll get it started with some we've gotten already: '''My Merchant Outbox isn't working. What…")
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This is just a quick FAQ put up for people to contribute questions and answers to. We'll get it started with some we've gotten already:

My Merchant Outbox isn't working. What's up? If you are using the Second Life Viewer, a relog should get you going. If that does not work, file a JIRA or contact support. If you are using a Third Party Viewer, please contact their support staff. Here is a list Oz Linden keeps up to date with TPVs.

Are TPVS supported? How do I know? Third Party Viewers should ALL be able to receive deliveries in the Received Items folder from the Marketplace. Third Party Viewers have had to do work to support selling items in the Marketplace using Direct Delivery. Please see the Third Party Viewer list for more details. If a Resident creates a page with a list of Outbox support in TPVs, we are happy to link to it.